I Want To Be There When Karma Comes Calling
By Brian
@wolfie34 (26770)
United Kingdom
November 17, 2008 8:54am CST
Firstly so many people have told me that karma will be my guiding light when I have talked about hate, anger and revenge, leave it to karma, people will get what's coming to them for hurting Wolfie in the past, send out bad karma and you will get it back, double!
For that I am thankful, but don't you wish you could be a fly on the wall or at least be there to see the karma working on those that have hurt you, so you can get the satisfaction of knowing that people have been paid back good and proper for how they have hurt you in the past
I am not a patient person, I want it NOW but I know that karma can be slow, but it can also be a fast worker
Have you seen karma? Do you really believe that if someone hurts you in any way, shape or form, karma will then have it's own vengeance on them?
Are you patient enough for karma to reach them?
Does karma help you or do you just NOT believe in karma?
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19 responses
@howard96h (11640)
• New York, New York
17 Nov 08
Yes Wolfie I truly believe in good and bad Karma. Sometimes we are lucky enough to see karma pay someone a visit and sometimes we aren't, as cruel as it sounds I do get satisfaction if I can see that karma especially bad karma has served it's revenge on someone who truly deserves it. My mother was walking up the stairs in the train (metro) station and she is elderly and does not walk very fast anymore so these two young punks were behind her and got angry that she was walking up the stairs slowly and one of them grabbed her ankle causing her to trip and fall down the stairs. They laughed and ran off. Thank God she was not seriously hurt, if I had been there I would be in jail right now. In this situation I will never get to see bad karma go back to him because I do not know who this person is but I hope he got his and suffered - really suffered a lot for his actions.
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
17 Nov 08
Hello my friend, always nice to see you! I would be in prison too my friend if that had of been my mum! I watch too many horror films and know exactly how to vent torture on those that deserve it! And I hear you, I hope they suffer slowly, I have no compassion for these 'scum' who inflict pain and misery on others, I bet you were absolutely seething. I hope they do suffer my friend and have faith that they will, some day and perhaps when they are old, infrail and cannot protect themselves someone will come along and do to them as they did to your mother!
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@howard96h (11640)
• New York, New York
17 Nov 08
Minx267, Yes, I will be the first one to sign up for it.
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@minx267 (15526)
• Hartford, Connecticut
17 Nov 08
Me thinks you saw my reply on an earlier discussion -where I was talking all aobut Karma for those people that give us bad ratings for no gain of their own. Yes I believe in Karma.
And unfortunatly even though I would love to see it in action for someone I think was owed it.. I think sometimes it doesn't even happen in this lifetime. Now I know reincarnation tha tis a whole other subject... but a friend of mine has almost only bad luck befall her 97% of the time. She hasn't done anyone harm in this lifetime- so I think she is being "paid back" for something big she did in another life.
She is Irish and when they say Luck O' The Irish - for her it means bad luck... lol
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
17 Nov 08
At least we give each other inspiration which is a good thing and I hear you about past lives and reincarnation that is a strong subject for me but I tend to steer away from that controversial subject especially on Mylot, I am sure you understand why, some subjects are just taboo! My ex was Irish and they certainly didn't kiss the blarney the stone, in charm yes, but in life skills and getting along with other people NO!
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
17 Nov 08
True friends you can count on just one hand, I want true, loyal, respectful friends not those that drop you at the first sign of trouble. I am an only child, I also have BPD so I find it very difficult to form any relationship so that makes my friends even more important to me because they stick around even when it gets rough! Those are the friends you value.
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@minx267 (15526)
• Hartford, Connecticut
17 Nov 08
LOL, No she tends to be like me in that respect. we both can hardly stand people. and so don't interact with them very well at all. Heck I'm not even sure she has the charm.. lol But we have been friends since she was 12 -and being only children, the both of us, we just kinda adopted each other as sisters. But if ever I am having a bad day and think my life is so screwed up- I just think of what she has already gone through. And then I realize my life has not been that bad.
But I am sure that she, I and my 2 other 20 year friendships were all together in another life as well. Becasue I just had that instant (and lasting) connection with all of them. I tend to pick a few friends and stick with them insted of having alot of fake friends. I hope that means Karma will be GOOD to me!
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@sunita64 (6468)
• India
17 Nov 08
Somehow I believe that what you sow so you reap, this is the basis of karma philosophy and I truly believe in it. But at times if someone hurts me then I feel may be I must have hurt the person in some other past birth, that way I do not have to wait for something bad to happen to other.
@amanda333 (739)
• France
17 Nov 08
I don't understand the karma thing but I just live each day the best I can and try to be kind and helpful to others. I wish you all the best wolfie and may all good things come your way. God Bless you
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
17 Nov 08
I have seen karma in action my dear sweet wolfie. But it was not my karma it was someone elses. I dont have many people who hurt me so I cant really say I wish to see anyone get karma unless it is good karma which i wish for you and i would love to see it come back to you. Im sure it will happen soon for you wolfie my love. xoxoxox
@Amberina (1541)
• United States
17 Nov 08
I believe in Karma, it's gotten me before and I'm sure it will again because I'm not perfect lol. Recently my ex-boyfriend cheated on me and I treated him nicely about it yes I was hurt and angry but I knew Karma would catch up to him one day. And sure enough it did he lost his job, his job ment the world to him he was very happy at what he was doing. I hope it was a lesson for him about Karma but I don't know because I don't talk to him that much anymore. I don't have any anger towards him I have moved on and I wish him the best.
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@JulianaRose (378)
• United States
17 Nov 08
defintily wish i could be a fly on the wall!!
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@nannacroc (4049)
17 Nov 08
I think this has happened a couple of times in my life but the one I remember the most was when my older brother suggested I had an abortion insead of keeping my first child, divorced her dad and started again. Needles to say I ignored him and an Auntie told me to be patient. A few years later my brother was divorced and he only saw his children once every two weeks. He could never look at my eldest, beautiful, daughter without feeling guilt that if I had taken his advice she would not exist. I'm also still married to her dad.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
17 Nov 08
People say that to me too. I do believe in 'what goes around comes around' and I do believe in karma and doing unto others and all that. This said, I would LOVE to be a fly on the wall just as long as they were not allowed to have fly swatters.
I would love to have the satisfaction because then even if I couldn't point and laugh, at least I would feel vindicated. Unfortunately, I think this is WHY karma usually does not happen in front of us, immediately. That would be like retribution by other means, not karma. Now I don't have any more patience than you do but I think I understand the reason for having to be patient. I do kinda get annoyed if something never seems to come back around, I mean I think karma has a responsibility during our lives to return the favor LOL!
Once in awhile I have seen karma work its magic and sometimes it is really nice to see someone get what is coming to them. Especially if they have wronged a LOT of people.

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@taface412 (3175)
• United States
18 Nov 08
I think you are missing the point about Karma...it is not something tangible...and it is not a form of revenge
According to Merriam-Webster Karma is the ethical consequences to determine the nature of the person't next esistence...
Now you can look at "the person's next existence" in one of two ways...either they mean in terms of reincarnation...which for one you will never see Karma working...or let's say the odds are against you seeing it work.
Or two it may mean just like we change over time our past either condemns or sets us free to be one way forever or become who we are meant to be.
Either way...i do believe in Karma as I believe everything you do affects everything...people, things, etc. So if you constantly hurt others you will constantly get hurt back...if you always allow others to hurt you you will always attract those that hurt you....cause and effect.
And yes I have seen Karma work on those who have wronged me....but I do not find it comforting...I find it disturbing that they do not learn from it and repeat the vicious cycle. Because they are the ones who have set the consequences in play by acting a certain way...so I stay out of it because we are responsible for our own actions...
Karma is a way we can know we are doing our part to lend a hand to making sure the balance is even in the world. If you look at it as a game of checks and balances then you might find you are on the losing end at one point.
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
18 Nov 08
Hi wolfie~I just don't know if I believe in karma anymore!
I haven't seen it working yet! I know an awful lot of really
bad people who I think it should have worked on by now and
I sure haven't seen anything happen to them yet! So what is
it supposed to look like and when does it happen? How long
is the time limit? I am also not a patient person and I am
kind of tired of waiting for it to do it's dirty work already!
If I knew it was going to take this long I would have taken
care of it myself! As they say payback is a beotch! And I
sure could have done the job myself!
@thebohemianheart (8827)
• United States
17 Nov 08
Oh, yeah, I believe in Karma. She has jumped up and bit me on the backside a few times in my life. However, I have gotten to the point where I really don't need or want to see someone else get theirs. It is enough to know it will come back around to them, eventually. And, the fact of the matter is, by the time it does happen, I have forgotten all about the wrong done me. I just don't have time to dwell on it. Life is too, too short, and I want to live happily.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
17 Nov 08
Hi ya wolfie34
I do believe that what goes around comes around. I don't know why though I don't want to title it Karma but I guess that, that is what it is really. As you know I was ill treated by my husband and had no choice but to flee the family home and seek refuge with the children. I took his kids away from him and I think that is something he would never forgive me for. Now he has asked for a divorce from his own country which is fine because he clearly wants to marry again but in his country the kids are supposed to go with him so now my solicitor is dealing with some tricky issues even though we are not sure he is asking for the kids. Is this him getting Karma for somthing I have done to him even though it is all his fault that he put me in a situaion where I felt I had no choice?
@hildas (3031)
17 Nov 08
I certainly do believe in karma. What comes around goes around. I always say this when someone does a bad deed.
If you create good karma you get it back twice fold. Well I believe that anyway.
I do not like to see people sufering bad because of it, but some people really do deserve it.
No I do not think I could watch someone getting punished for something they deserve. I just love to gloat about it when I hear it has happened to them
You must of been hurt bad or received badness. I do hope you get your wish. Take care. Wolfie.

@ArmyMPWife302 (20)
• United States
18 Nov 08
I do believe karma is a strong force in the Universe. As they say "what goes around comes around".
I have seen too many instances where people had done some negative actions towards me and then turned around and had the same thing happend to them, only worse, to think that it was only due to coincidence. And yes it is extremely satisfying when you have a chance to be there and see them get what they deserve! You need to have patience, sometimes it takes a long time, but it never fails to happend.
@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
18 Nov 08
I am not sure if I believe in karma...
The fact is... that everyone will get his share of bad things happening to them.
All those people you hate... have their own problems. You simply don't know about them. You only find out about the obvious. And if that person has a car accident tomorrow... you are likely to think... that it is karma. Payback for what they did to you. But is it? How do you know?
@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
23 Nov 08
That is why we have laws...
Most people who continually do the wrong thing will eventually get caught by the law. Sometimes it will take years... or even decades... but soon or later... they'll get caught.
Furthermore... people who do the wrong thing by others... will have no friends... and lots of enemies. Those enemies will be watching them... and report them to the authorities at the first sign of wrong doing.
As discussed previously... you need to get off this path of seeking revenge.
While you spend all your energy seeking revenge... you are not doing anything positif for yourself... and it is destroying your life.
Use your past experiences as a learning curve.
It is the way we learn the harsh lessons of life.
And those lessons are meant to prevent us repeating the same mistakes over and over again. By learning those lessons... you are converting a bad experience into a positive one.
@gemini_rose (16264)
18 Nov 08
Karma is supposed to be the thing that comes to those who hurt us I am not sure if it actually exists as I am still waiting to hear back off it on someone. I am not patient either and I long to hear of karma coming to call most days but nothing yet. I like to believe in karma as if I do then it stops me getting myself into a lot of trouble!
@nilugo (348)
• Singapore
18 Nov 08
I totally believe in Karma and I have seen it working on me as well as so many others. And it keeps me in check as I know that if I do things to hurt someone, it always comes back to me in some way or another. Yes I know what you mean when you say that karma works really slowly - I am also not a very patient person but I guess I have no choice as we have to accept whatever life gives us - just hoping that most of it will be good things!