Seperation of church and state

@dfollin (25543)
United States
November 17, 2008 11:12am CST
As some of you know I am a christian but I do believe in the seperation of church and state.With this presidential election it was not the case with many people.I was told by many people that if I am a really a christian I would vote for Senator McCain because he believes in moral issues with his political presidential issues.As we all have seen President Bush is a christian and brought his morals with him to office and we seen where that got us.I believe that morals such as abortion and gay marriage should be a personal choice between us and God.For example,if we elect a president that outlaws abortion,woman and girls and still going to get illegal ones from "chop shops" and there are going to be alot of females dying.If a woman gets an abortion then she has to deal with God in the end!A long time ago I was attacked and the attacker was never arrested.I protested it for a year and he st was never arrested.And there is a law against such behavior,but that did no good.And so I came to the conclusion that he would have to face God in the end!
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13 responses
@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
17 Nov 08
Dfollin, If you have read many discussions here at MyLot then you know my position on abortion but the short version is that I believe in "pro-choice" but I believe the choice should be made pre-conception which, in most cases, would negate the need for abortion. With the developments of technology in the past 35+ years since Roe v Wade we have birth control that is above the 90% effective range which are available to most every woman and also we have a "morning after" pill readily available over the counter for women above the age of 18 WITHOUT a perscription and this pill is above the 80% range on effectiveness. Now tell me, with this kind of prevention available, why are we still killing over 1.5 million unborn babies EVERY year? My deduction? Apathy! They just don't HAVE to care because they have the right to choose! "More than a million abortions every year is a staggeringly high figure, especially when one considers that the number of unborn babies who die every year from abortion is higher than all American casualties from the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, World War I & 11, the Korean War, Vietnam, and Persian Gulf Wars combined" [i]Abortions 1.5 million/year Gulf War less than 200 Vietnam War 58,151 Korean War 54,246 WW II 407,316 WW I 116,708 Civil War 498,332 Revol. War 25,324 Total War Deaths 1,043,569[/i] Quote and statistics taken from this website: I agree with you on one point though and that is that all of these who have taken the life of an unborn baby, whether it was a scared teen or a Dr. performing an abortion, will in fact face God and account for their actions and guess what? Every single baby murdered will be there as their accusers!
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@dfollin (25543)
• United States
17 Nov 08
I agree,with that pill,why are there still abortions.Read back on one of my replies and you will see about my medical need to have an abortion. Thanks for your input.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
17 Nov 08
Are you really saying that Christians and other spiritually minded people should leave our convictions home when we go to vote? What rubbish! Separation of Church and State is not a muzzle for Christians and if you've decided to muzzle yourself using it as an excuse, well, that is up to you, but all you are doing is silencing the Light of Christ within you.
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@dfollin (25543)
• United States
17 Nov 08
No,Iam not putting a muzzle on God's word.I am simply saying that just because a person is a christian it does not mean that they should be president.There are other issues to think of that God looks at as well.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
17 Nov 08
Ah, sorry if I misunderstood. If that was your point, then I agree, there are many people who would make great presidents who aren't Christian.
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@sahm35 (890)
• United States
17 Nov 08
separation of church and state was to keep the state out of the church not the church out of the state.
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
17 Nov 08
I am a Christian too, I really have no right to judge others for what they do. They will eventually be judged for their actions and I will hve nothing to do with it. The abortion issue is a hot topic, different views. Personally I am against, but if a women chooses to have one, I am not going to condemm her for it. She will have to face what she has one sometime in her life. As for late term abortions, that should be outlawed, that is plain out murder.
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@dfollin (25543)
• United States
17 Nov 08
I agree that is plain murder.Look back at one of my replies and see my medical reason for an abortion.
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
17 Nov 08
I just read your other responses, I am so sorry that you had to go thru something like that. That had to have been a horrible ordeal and decision to have to make. Sometimes you are forced to terminate a pregnancy, thats sad. For cases like yours sometimes it is necessary. What makes me upset is when people use abortion as a birth control, thats wrong. They figure if they get pregnant, they can always abort, thats wrong in my book. Prevent the pregnancy before it happens. Take care and I hope things get better soon for you and your daughter.
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@dfollin (25543)
• United States
17 Nov 08
Thanks. I do totally agree,abortion is not a proper birth control method!
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
18 Nov 08
You are a smart lady with a good head on your shoulders and a great example for what a christian should be! I am not a christian but I am a very spiritual person and it has always perplexed me as to just why religion comes into play so much with politics. It shouldn't as we have so very many different religions in our country. One should vote for the person and not their religious beliefs. If we all just paid attention to our own hearts and stopped trying to be moral menders for everyone else, the world would be a much more peaceful place. No one is ever going to be in total agreement on abortion, gay rights, etc. They are personal issues and we should just all back off and leave it up to God. Great post you have here and refreshing to see a Christian with an open mind. As of late, on here, I've read one too many judgemental ones using the bible as an excuse for their judging.
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@dfollin (25543)
• United States
22 Nov 08
Thank you so much.
@cbreeze (1205)
• United States
18 Nov 08
while I don't think that President Bush's religious or moral views played a part in his failure as a president, I wish people had voted based on political issues and abilities rather than religious/moral issues. I agree with you that religion has no place in politics. It underminds the whole concept of freedom of choice when it comes to religion. It causes people to villify people based on their religion which spills over into our daily lives and victimized regular people who have nothing to do with politics. We do not have a state religion so religious beliefs need to be left out of politics.
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@dfollin (25543)
• United States
22 Nov 08
Please,don't get me wrong God has to do with everything.He created it.But,not all things have to be based on religion of any kind.However,I feel that we will face God on our personal choices in the end.
@dfollin (25543)
• United States
29 Nov 08
Exactly religion and church does not have to do with everything.I agree with you.
@cbreeze (1205)
• United States
24 Nov 08
Exactly! GOD has everything to do with it, but religion doesn't.
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• United States
17 Nov 08
i agree. i don't believe in abortion unless there are extinuating circumstances but i sure as heck don't believe in bush for anything. he's about been the ruination of the whole country.
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@dfollin (25543)
• United States
22 Nov 08
Iam glad it is over too.Iam glad that Obama won.I pray that they do give him a chance.I pray that this mess gets cleaned up.
• United States
18 Nov 08
i'm just glad the election is over. now if the'll give obama a chance maybe he can begin to clean up some of bush's mess. it sure want be done overnight. i also was a single parent so iknow what a time you had. let's just hope things do improve from what they are.
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• United States
18 Nov 08
I am not a christian. I'm not a muslim or a jew either. I do believe in a higher power. I also think that people need to behave in a way that is socially acceptable, and, for the American society at least, was founded in the Christian beliefs. Killing, rape, lying, all of that has no place. It happens, but it also shouldn't. I do believe that the church should be seperate from the state. The country, America is again a big one here, has a lot more people in it than just the "ruling" religion, and here that is Christianity. Religion is a very personal system. I don't think that a country can be run with the best interests of ALL of it's citizens if those in power base their decisions on their religion.
@dfollin (25543)
• United States
22 Nov 08
I agree and there many things happening that shouldn't.
@Bluepatch (2476)
• Trinidad And Tobago
18 Nov 08
Obviously the church and the state are separate. One is doing the work of God and the other is managing the country. Politicians can have moral issues because morals affect a society. People all face God and those who have done evil will face the consequences for that. What we, as individuals, need to do is carry out the work of good as opposed to the evil others do. That way, when its all over, you don't have a problem Abortion is wrong, by the way, a human being lives from conception, not when it emerges from the womb. Please remember that. And attackers of women are indulging in violent acts of abuse. Just pray and it will end up alright.
@jewilim (495)
• Philippines
18 Nov 08
I think the church should not be one with the state. I think its really difficult if they go together. The church has its own authority or power and the state also has its separate authority. And with these to sectors separated for a long time a balance was created which prevented too mcuh abuse of power. The church must not become one with the state because we cannot allow too much concentration of one power/authority in just one sector. Its bad effects could actually be seen if you could recall how the Philippines was colonized by Spain and where Spanish Friars were the superior authority in the state. These friars or priests during those times acutally took advantage of this power and abused the people to become rich and to make people fear them using Gods name. We could actually see during those times that priests were feared by people most. Im just not sure if the same thing would happen if ever the church would becom one with the state in this period but i think to protect religion it is really necessary to separate it with the state.
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@DCMerkle (1281)
• United States
18 Nov 08
I to believe that there should be a seperation of Church ans State. I'm not as up on the bible as I should be, but I do remember that somewhere in the bible it says that we should abide by the laws of the land. The laws of God will be the final judgement of the laws that are broken or not abided by in the eyes of the Church. If a women has the choice to have an abortion she knows what the consequences are to her physically, mentally, and spiritually. She should not have to contend or feel that she has to sneak around to have an abortion. DCMerkle
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@dfollin (25543)
• United States
22 Nov 08
I agree.Thanks for replying and giving us your opinion.It is well appreciated.
@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
17 Nov 08
You know that as Christians we should always remember what the bible say about Authority. No one is given the power of Authority unless God ordained it. It is the role of Christians to obey the authority of God. When Jesus was on earth there were politicians but what did Jesus did. It did not abuse or talk bad thing about them no. He acknowledge them and teach them the right way. There is no way in the bible that say that the Church and the state should be separated. In the bible God says that give to Caesar what is due to him. There are alot of girls who are doing illegal abortions and dieing. It is best that it is legalized and these females get the best of health care and counseling. It it their sins and they will have to report to God. Why should one have a lot of children or even then knowing that their circumstances are not healthy and bring children in this world. I was once against abortion but if any government seems it fit to legalize it them let them because it is being done behind back doors and these females are not getting good careso they eventually die. As for bush who is a christian. You can go to my discussions and see what I wrote about Christians who are not showing the Christ In Me Attitude The word of God says that the thorns and wheats shall grow together until the day of harvest. No one is Prefect on this earth. The only sinless man who came here and die was Jesus Christ. It was because of all these happenings that God came down as man in the form of his son so that through his blood we can be saved. Nothing that is happening in this world is just happening. The world of God says 'So shall it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end'. All the best Kerry
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@dfollin (25543)
• United States
17 Nov 08
Your right it isn't happening for nothing.As I always say,God does everything for a reason.That's right apparently God wanted Barack Obama to be president.And for whatever reason He wanted Bush to be president.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
18 Nov 08
Great point. I think that it would be great if everyone thought the same way you do. I do not go to church and I don't think that Christian views should rule of government, we are a melting pot and not everyone is a Christian; some are Buddist, Muslim, Jewish ect. Thanks for the great post.
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@dfollin (25543)
• United States
22 Nov 08
Your welcome and thanks for thinking my point is great.Iam christian and believe the way that I feel a christian should.But,like you said there are other's in this nation and they do have to deal with God in the end.
• United States
17 Nov 08
The wisdom of the Founders has never been clearer, in my opinion, than with regard to the separation of church and state. This principle seeped into our political structure gradually rather than having a firm foundation in the Constitution--though via several "side doors," it has become accepted as Constitutional. Jefferson did us all a great favor by insisting that this principle be observed in Virginia and by encouraging its acceptance elsewhere. Otherwise, we could be dealing with established churches in many of our individual states. Imagine, for example, what the landscape could look like: Catholicism in Maryland, Congregationalism in Massachusetts, Anglicanism in Virginia, Mormonism in Utah, Judaism in New York, polytheism in Hawaii--and maybe Islam in Michigan? The theocratic governments that so-called men of God have established to correct the behavior of citizens through a religiously sanctioned morel code have often led to disaster. Men of God, being secure in their faith and intemperate toward dissenters, are often brutal toward nonbelievers--or toward those who believe differently. The only places where an established church has worked relatively well are countries where the secular power of the established religion has diminished over time--as with the Church of England in Britain, where the status of the church is now a matter of culture rather than having far-reaching impact on the life of the nation. Bottome Line: The United States is not a Christian nation, though certainly Christianly in its various forms is the dominant faith. Americans follow many traditions. (Which Christian group gets to decide what is right and what is wrong?) We are also in many respects a puritanical nation. In that situation, the imposition of religious dogma onto the laws of land is formula for oppression. We don't need that. We have enough trouble, as your experience illustrates all too well, seeking justice for laws already on the books. Thank you for raising this issue. It is one that deserves far more thoughtful discussion than it usually receives.
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