Your cat is microwaved by some teens - what punishment you think is fair?

@LittleMel (8742)
November 17, 2008 12:27pm CST Not only these teens broke in and trashed a family's house when they were away on Christmas vacation, they also microwaved the cat, listened to it when it screamed and scribbled the word " ... you had a nice cat" on the kitchen cupboard. Do you think community service is enough as punishment? I don't. I wish there is an eye for an eye law, because then these teens would know how it feels to be fried in a microwave. They may be young, but would a normal young mind did this, scribbled such words in a cupboard? I wouldn't be shocked had they not been caught, a baby would have been next.
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13 responses
@daceyp (327)
17 Nov 08
community service is not enough for theses sick teens.i agree with you about them being micrwaved.if it wasnt enough for the family to find the house the way it was the sickest part has got to be what they wrote.i hope the family some how gets hold of them and has there say about it all
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
17 Nov 08
what makes me sick is that these teens admitted to lesser crime, which is breaking and entering. it's clear to me that they know killing the pet is a bigger crime and so they didn't want to admit it because it would be way harder punishment. I don't know why is it so important for the court who leads the pet killing, they both did it, why can't they just be punished for that? who leads, who follows, would that show whose mentality is better or something?
@daceyp (327)
17 Nov 08
your right they both should be punished for it and it doesnt matter who was the ring leader they were both involved.if it was a human it would be different and it shouldnt be that way because its an animal
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
17 Nov 08
I really hope someone in power will do something about this if not animal abuse will continue or get worse
@Shar1979 (2722)
• United States
19 Nov 08
This is really cruel. It gave me goosebumps. I feel like crying for the poor cat. I wish they could do something against this kind of treatment with the animals. Not only are they trespassing...but they killed an animal living in that home.
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
19 Nov 08
that's the thing about it this is an animal that can't injure anyone to save its own life it's not even a dog that can bark to wake up the whole neighborhood when the crime happened so what's the frying and the note is for? just doesn't make sense
@polachicago (18716)
• United States
18 Nov 08
Those kids are sick. They have to be kept away from normal society. Community service is not enough. You are right, next time they can hurt baby. I would jail them in juvenile facility.
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@polachicago (18716)
• United States
19 Nov 08
I agree. I don't know what I would do if anyone kill my pets. I would be probably searching revenge.
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
19 Nov 08
pola I had pets who are killed by abusers I was very young when this happened and they were outdoor cats I know now that my cat is safer indoor but even outdoor cats do not make them deserve the torture my parents tried to hide it from me but I know what they didn't say I wish to live to the day when these abusers suffer and if given the opportunity I would do it myself
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
18 Nov 08
jail in juvenile facility is a good idea too what they did was not lesser crime than taking human's life in fact if they can take a somebody's pet's life, why wouldn't they do it to human being in the future?
@adidas7878 (1891)
• United States
18 Nov 08
what have this world came to? sicken parents need to teach their kids
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
19 Nov 08
exactly. these teens are under 18 nothing is said about their parents they may not even know what their kids are doing
@cryw0lf (1302)
• United Kingdom
17 Nov 08
That is disgusting. I say cut their hands off haha, then they cant pick stuff up :D. Nah that is truly sick though. I think they should also have to work with animals for 6 months cleaning them etc, in like a vets or animal rescue, so they can feel the attachment to a pet the way the owner would have felt for their cat. OR, their pet should be taken away. And rehomed - (if they had a pet)
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
17 Nov 08
I don't think this type of teens should be given a pet at all if they ever had any it wouldn't last long I'm afraid I really hope criminal records are accessible by employers I can't imagine what would these teens do if they ever get a job in a pet store or day care sheeshh the horror!
@cryw0lf (1302)
• United Kingdom
17 Nov 08
I didnt mean give them a pet :P i meant allow them to look after one under supervised conditions, and when they are attached, take the pet away. So they suffer what the owners of the cat suffered.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
18 Nov 08
Oh I'm sick, can't even bear to think about it. They need way more than community service, but I don't know what exactly.
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
18 Nov 08
I think they have to be thrown into a hungry big cat's cage lets' see if they can harm bigger carnivore
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• United States
17 Nov 08
That is a really sick thing to do. I can't believe that they did that to the poor cat. It sounds like the incident of the kids in England that tortured and killed that baby so many years ago. Maybe it's just what's on television nowadays that make kids do these type of things. I know I see a lot of messed up things but it just doesn't cross my mind to do stuff like that. I don't know if I would necessarily try to fry the kids in a microwave but I don't think that community service is enough. if they're doing stuff like that at this age then it may lead to abuse and worst things int he future. They need to be rehabilitated in some strict fashion.
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
17 Nov 08
exactly, they could do worse if they know community service is all they will get by abusing a living being I won't be shocked if next time they will try babies, little dogs, senior people... anyone or anything smaller or weaker they are so lucky there is no eye for an eye law here
@eztuner (450)
• United States
17 Nov 08
100% agree with you! This is psycho. I will throw these savage animals in jail and lose the key. These are the next serial killers. In a few years we will watch the News and hear how they began Microwaving a Cat and then will be killing people in some psychotic way. Do you remember Jeffrey Dhamer? Community service...
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
18 Nov 08
I have been trying to avoid reading about serial killers I tend to have nightmares after reading news or articles about them but this cat microwaver thing I can't stand it anymore
@Beruang (1309)
• Malaysia
17 Nov 08
I do not think community services is enough for those sick teens. I think that they deserve harsher punishment for what they did. The should be sent to work for the zoo for let say 20 years and they should not be let out of the zoo until that time. They should be asked to clean up after all the animals in the zoo and I think after 20 years doing that, they should be able to understand that animals do have feelings and the do feel pain as much as we do. There is no point sending them to jail as that would make them a bigger monster when they go out. In the zoo, they would not get funny ideas or learned from other inmates and therefore, they would not be just like any other bad people in there. Furthermore, if the animals got lucky, they would be eaten up real soon and that would only mean one thing. Justice is served. Cheers!
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
17 Nov 08
that gives me an even better idea send them to work in the zoo then tell them to clean up a lion's cage before animal's lunch time let's see who can scribble what
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
18 Nov 08
There are a lot of people that just hate cats for some reason and I think they don't see cats as a normal animal but like some sort of diseased vermin. And no I'm not standing up for the ones who hurt the poor cat but just saying how it is. I've seen that kind of behavior a lot. I know of people going out and will shoot cats for the fun of it.
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
18 Nov 08
I know what you mean abusers killed my cats in my homeland my mom just told me half story but I know what she didn't say I hate snakes, but I don't go around dressed up to kill them the thing is frying a cat and wrote such a note isn't normal it seems like they hate these people whose home was trashed or people like them therefore they killed the cat in such fashion
• Philippines
18 Nov 08
That is one sick thing to do. Community service? Heck that ain't no punishment. I would have the eye for an eye one but the Justice system would just slap you with human rights. I think the zoo punishment would do but not in months. I'd like years. Now let's see if they get any sick ideas in their heads afterwards...
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
18 Nov 08
human rights is perfect to protect humans but wouldn't killing harmless human's pet be a sign that human can be next target? this poor cat can't kill or even injure anyone even if it is hungry I'd like to see what these teens can do in a hungry phyton's or lion's cage they won't have time for sick ideas...
• India
18 Nov 08
oh thats something really insane...! how can one do such a thing? should give value to life... we cant create life.. u dont need to try to keep it alive... just let it live their way.. and this is the worst incident that i came to know
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• Philippines
18 Nov 08
I think the authorities there would give these teens a longer stay in the juvenile prison. The frying of the cat gives more basis for imposing a stiffer penalty. And the parents, their parents should also be penalized for the acts of their children. Home is where the foundation of good moral values should first be taught. So, I think it's fair to hold their parents also equally responsible.
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
18 Nov 08
I agree home is where moral teaching should start I feel bad about the parents, already have to cope up with economy and now this but if they are not decent parents in the beginning then there should be a law for that too I was once a teenager too I know that this cat frying and the note isn't normal