Using a surrogate.

United States
November 17, 2008 3:55pm CST
Alert! If this post is too close to home or you think it is too personal, please don't read it.What if you and your partner wanted a child but she couldn't carry a child to term? Would you use a surrogate?Or if you couldn't carry a child would you let your partner use a surrogate?Thanks for responding.
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5 responses
@nadooa247 (1096)
• United States
17 Nov 08
For many people this would be a viable option for us it wouldn't be. First off it is against our faith, then you have cultural issues. Cultural issues for us would be that it is not accepted whatsoever... not in the slightest. Even if religion did allow our culture would not. His family and mine wouldn't accept the child, nor would i have any form of respect in his family i would always and forever be considered inadequate. I hate that mentality but even if it were a test tube baby same deal. Except religion-wise it is accepted. Honestly, if that was the only way we could have a child either he'd have to deal with not having kids, or adopt... or he would leave me due to his family pressuring him to do so... it has happened to people in our culture and sadly it is a sort of denying that it is destiny.
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• United States
18 Nov 08
Wow. I am so sorry to hear it. In your culture, if a woman can't carry a child to term, is that a reason for a divorce?
@nadooa247 (1096)
• United States
18 Nov 08
well actually it goes both ways... if the guy can't have kids the woman can leave but most usually stay. the men that do opt for divorce are seen by us - the more modern generation - as disloyal a-holes.
@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
23 Dec 08
I would almost take it as a sign I shouldn't have kids if I couldn't. If anything I would adopt a child who needed a home rather than creating a new one. It just to me seems so much more complex that way since you havfe the mother involved, the mother chooses to give up the child before it's even born and may not really feel that way once it is born, and finally you always know the mother and feel weird about it. Whereas when you adopt it's usually to save a child that wouldn't have it's own family otherwise.
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• United States
23 Dec 08
I agree.There are some many kids that need good homes.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
17 Nov 08
it never happened to me so I can't really say, but I doubt that I would go that route I would rather adopt.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
18 Nov 08
It depends on how much you want a child....for me I love children so would have let that happen. It would be nerve racking though..worrying about if the surrogate would become attached....and other problems that could arise but I think it would have been worth the effort!
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@nimnim74 (250)
• Philippines
17 Nov 08
We don't have children and my husband ask me if it would be okay to have a surrogate but I tried to think about it and comes to a conclusion that I cannot tolerate that kind of solution, right now we are in a process of adopting a child.
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• United States
18 Nov 08
Thanks for your response. I hope the adoption goes well. Take care.