Shhhhh...Don't Let My Mom Know!
By pyewacket
@pyewacket (43903)
United States
November 17, 2008 9:34pm CST
My goodness it's been a long time since I've been here...It's me, the real Pyewacket. I say real as my mom got the inspiration from my name to have as a user name wherever she is. Of course, Kissy, my cousin is sure jealous that our mom uses my name and never hers. But honestly, I think to use "KIssy" as a user name would be real dumb now don't you?
Have you guys missed me? Petie? Abagail? Gissi? Taj? Tigger? It's been so long I have to confess I've forgotten all the furbaby names of my mom's sorry about that.
My mom's been real busy, doing a lot of extra writing work to make extra money, she sure works hard...sometimes until 4 in the morning, but then my mom has always been a night owl and has strange hours. Honestly, I think she's been around us feline species too long and is taking on the habits of a cat. Sleep most of the day, up at night. She's trying to change her hours though going to bed earlier so she can get up earlier, but she's just always been better doing work at night for some wacky reason.
Our mom really does great things for us. On our birthdays she makes up special cards for us and prints them out, buys toys, gets a favorite snack. Can't beat a mom like that can you? Well, now it's our turn. We're planning something real special for her as it's her birthday November she's going to be OLD...53. I'm only seven and Kissy is nine, so we're just a bunch of kids. She doesn't look that old though. Think she has a heart of a child at times, you know what I mean...young at heart. Anyway, while she's still sleeping on Wednesday, the two of us are going out to a local bake shop and get a nice birthday cake for her and a balloon. It's the least we can do since she's so great with us and is always thinking of us and doing special things for us.
Mmmm..I'm told by my cousin Kissy, that I have to make this a discussion. So okay. Do your moms and dads ever do something special for your birthdays? Get special toys? Treats? Do they do special things for your birthday? Do you ever get something special for your moms and dads?
So don't let on that Kissy and I are doing something special for our's a secret between just us...right?
Hugs to all...Pyewacket...Oh...that's my picture in the cat interest...ain't I handsome? Oops..gotta go, mom is coming back...have to brush off my cat hairs off the keyboard
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25 responses
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
18 Nov 08
Hello pyewacket, you are nice looking for a cat. My name is cerberus, but my mum sharra calls me cerby for short. I am real bored right now because its raining and I want dad to take me out for a long long walk and he just keeps telling me later, sigh.
I think you are awfully nice to buy her a cake for her birthday, I have never done that for mum or dad. They used to give me toys but after I tore the last to bits so quickly they said that it was a wast buying me toys so now I get a bag of huge bones. They are so nice.
This is a picture of me waiting till someone takes me out for some fun. Ooh I have to go sharra is coming back and she does not like me pawing the computer.

@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
18 Nov 08
Hiya cerby..nice to meet ya. I see you taken over your parents bed too. My and my cousin love to snuggle with our much so, she can't move. I've also taken over the bookcase headboard of her bed. She was going to put books in it but I decided it was so much better as a spot for me to snooze in. Books are boring anyway..can't read them, but my mom loves to read. Well I hope your dad lets you for a don't mind the rain?? Maybe cause I'm a kitty I hate to get wet
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
18 Nov 08
I just dashed back while sharra was shopping. I love their bed but they never let me sleep there at night. They kick me out of the room so they can have it. Humph not fair they should share it. They bought me a dogs bed but I'm not going to use that! What do they think I am, a Dog?
Gees they can be dumb sometimes. Anyway I am doing my best make dad take me out routine now, I just sit here and stare at him and look miserable. Usually works, well it works on mum she will always make a fuss of me if I look miserable enough.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
18 Nov 08
Aww-that's terrible that your mom and dad kick you off the bed. My mom doesn't dare since she knows I'll give a real nasty look at her. I've got my mom well trained...LOL
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
18 Nov 08
It sounds like your mom is a real nice and busy person. We have fur-baby birthdays here in my house with treats and presents. I hope you all have fun tomorrow. Is that you in avatar? The picture in the cat interests that I can see is of a Siamese cat called Cleo that I once had, I cannot see what others have for their interest pictures only my own pictures.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
18 Nov 08
And so my cousin Kissy doesn't jealous, here's one of her

@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
18 Nov 08
Hiya Pyewacket. I'm Nemo....I'm the BIG orange tabby of the family. I have a little orange tabby sister named Angel, but I think I'm the better looking one. It sounds like your mom is going to have a great birthday. You and Kissy are awesome for doing that for her. Our mom does the same for us, even though we constantly give her a hard time and play pranks on her like laying down in front of her foot just as she's taking a step. She always gets us toys on our special days. But the problem with that is either we wear them out or we hide them in a really good spot....and then forget where they are. LOL! Tell your mom happy birthday from my mom and all of us kitties....and I guess from the dogs too. UGH!
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
19 Nov 08
No I don't have a picture of Angel to show you. Mom's pics were on the old computer that just got fixed..the hard drive was erased to start over. She has pics on a disc but the cd drive in the new computer doesn't work right...which is making mom pretty grumpy. But Angel is a little orange tabby about half my size. She still looks like a baby even though she's 4 years old. Mom has a total of 13 we run the house for her! She only has 2 dogs since Meg passed away last year, and those 2 brutes are outside where they belong. I don't think they like kitties much except for lunch.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Nov 08
Aww--that's a shame those pics got erased. Well maybe your mom will take more pics of all you felines.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
18 Nov 08
Hi Nemo!! Our mom is always finding our toys everywhere..especially under the sofa, the thingie she calls an entertainment center..uh, we forget them too...LOL Do you have any pictures of you and Angel? How many kitties does you mom have? Do they outnumber the dogs? After all, as they say...cats RULE, and dogs drool...LOL
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@applefreak (3130)
• Singapore
18 Nov 08
so nice to hear what your mummy has been doing for you. so tomorrow is her birthday huh? why don't you start a discussion here to get as many people as possible to wish her a happy birthday? i think that'll be a nice change.
as for age, i've got a feeling that kissy is around the same age as your mummy. cat's age differently from dogs or human beings. i received a table in my email before and i shall share it here with you.
age cat age
1 15
2 24
3 28
and every subsequent year is an additional four years.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
18 Nov 08
My goodness if I get that right then I'm middle-aged at 44..sheesh...think I'll stick to saying I'm only seven. Nah, no good, for some reason this place doesn't like people to start discussions about celebrating one's birthdays..what a drag, no?

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@applefreak (3130)
• Singapore
20 Nov 08
say happy birthday to your mummy today for me please. give her a cheek-rub on her heel for my cats too.
not too sure about the birthday discussion though. i didn't start one though i've responded to quite a few. maybe something else inside the discussion will be helpful. things like what was the best thing you've ever received or the nastiest surprise you've even gotten. cheers 

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@littleowl (7157)
18 Nov 08
Happy Birthday for tomorrow Pye!!! wow you are a year older than me...I hope you have a lovely birthdy full of everything you deserve...lots of love littleowl xxxx
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
18 Nov 08
Hiya littleowl...didn't realize we were close in age. When is your birthday?
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@littleowl (7157)
19 Nov 08
Hi Pye its January 25th we arn't that far apart...hugs littleowl
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@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
20 Nov 08
HI {{Pyewacket}}, it's me Screamer, tell your beautiful Mum have a happy b-day now
will ya??
I think its grand that you and Kissy are doing this for your Mum, how did you manage
to do this and her not see you guys huh?? You must be super clever and soooo
handsome ..
My mommy is so nice to me, I used to have to share her with my cousins too back when we all lived together out in the country but now where we live, its just ME, ME, ME! ME & MY Mom I have her all to myself, I don't know what she finds so interesting about this dumb machine here she is on it all the time, I try my best to distract
her with my cuteness, and my silly antics, oh sure she'll talk to me and cuddle me
and love on me which is great but MAN she just is on here all the time...what's up
with that?
The last two days she has been trying to get some house work done I hate that dang old noisy sweeper-machine I always run and hide I think it might eat me, as she is constantly fussing at, Screamer you and your blasted ##$$%#@! I don't know how
to spell what she says but its not nice ...Meow! I know I shed a lot!!
Anyway my mommy is preparing to set up that big old Christmas tree WOOHOOO!
you know what that means right Pyewacket?? [b]LOTS OF NEW SHINY BALLS TO PLAY WITH
EACH AND EVERY NIGHT!! [/b][i][/i][u][/u] I love this time of year, I am really
good at getting the balls off the tree too, but sometimes they break here, durn old floor is concrete and they go KER SPLAT!!! My Mommy says those words again
that I can't spell LOL!! But she loves me and she laughs at me knocking
those big shiny balls all over the house here, its like when the humans play
soccer, I am really good at knocking the balls around, what about you Pyewacket??
you good at christmas ball stealing and knocking them around???
well I better get off of here, Mommy thinks she shut this thing off but I know
how to make it come on, I've watched her a zillion times...Tell your momma have a
very very Happy B-DAY ok?? Eat some cake for me too, ( non chocolate parts of course) (G)! This is Screamer saying bye for now Pye darlin! You handsome devil
you...and why can't I put my dang picture on here?? well you know where to find me, I'm in my momma's photo album here stupid dang blasted place ...

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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Nov 08
Hiya Screamer...nice to meet you finally! My mom is a good friend of your mom's and you're so lucky to have your mom all to yourself...I have to share my mom with my cousin Kissy. Well, I have Kissy well trained. If my mom talks to Kissy I come running over and push her aside so my mom can give ME all the attention. I also make sure Kissy doesn't get to close to my mom on her bed. I like to snuggle up close with my mom while she sleeps and if Kissy dares comes close I give her a nasty look and she retreats to the foot of the bed
Nope, me and my cousin are pretty good with the tree and don't bat the ornaments, but we sure do love resting under the tree and watch those pretty lights blink on and off
Our mom did enjoy her birthday..she fixed her special dinner and cooked up some of that stew meat separately for us and gave it to us...oh, was that ever good. Yesterday we got our mom the cake and balloon and even got some nice flowers for her..she hasn't had flowers in ages so we thought it a real special surprise..But darn..she placed them in hanging vases way up high...think she did that so we wouldn't eat fun...humpf! I mean we got them for her so shouldn't we be allowed to chew them???
So your mom says bad words too?? So does ours especially when she makes mistakes on the computer...oh, my the language!
Oops gotta's coming back to this computer, and yup our mom is always in front of hers too.
Nice to meet ya...Screamer
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@Trace86 (5030)
• United States
18 Nov 08
Hi Pye! My name is Maya. My mom is Trace. She spoils me rotten! She bought me a doggy bed because the kitty bed looked too small and cramped to be comfortable. I can stretch out and get comfy. There is also plenty of room for the stuffed bunny that my dad bought for me. They have been buying me Greenie treats since Ma got me a sample in the mail and I loved them. But I like the Chicken ones best.
My mom told me a story about when she was a little girl and had a kitten shower for Kitty. Her Grandmas came to the party and brought Kitty awesome gifts. They had cake and a can of tuna for Kitty. Grandpa videotaped the whole party. Too funny!
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
18 Nov 08
Hi Maya..what a pretty girl you are, and love that name. My mom was thinking of buying me a bed, but the ones for cats are way too small...I want to be able to stretch out. For now though, I just love being on my mom's new bed she got for herself in August...oh, boy is that ever comfortable! awww--doesn't your mom have a special birthday for you...hope she does next time it's your birthday. That must have been cute though with Kitty's little party and to have it taped!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
18 Nov 08
Mmm...maybe I could teach Sherlock how to write articles. My mom writes a lot of articles but I sure wish she would continue writing her's all about me!
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@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
18 Nov 08
Oops! Busted again, huh? Yes, we do nice things for our mom. We keep her company during bad rain storms. We don't tell her that we are scared of storms. Although she might know. She gives us treats and takes us for walks. She brushes us and plays games with us. Mom also lets us sleep in her room at night but we have to stay off of the bed. We have missed you. Glad to see you have come back.
Lizzie and Gizmo
uh oh!! Here comes mom. She will want the computer back.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
18 Nov 08
Hi Lizzie and Gizmo!! My mom isn't scared of storms and neither am I, but my cousin? Ohh, my she's so scared of them and will hide...silly isn't it? As if the rain would come in here. My mom doesn't mind us sleeping on her bed, and she has a really nice comfortable one as she only got herself a new one last August. It also has a bookcase headboard. My mom originally wanted to put books in silly right? I told her it's the perfect spot for me or Kissy to be in, so she doesn't have books in it...we would definitely not like that!
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@howard96h (11640)
• New York, New York
18 Nov 08
Now Pyewacket when you get your mom's cake home do not stick your paw in there to taste the frosting, I know you want to but she will find out. Make sure you get her favorite cake and not a chicken flavored "Carvel" either, I know your little tactics, one more thing be careful lighting the cake, I know you like to play with matches!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
18 Nov 08
Aww--that's no fair..I HAVE to stick my paw to taste it don't?? I want to make sure it tastes all right. And me? Play with matches? I would most certainly never do that!

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@mcat19 (1357)
• United States
18 Nov 08
Wow. Your mom's birthday is the same as mine. My cats don't do anything special for my birthday. I don't think they know it's a day different from all others. Josie still wakes me up so that I don't forget it's breakfast; Peaches still needs supervision while she eats so that she finishes her food before Josie steals it. Paisley still rubs on everything she sees on her way to her bowl. Arthur still puts socks or envelopes over his dish, saving it for later.
We celebrate their birthdays with songs and extra loving. For Peaches whose birthday we don't know and who dislikes loving, extra or not, we just tell her how glad we are to have her here even though she still has difficulties.
Tell your mom Happy Birthday and enjoy your surprise.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
18 Nov 08
Really? Your birthday is the same as my mom's?? Well have a happy one then. My cousin Kissy and I get along pretty well and share the food dish side by side, but I won't share my spot on her bed with her when she siree. I like to cuddle up right next to her. If Kissy decides to get near my mom I give her a nasty look and she then goes to the foot of the bed. I want all of my mom's attention on me...heehee
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
18 Nov 08
Mmm..I don't know how to use my mom's camera and boy is it a heavy thing! It's her film camera..whatever that means. she's hoping to get,...what does she call it??? Ah yes something digital, haven't got a clue what that means either...all I know is when I see that camera out I hide...she always wants to take our pictures!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
18 Nov 08
Yep, my mom is young at heart, I guess that's all that counts, right?
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
18 Nov 08
Hi pyewacket & Kissy,
My mum is a mylot friend of your mum, and my name is Baby and my brother is called Tom, but mum calls me Thomas for some reson I don't know, our mum is the same she sit up all night till the early hour of the morning while I cuddle up next to her or sometimes I like to cuddle up behind her LapTop as its nice and warm, though Tom always managed to push his way in beside me. Our mum always gives us treats and toys but we always get vitmins tablets everday to keep our furs in tip top condittion and keep us healthy and well, can't waith for Christmas though, wonder what she will get for us. It was nice meetting you and Kissy, hope we can correspond again soon, got to go as my mum don't like me to be all over her LapTop and I can hear her in the kitchen, love your picture by the way. You'r a purrficet picture, bye bye, Meow.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
18 Nov 08
Hi Baby and Tom. My mom used to have a kitty named Tommy, but that was long, long, long before I came here. I keep my cousin Kissy in her place. You see I like to snuggle real close in bed with my mom. Kissy often wants to also, but I push her away, so she'll usually then sleep down near my mom's feet. I'm definitely the boss cat in this house! I just LOVE attention and I make sure I get it from my mom. My mom often laughs at my behavior, saying we're like sibling rivals or something. I hope my mom gets something special for us for Christmas too...maybe some new toys.
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
18 Nov 08
Hello pye, it is good to see you again, I must say your mum is getting you looking good, your coat is nice and shiney, its good that your mum gets off the computer sometimes so you can have a you be good..

@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
18 Nov 08
Well I sure wish she would be off the computer more. I'm trying to write my novel and never get the chance now ...and it's such a good story too. I'll try to be good...heehee
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@1grnthmb (2055)
• United States
25 Nov 08
My Mom through a really big birthday party when I turned One. She invited all her two legged friends and they brought all my friends with them Even old Jake, who is not very social, played with me and my sisters. We had so much fun and I got so many presents. Chew toys are so fun. And I got all kinds of biscuits. Even some that were people biscuits. They were so fun to eat. Mom even bought us special ice cream but I was so excited that I did not eat any of mine. My sisters eat it all though. Hey My Dad says 53 is not old.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
25 Nov 08
Aww--that was so nice of your mom to throw a birthday party and even invite all her two legged friends, and it sounds you got a lot of nice treats as well.
@ElicBxn (63792)
• United States
18 Nov 08
Meowmy says there's too many of us, but she said that when there were fewer.
She does give us kisses and catnip.
She's been feeding me wet food and sometimes she'll still open a jar of the yummy food but not as much. I've been so hungry I've been actually eating a kibble or 2, but only when meowmy isn't lookin' so she doesn't think she can stop feeding me the wet food!
You heard what she did? She had all my teeth pulled!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
18 Nov 08
Okay I won't tell your meowmy....goodness a dollar a tooth?
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
18 Nov 08
I love those jars of yummy food but our mom hasn't gotten them in awhile, she says they're too expensive. Hmpf! Like I'm not worth it??!! Yes, how terrible for you, our mom told us what happened to you Taj..but glad you can eat though even without teeth.
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@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
19 Nov 08
this is mommy's calico..
i'm sittin on ma's lap she say if i call her old no treats for me
we get fishcake with catnip for birfday an new mousies for us..
tho i don't know why i have to share with stupid brother..
he sat on my head today
do you need help wif cake?
i promise won't eat

@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
19 Nov 08
cake is good,i like 'nilla.
nilla with tuna better 

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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Nov 08
I don't like sharing things with my dumb cousin either but I allow it...uh, sometimes. Sure will share the cake. My mom is only going to give us the cake part as the frosting is chocolate and she says that's bad for us. Maybe I should get a tuna frosting instead.....mmmmm
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@teapotmommommerced (10359)
• United States
1 Dec 08
Pye, This is Sammy here, I hope you did not get in to much trouble getting out side with out mom. I hope she was surprised also.
My mom does not know when my B-day was so she is not quite sure how old I am and you know a LADY never tells her age. I can tell you she thinks I am 11 but really I am a few years older than that. Well mom gives us treats and special things all year long so she does not treat us special on our b-days.
Pye do you know what mom did? Have you hear she brought in a interloper. She brought in a little dog. Her name is Daisy and I hate her, she barks at me and chases me all the time even when my mom yells at her. I really hate her, I wish she would go and live somewhere else.
Daisy is now playing with Petie so I snapped some photos to show mom how mean she can be she is trying to beat up Petie even though Petie says they are only playing. I do not believe that one. She is trying to take over our house than the world.
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@teapotmommommerced (10359)
• United States
1 Dec 08
I do not understand why my photos that I download/upload do not attach themselves to my responses or discussions at time. I am going to try again
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
1 Dec 08
Awwww--It really does sound like Daisy is trying to take over the whole place, doesn't it? Well, what can you expect? Newcomers always want to make their presence know. But have to agree that's not nice that she barks and chases you all the time. Does she bother with Abagail also? Well just hiss back at Daisy to show her to keep her place! I have to tell off my cousin Kissy all the time, as I don't like Kissy trying for my mom's attention...doesn't she know I'm number one here?? Hmpf
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@teapotmommommerced (10359)
• United States
4 Dec 08
She is getting better. Mom is working hard to teaching her who is top dog/cat. Really it is Sammy how is the leader of the pack around her. Tonight Daisy got in trouble for barking at Sammy and mom made Daisy got to her basket. heehee. Daisy does not like her basket she likes mom's lap. I love my basket and sleep in it even when I have to be in it when I get in trouble for barking.
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