How to calm down my lab?

November 17, 2008 10:55pm CST
My labrador is going to be adult. He is very nauty and easy to get exciting. Is it his natural character?We are annoyed when he starts exciting and runs and runs around the room. I like him to be very quite and waiting. Do you have any good way to calm down the lab? Or will he be very quite when he is getting older?
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5 responses
@shonali (1286)
• India
28 Nov 08
well my second lab was just liek the way you said.... very hyper....and also sexually hyper at times which used to concern me a bit when with other people..... but it is very necessary to train the dog in basic obedience from the age of four months.... till one year that is when he becomes an adult.... but i had a lot of problems with my dog and also the same problem my friend was having with her dog which she finally had to get castrated.... which is the most desperate option to you!! but it does overcome with age!! just hope that the hyperness doesnt convert into anger or frustration which i have seen in most dogs
• China
1 Dec 08
Thanks for your sharing Shonali. My lab has been castrated. We are trying to train him by not giving any food to him when we have meal. It works and he becomes more obedient.^_^
@ddenz11 (58)
• Philippines
3 Mar 09
our lab does that too.. but we've been training her to calm down when we say "Relax" and stuff like that.. like you.. we don't have schools for dogs here in this part of the Philippines.. so we train our lab ourselves.. she's gets the hang of it too when ALL of us in the family tells her to "relax".. :D
@kaka135 (14930)
• Malaysia
12 Jan 09
Hi elaine, how old is your Labrador now? I think it's just their nature, they are always energetic and active, and they like to play a lot. My Labrador is now one and a half year old, and she still likes to run around with us and jump to us, we can't even keep her in the house, as my house is not that spacious for her to run around. I thought she would be more quiet when she grows up, but she is still very energetic now.
• United States
30 Jan 09
The vets always say that it takes three years for a Lab to become an adult and I must say I pretty much agree. My dog Daisy Lee is now pretty much always well behaved and she will be three in July. I just got a new Lab puppy in June and she is still a hyper little one. You just have to stick with it and love them no matter what because they love you forever. Walking and playing with them is the key though. These dogs need a ton of stimulation throughout the day.
@vindiku (255)
• India
4 Jan 09
Hey i am also having a labrador, but it is a pup and its only three and a half months only. He is very playful, its very difficult for him to obey orders. He wont take it at all, but what i would suggest is a your dog is about to be an adult i hope that it will soon start to learn, no what you will have to do is to to make and always start with only one. If you have the time, then only you command him. When he is okay with your commands then let others to master him, i hope that will workout.