do you like to listen to music while cooking

@mtata23 (354)
November 17, 2008 11:35pm CST
although i am not a good cook but my favourite music running in the background elevates my mood and makes me active while cooking. my wife too loves to listen to music while cooking. she has a small tape recorder and a FM radio in side top shelf of her kitchen. it is 99% on when she is in the kitchen. do you have such cravings for music while cooking.
8 responses
@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
18 Nov 08
Oh yes,I am exactly like your wife.......I too have a radio in my kitchen which stays on when I am in and is switched off only when I leave the kitchen.I just love music, it also keeps me company in the kitchen ,and thirdly it reduces the monotony of cooking....
@mtata23 (354)
• India
18 Nov 08
hi Roseo8 i thought my wife is the only one who listens to music while cooking. The moment she enters kitchen she will switch on the light switch and music tape and the music will be off only when she leaves kitchen. I don't believe that there are other people too. But I too agree that it will definetly reduce monotony of cooking.
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@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
19 Nov 08
• China
18 Nov 08
I will listen music while i am cooking, actually i will listen music everytime except sleeping, that's a bit crazy, maybe, but i love music, i like the music flowing in my mind. Just like someone talk to me!!!!
• United States
18 Nov 08
Music is like a foundation for everything! It is so motivational, relaxing, energizing, ect! I am glad some one else has the same amount of love for music as I do.
• India
18 Nov 08
I too love the music whenever I am doing something strenuous, it kind of takes the strain off the job and I can concentrate happily. Not only cooking, I love listening to music when I am cleaning the rooms or scrubbing the floor, too!
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
18 Nov 08
hi dear well i dont listen to music while cooking the main reason i dont cook at all lol take care
• India
18 Nov 08
hi mtata, I had the habit of listening to music even while cooking and bathing.But now somehow I have given up the habit of listening to music while cooking.When we have a peaceful mind we would feel like listening to music otherwise I wont even feel like listening to music.I can never concentrate on that and enjoy.Some people whether they listen or not they switch on the music player.Something should be singing for them,but some people really enjoy each and every line of the song. keep posting.. take care and have fun..
@jlamela (4898)
• Philippines
18 Nov 08
Yes, I always listen to good music while cooking. I love cooking and tuning to FM radio while busy preparing enhances my mood. It is so inspiring to cook while listening to music, I usually tuned in to FM which featured FRC (folk, rock and country) music, they are great and my activities in the kitchen is more exciting when accompanied with music.
• Canada
18 Nov 08
I listen to music while doing everything. I even listen to it while im in the shower. Always feels like it makes the time pass that much faster when you are doing chores you dont really like doing.
• United States
18 Nov 08
I cook for a living currently, so listening to music keeps me motivated and helps me move more quickly to get the food out in a timely fashion. When we do not have the stereo on in the kitchen, everyone seems to move a little more slowly. The more upbeat and lively the music, the better I work. Although I am a hard worker at all times, it is always nice to have a source a source of motivation. When I am at home, I do not play music while I cook. Instead my 2 year old tries to help me cook. She will talk to me, ask what i am doing, pour milk and stuff in a bowl or pot. Of course I am right there to help her, so she does not make a mess or get hurt.