
United States
November 7, 2006 6:47pm CST
my friend was in jail for taking his baby out of state the baby has been temporarily left in the care of her mom where we feel that she is in danger she has pneumonia due to the mom refusing to allow her dad to take her to the docter. since the mom told his family that she wanted him to take the baby and leave he did then she jailed him for it so if you are in the same boat make sure that you get it in writing becouse he now has court charges to deal with
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11 responses
@lcsamano (200)
• United States
8 Nov 06
When your friend is released he should see about hiring an attorney to get joint custody or go to a paralegal that can help him. That way this sort of thing doesn't happen again. It is sad but some people are like that. Tell you one thing then do another.
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@dalilac1 (862)
• United States
18 Nov 06
Angel Baby - Baby Angel
Anytime a child is involved in a breakup its hard, but, your friend needs to get in touch with an attorney. Have him call the bar association for the area that he is in and ask them for attorney pro bono. They will represent him free, and hopefully this poor little angel will have justice served to her and be better off with him. Let me know how things turn out:)
• United States
18 Nov 06
thank you for your comment, and it will all work out in the end the lie's will come out and he will get to see his little girl again cause she is the center of his world and that is the only thing he cares about is her.
• United States
21 Nov 06
She will be very well takin care of just as soon as all this is over and he can get his daughter back. Thank you so much for your kind word's and again the truth will come out.
@dalilac1 (862)
• United States
19 Nov 06
An extra Angel for your friend - An angel to sit on your friends shoulder and with his daughter during their time of need:)
As long as the little girl is happy and well taken care of with her father that is the best place for her to be. Unfortunately the justice system seems to drag its feet at times, but I know just as you do it will all work out for him and his daughter in the end.
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@angelface23 (2494)
• United States
20 Nov 06
someone needs to call child services on her because that baby definately needs medical attention. That just makes me sick to my stomach. God, let me know what happens.
• United States
21 Nov 06
Well the mother may now be off work for the "medical attention " she need's but only to make her self look better since before when the father was there she didn't.
• United States
20 Nov 06
The baby is getting proper medical attention now, the mothers boss is being kind enough to give her the time off that she needs to attend to her daughter. Since the father has been gone the baby has gained weight and is thriving.
• United States
21 Nov 06
Good lord, the baby is doing BETTER, what else do you want?
• United States
20 Nov 06
Im sorry... I have read this whole discussion and I can not believe either of you two..... you both obviously dont know what is truely going on and i dont understand why ya'll are bothering to fight over this post. Its not helping you two, the parents and especially the baby.... the baby needs to get out of this... before she gets hurt. I can actually believe the stuff about the father having no job, spending his days on the computer playing world of warcraft, no attention to the babay... and getting on single webpages.... bc my stepfather did that to me.... and now my mother and stepfather are divorced.... but yet again i say, stop fighting and taking sides... the best thing you can do is support the parents and assure them that they need to make the best decisions that would benefit the baby... the best thing honestly is to not hate each other and try to make up.... making up with their marriage would be the best thing for the babay... but if that cant happen, they need to be able to talk to eachother... my parents dont and now they use me and my brother to attack each other... and it hurts... so i hope ya'll two will be able to see that its the babay... nt your friends.... that needs help....
• United States
20 Nov 06
Im sorry that your parents did that to you but unless you know my friend I don't think it is fare for you to say you can beleave it just cause what happened to you. Not all father's do that to there kid's , if they care about there kid's they will fight for them as is what he is doing.
• United States
20 Nov 06
That was not my point in the whole topic.... my point was that you both need to stop fighting over these discussions... its not helping the baby... it seems like your fighting for your friend, not the baby.
• United States
20 Nov 06
And please understand me that im not calling the mother a saint.... bc my mother did things she shouldnt. But how come the father couldnt take the baby to the doctors... and why was the baby put into temporary custody of the mom. And if the baby was in temp.custody of the mom, how did the dad get the baby. And if he felt that the baby was in danger, he could've gone to a police station and attorney that would have granted him permission to take the baby to the doctor....
• United States
18 Nov 06
I cant wait for all the truth to come out in court, its pretty sick that you really want people to believe that the father who didn’t want to work and played online games all day long is telling the truth, but blood is thicker then water isn’t it? Now we know it isn’t just your friend lying to his family, it’s the family trying to lie to save their brothers butt from going to prison. From the previous posts that your friend made on mylot you can see that he was planning on taking her two weeks before he did. The so called “permission” to take her that your talking about? Your friend grabbed the baby while her mother was holding her; he started pulling her away and wouldn’t stop, so her mother finally said "Take her, I’m not going to play tug of war over this baby, grow up",if you can call that a custodial direction and not a mother trying to keep her baby from being hurt then you've got a problem. The pneumonia that you spoke about, according to the doctors it was caused by the stress of being kidnapped, and anyone who supposedly says they care about this little girl would have known better to take a baby with a heart condition away in the manner she was taken. Plus, does it make sense that a stay at home father can’t take his baby to the doctor while the mother is at work during the day? (And don’t say no transportation, he had a truck available) Unless your friends family is somehow involved with children’s services or they are lawyers, then it would have been smarter (and wouldn’t have got his butt arrested) if he had actually gone the legal rout to try to obtain custody.
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• United States
18 Nov 06
Well you are only part right blood is thicker then water however I am not any relation to him, I think of him as my little brother cause I have known him since he was 11yrs old, he is as kind hearted and gentle as his grandfather was (god rest his soul) and the things he endured from the mother was uncalled for, I am a very passive person till someone try's to hurt the one's I care about by LYING to get there way now that is just my oppinion but I am intitled to it.
• United States
18 Nov 06
Your right, everyone is entitled to his or her opinion, so let me share a few of my own. I noticed in your response that you did not mention the baby, and she is the most important part of the whole situation. Let’s cover some of the things your friend “endured”: Constantly getting told to go get a job. I’m pretty sure what everyone else heard was how it was impossible for him to get a job because he had no transportation, which is a lie; they had two vehicles so one was always at his disposal. Plus going out and getting a job would cut down on his World of Warcraft game playing and his searching of adultfriendfinder for women in his area. (Yes we found his profile) Constantly being told to clean the house. Since it became apparent that he was not going to go out and find a job, then it should have fallen to him to keep the house up. Once again, this would have cut into his computer time and that just was not going to happen. Ok, onto the important part, the baby. Once that little girl was born your friend should have realized that his whole world had just changed. He was no longer the center of his universe, she was. He still did not want to see it that way and continued his daily computer routine. I would not call propping the baby up on pillows and sticking a bottle in her mouth spending quality time with her. With the heart condition that she was born with there were certain things that were important such as keeping a phone. Since they were living on one income paying some of the bills on time became a problem and they were given a paper from the doctor that would have kept the phone on, it was your friends responsibility to fax that paper into the phone company, but he was to busy on the computer to do it. He said that the mother would not let him take the baby to the doctor. Since she was working full time during the day I am wondering why he would not go to the doctor while she was away? Why is it that all the doctor visits that this baby has had have been in the evenings and the mother was ALWAYS present during the visit? I’ve known the mother for a long time, I’ve seen her with her kids and with her baby, and I can say from personal experience that she loves them and would do anything necessary to ensure their safety and health.
• United States
18 Nov 06
Well you are obviously been buffaloed or your the mother trying to make yourself look better but either way, the truth will come out and the mother will be the one with egg on her face.
• United States
18 Nov 06
No, I am not the mother, and yes the truth will come out. When it does I hope that you and his family can accept the fact that you've been lied to by your friend.
• United States
18 Nov 06
Well if your not the mother why is it you know as so much about what is going on? I only know what I know cause I have been intouch with the family from day to day. Where you there when the stuff was going on or are you going off hear say just like the rest of us. hmmm who to beleave, I think I will pick the one who has NEVER lied to me and has no kind of record thank you.
@remaster74 (4064)
• Greece
22 Nov 06
It is the first time in my life that I realise that there is a father caring for his child and the mother refuses the fact. Tell her father to press the mother charges for endagering child's life. Tell him to ask from the social services that they have to check the child's health noe.
• United States
22 Nov 06
I agree usually father's don't make the effort to fight for there kid's cause of that little thing in the back of everyones mind " it's a woman's state" how ever there are no law's stating that and this father will do whatever it takes to get his little angel back with him. thank's
@krizz420 (4385)
• Canada
19 Nov 06
that's too bad for your friend. hope he's going to fight it though
• United States
19 Nov 06
thank you very much as we've said the truth will come out
@somechic (354)
• United States
18 Nov 06
All I can say is how sad for that baby!!!
• United States
18 Nov 06
it is very sad a baby has been put in the middle over something as simple as money, one person only wants her to get money why the other person really cares and wants to be there for everything. and the really sad part is nobody seems to realize the baby is the only one suffering
@urzicutza (1971)
• Romania
21 Nov 06
• United States
21 Nov 06
Thank you for your kind words.
@tjades (3590)
• Jamaica
2 May 08
This a bit hard to swaalow. I spent a bit of time reading a discussion posted one year ago only to reach the last comment and find that you two are still at it. I still have no idea what to believe even though i have read the back and forth banterinrg. The father is working now which is good. Why cant both parents cooperate for the wellbeing of the child. Do they really hate each other that much that they will do all to hurt the other even if that means hurting the child? If the fierce loyalty battle you are both having on here is anything to go by believe me what is taking place between your friends cant be pretty. Someone, maybe both, parents is not being honest. I think both of you should take the position of objectivity for the sake of the child. Be willing to be as hard on your friends as you are being hard on each other here and pressure that friend into doing more than they are doing for the child. If they were both determined to do all they can to help their daughter no one would have the need to be having it out on here in their support. I am loyal to my friends but I know we all have the tndency to cover our butts sometimes so I am prepared to rake them over the grill to see if they are hiding something rather than to throw my support their way for the wrong reasons. I think aim of having friends is to make ones life better. I dont want my friends supporting the wrongs i do and they surely know not to expect my support either if they are in the wrong. I want to be told the ttruth and not butterd up. I may get upset but I'll get over it and appreciate them even more. I do not want them to help me live a lie. That is helping me down not up. Take some time out and review the entire situation objectively. For some reason I think that there is some level of truth in what each of you are saying. In that case you need to confront your friends on aspects of the situation where they may be at fault. The child REALLY needs to be at the center of everyones intentions. Not the backing of friends or ones ego. I have a friend who is like a brother to me. I was the maid of honor at his wedding. Now I have told him I will stand as a witness against him in the case of a divorce because he's hurting the mother and child with all his actions. I love him and he knows it but he knows not to come to me with a mouth of crap just to make himself look good. I wouldnt want a husband who treated me and my child the way he treats his and I am not going to support him that way. He needs to stand up like a man and do much more than he's doing. As for the wife, I think she should have given him the boot long ago. He's like a close brother but thats how I feel about his behaviour.