Chuck Hagel Attacks Rush Limbaugh
By anniepa
@anniepa (27955)
United States
November 18, 2008 8:59pm CST
Retiring GOP Senator Chuck Hagel, who has been mentioned as a possible member of the Obama Administration, had some unkind words for right-wing talk show host Rush Limbaugh during a speech in Washington. Here is what he had to say:
"We are educated by the great entertainers like Rush Limbaugh. You know, I wish Rush Limbaugh and others like that would run for office. They have so much to contribute and so much leadership and they have an answer for everything. And they would be elected overwhelmingly. [The truth is] they try to rip everyone down and make fools of everybody but they don’t have any answers."
(Note: The above link gives the text of what Hagel says; it does NOT mean I agree with the writer of the above column, in case you're
I say, WAY TO GO, CHUCK!! You will be a welcome addition to the new Administration!
What say you?
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6 responses
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
19 Nov 08
While I am not a big fan of Rushs. I kinda have to say is a little out of line. He is taking Rush way toooo seriously. He is a shock jock a lot like Howard Stern. He wants rating so he say some crazy stuff.
What he said can go for the major media too. They tear people down and critize without coming up with any answers either.
As for Chuck being the token republican so that Obama can say he is "bipartisan" is a joke. Nothing against Chuck but if Obama was serious about it he would be appointing independents, third party people, republicans and democrats to his office. From what I am seeing so far he is just pulling in "clinton democrats".
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
19 Nov 08
No, Rush takes Rush too seriously unlike Howard Stern who knows his own limitations. The major media is guilty of criticizing people but I've never seen anyone in the MSM mock someone with a serious illness or many of the other disgusting things Rush does for ratings.
As for who Obama puts in his cabinet and in other positions, I certainly wouldn't expect him to fill all the spots with people he doesn't agree with on anything. The people who voted for him didn't vote for another Republican Administration. It seems like those who didn't vote for Obama will tear him apart if he doesn't put more Republicans than Democrats on his team and that's not going to happen. At least he didn't come out all arrogant and brag about the political capital he'd won and how he intended to spend it even though he earned that right more than Bush did based on both the Electoral and the popular vote.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
19 Nov 08
Who cares if Rush takes himself too seriously. He can think whatever he wants about himself. Most people do not take him seriously. He is not a politican, he is an entertainer. He says things to tick people off to get attention. Get people talking and get him better rating. He is struggling to stay relevent so he is going to say a lot of crazy stuff. I just ignore him.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
19 Nov 08
I guess the point I'm trying to make is there are listeners of Rush Limbaugh who do take him seriously whether he intends for them to do so or not. Just as there are people who voted for Obama that weren't well informed, something that's been discussed here at length in posts here blaming the "liberal media" there are people wo voted for McCain or AGAINST Obama based on misinformation they got from right wing radio shows like Limbaugh's and others like him. I think it goes both ways.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
19 Nov 08
I bet most listeners of Rush Limbaugh know that the Democrats run Congress and who Chuck Hagel is. I wonder greatly if the average Obama supporter knows either.
Of course, I know you weren't one of the Obama supporters who couldn't answer basic questions. In fact, I would bet most Obama supporters here at MyLot and other discussion groups could answer them.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
20 Nov 08
Very true, there are idiots on all sides. :~D
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
19 Nov 08
Ted, I'd never deny there are far too many voters who don't know a thing about how government really works or even about the candidate they've chosen to vote for for whatever reason. There have been videos to prove it about Obama supporters, people who looked like "Jay-Walking" rejects, but there are also plenty of McCain supporters, or more to the point those who were against Obama, who were also uninformed.
I totally respect that you didn't support Obama based on the issues and his experience, etc., which is how we should choose for whom to vote. However, out of all the people I know and have spoken to about the election from the time Obama started getting so much attention those who were against him were overwhelmingly against him because they "heard he was a terrorist", his middle name was Hussein, he was going to force us all to convert to Islam and other equally outrageous claims. Don't get me wrong, I've actually run into a few intelligent and reasonable people like you who simply had a problem with his economic or foreign policies but they were sadly few and far between. What I'm trying to say is there are stupid, lazy or uninformed voters from both sides of the aisle and I don't know what we can ever do about that.
@iriscot (1289)
• United States
20 Nov 08
There's a radio station in St. Louis with the call sign KMOX, it's a CBS affilliate. They used to broadcast the Cardinal baseball games and our radio was always tuned to their station. Then they brought this "bigot" on board and he is there every morning at 11 spewing out his poison.
They lost us as a loyal listener, my wife likes to listen to Charley Brennan who comes on after the morning news and he seems to be fair in his discussions.
Before the clock strikes 11 the radio either goes off or is switched to another station.
Listeners can call Rush what ever they want but as far as I am concerned he is a "rabble rouser" and twists everything to his liking.
I visited a golfing buddy for coffee one morning and old Rush was spouting off his mouth as usual, my buddy and his wife were laughing their a** off. They said he was the biggest joke that ever had a microphone in front of his face and they loved to start the day with a good laugh.
I never laughed when I heard him, my expression was more like: ##&&**%%^^^, you get the idea. He is almost considered to anti-patriot for all of the lies he spreads.
@soccermom (3198)
• United States
19 Nov 08
I listen to Rush everyday at work, and everyday I ask myself why I continue to listen to him. Maybe I just like getting iritated. LOL I also caught a bit of O'Reilly on the radio last night, and had to laugh when he had a caller ask him if he wasn't being a hypocrit when he said the Spears girls got pregnant because they were unsupervised, but had nothing but positive things to say about the way the Palins were raising their kids. I am a firm believer that most parents do the best they know how. But anyway, he said lack of supervision had nothing to do with Palins daughter getting pregnant. That led me to wonder who was there watching her concieve? LOL
Anyway, these talk radio hosts have been taking things to far for quite awhile, but I agree with Senator Hagel. I'd like to see one of them put the money where their mouth is and actually run for office. Now THAT would be an interesting campaign!
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
19 Nov 08
You're just like me when I was still carrying mail. I listened to Rush everyday and I'd walk along cursing to myself and calling him every name in the book, but I kep listening. I guess I enjoyed getting irritated, too!
Good point about O'Reilly's hypocrisy regarding teenage pregnancy. I forget which show it was on now but right after it came out about Palin's daughter being pregnant they showed the clips of what Bill O' had said about both her and wht he'd said previously about Jamie Lynn Spears. How anyone could say he was NOT a hypocrite in this case is totally beyond me.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
19 Nov 08
I have to agree with you and Chuch. I see a lot of people that defend Rush but how many people take the trash he spews as the honest truth. It's crazy!
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
19 Nov 08
Exactly! There are people from both sides who believe whatever they want to believe. Some here will say we all should know Rush isn't to be taken too seriously but I've listened to him enough and talked to enough of his big fans to know many people take him VERY seriously.