How much would be too much for you?

my needs? just living is simple, bonding lifetime. - Happiness is but living together.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
November 19, 2008 5:43am CST
Needs and priorities are but subjective, I know, but it's when someone told me that she needs to have the crown of the Queen to be the happiest that I realised that I am far behind! And that made me wonder how much would be too much! Some people are never happy with all the things on earth and some are so content with the even a countable fews! Obviously, I am talking about money, material, luxury and all that we say worldly. Would like to hear you friends.
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21 responses
@alokn99 (5717)
• India
19 Nov 08
For some there would not be an expression saying "too much" when it comes to wordly possessions and materials. Once the person gets the queens crown, then it is queen of what?, followed by wanting to queen of more and more. To me " too much" would mean more than what i need in terms of my needs,simple luxuries and things to keep the loved ones and family around happy. For example A luxurious house built like a palace would be too much A sports car would be too much Excess of money which spoils and degrades our ways of life would be too much A holiday travel more than once a quarter would mean too much. This list can go on and on in terms of material things and pleasures But then these again are at the extreme end and i would say i would be content as to where i am presently on this scale and a little bit towards this would bring in some amout of further satisfaction. Actually i'm glad that you brought this up Mimpi, and its for the reason that we seldom think about this. Maybe some don't want to.
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• China
19 Nov 08
I can not agree with you more. people in this world are looking for too much things they donot nees,however, they are not awared with that fact.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
20 Nov 08
That’s a very nice way you have put it. Our aspirations are endless but I feel when these aspirations take form of hunger, greed and become our obsession its then that we stop to live! We must not run after something superficial. The ability to draw the line and become happy makes us human. Another thing, I would like to tell you. Some people are after money and material and attribute it to their children. They are doing it for their children. The love of their kids and heir ship is very important. But what kind of love is this? We must leave some amount of comfort for them so that they can pursue their dreams but not so much so that they do not do anything at all! This, I find, rather makes them, the so called future generation, lose the respect towards hard earned money and luxuries of life!
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@alokn99 (5717)
• India
20 Nov 08
This question is also relative to time. Meaning if i was asked this question 10 years back ,i would have answered it differently. Similiarly if i am asked it a few years from now it would be different. It also gets influenced by the needs and wants of the family. I may have my own set goals and needs. But if the family keeps wanting something more than one may need to change one's parameters of it.
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@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
20 Nov 08
Hi Mou nice discussion yeah u r very right, every one has differnt opinion to judge their satisfaction level And its saying that Wishes never ends, after getting one completed, hundred more are on their way. It remind me a person, whom we met at breakfast at hotel, he just say, he need to have money so he can live comfortably and in case of any problem( god forbid) take his wife and kids to good hospital for good care" i do agree with him Take care
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
22 Nov 08
That makes much sense. He is a sensible person and I am glad that you think that way as well. Having not to worry about tomorrow's food and bills, having not to worry about the expense to buy medicines and pay for the hospital charges and not to worry about chasing our children's dreams. That's all we must want and be happy with.
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
22 Nov 08
thanks mou and u r right we should not be that much worried about future
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
19 Nov 08
As far as I am concerned, it becomes "too much" the second you start to take the things you have for granted. There is no denying the pleasures that can be gained from possessions in life, but when the pleasure or appreciation aspect starts to take a back seat then maybe it's time to start thinking about what is really necessary and what is not. For many people it doesn't matter how much they have because it will just never be enough! For people like this, there will always be something brighter, shinier, more expensive, more modern etc, or something that someone else has that they must have also just to keep up. In my opinion, it is people like this that have deep seated issues to address from within and are overcompensating through materialistic pursuits rather than facing certain pyschological realities head on.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
20 Nov 08
That's an interesting perspective! You mean, people who are never satisfied with things they have, always wanting for more have imbalanced inner self? That makes sense, in a way. They could be love lorn or short of some thing within that makes them yearn for undefined material pursuit to compensate. Generally, a happy person is happy with whatever little they have and a grouchy person always complains for what the couldhaves, shouldhaves and musthaves. Or, is it the other way round. Pursuit of something that doesn't exist makes them grumpy and unhappy?
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
20 Nov 08
As to the first part: Only yesterday, It felt so annoying to observe some devotee on a temple whose sole concentration was on the 50 rupee note that he was showing off to keep on the AARTI plate when there's supposed to be a HUNDI to offer! I felt so bad! Now that's another instance of 'distraction'! And I agree, that must be a great source of motivation. We all need to have our higher goals set to lead a satisfying life. What's life without aspirations! But as you have said, we need to enjoy life as well. We must know where to STOP and how to appreciate and be grateful. Gratitude, appreciation and values make living so beautiful.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
20 Nov 08
In a way it is actually a bit of both in my opinion. They have base insecurities which they try to overcome by the pursuit of materialistic pleasures. These are the type of people that loke to wear the branded clothes and the obviously expensive watches etc and will do all they can to make sure everyone sees that they have these things. They are used as a distraction. And as for your second outline; it is not the pursuit itself that makes them unhappy as it would more than likely invigorate them actually; and they would see it as a positive thing in their mind like a motivation or a goal. What does make them unhappy (even though they probably do not even realize it) is that the pursuit of something bigger and better each and every time, diverts them away from the ability to stop and enjoy what they already have. It's like the saying - "Stop and smell the roses". If we don't take the time out for appreciation and gratitude, then how can we experience true happiness? A person who is fully at ease with who they are, what they are and what they have could not care less about showing off material possessions to the world!
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@williamjisir (22819)
• China
20 Nov 08
Hello dear mimpi. It is hard to say how much would be too much depending on each individual's desire and ambition. Psychologically speaking, when one aim of ours is reached, there will be another aim to be set for it. This is what we say, "Set or plan a goal or aim, and you will try your best to reach it." There are so many goals for us to reach, one after another. So based on my humble view, it is hard to say how much would be too much for people in whatever is talked about, money included. Good day to dear mimpi.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
22 Nov 08
That's so well explained, Sir. Aspiration is great motivating factor and what is a life without dreams! But it feels bad when people stop to appreciate what they have made out of themselves. The fruit of success for many remain untasted and they move on to another goal to accomplish. I rather not see myself there.
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
19 Nov 08
I will tell a story here and maybe the one it is about will recognize herself but in my view this woman did something so foolish that she ought to be ashamed. Hubby and I were visiting an office on business and the receptionist had on her desk a bouquet of 2 dozen purple roses. This was many years ago when purple roses were quite rare and more expensive than commoner colors. We complimented her on the bouquet and here is what she told us. Oh, yes, she said, those are from my husband for Valentines Day. We have been married two years, she continued, and last year he bought me red ones. I threw them in his face, she exclaimed, in indignation. She made him go buy more roses and this time, she said to him "You had better bring the right color!" So he went out and got her the purple ones that year and then again he bought her the purple ones the second year. Instead of being joyful that her husband cared enough to give her flowers, and instead of rejoicing in their beauty, her only concern was that she had "won" in bending her new husband to her will. Hubby and I walked out shaking our heads and each of us had the same thought. Bet he won't be there to bring her flowers the third year! For some reason this strikes me as similar to the person who would have to have the crown of the queen to be happy. I am happy to have a high-minded, well-mannered, and moral husband who loves me and takes his responsibilities seriously. If he buys me flowers, fine, but what I'd rather have is the autonomy to feel comfortable buying my own...or not, as my own choice. I am happy having a safe comfortable place to live. It doesn't have to be expensive or large or trendy. I am happy to have enough wholesome food to eat and a few loyal and honest friends. I guess I am behind, too! But I am happy.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
21 Nov 08
Thanks Ann for enriching this post. That was so relevant! Even I am bit old school but that's the way I would like it everytime. I am happy with a simple house, normal comfort, I can pay the bills right, pay for my internet, talk of phone, can but gifts for my loved ones - that's all I want. Thanks Sisi. That was so pertinent!
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@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
20 Nov 08
She also had to tell the world what she was able to "make" her husband do which to me, is also very worrying. The grass is always greener... or in the case, purple(r). I keep telling people not to bring me flowers on occasions as they seem to wilt right away but when they're there, they always make me smile when I see them for the first time each day. I guess for a lot of people, sadly, the thought and action are never enough anymore.
@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
20 Nov 08
"But I don't have anything to wear." I find myself saying that all the time even though my closet, my chest of drawers and more boxes in the garage are overflowing with all my clothes. Even though I always complain, I haven't bought myself any type of clothing for a year now since I know I don't need more. My mom and sister are the ones who would always have me in their thoughts during their shopping sprees. My mom is especially buying this and that often. She came from a very poor family and through her own hard work and with no support from her family, was able to make something out of herself. So I think her overconsumption is partly due to not having any when she was growing up. I think she's also making sure that her kids don't experience what she went through when she was younger that she tends to spoil us rotten when she can. "The grass is always greener on the other side." I have heard that said way too many times but how green would you like that grass to be that you put your family togetherness, relationships and sanity at risk? One of these days, there would be no metaphoric grass anymore as everyone and anyone has chewed as well as dreamed about getting to that other pasture. "Keeping up with the Joneses." This has been said way too many times too. But it originated from a time when people in the same neighborhood, in the same status and financial standing compete with each other for things that they can afford. Now, the guy who can barely eat and pay his bills wants to have the same car that Mr. Jones, who have millions, is driving. The girl who lives paycheck to paycheck has to have that brand-name blouse and purse that cost more than what she makes in a month. People buy things with their credit cards and they would pay it off with their next paycheck. I am in no position to say how much material aspirations would be too much. I am lucky enough to have a mother who aspired to make something more of herself and a father who came from a well-to-do family that I don't have anything to worry about financially. When I can't afford this or that, they are always there to help me out. Maybe that is my problem, I am happy and spoiled with what I have that I really don't aspire to have anything else or learn.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
22 Nov 08
That's so well explained and I am a spoiled child as well. Sometimes, when I want to struggle for somethings that wouldn't come easy , my parents would come in for the rescue. I can understand their psychology but then, nothing like get paid for something which you deserve. You work hard and get paid for and it's the sweetest! I have always lived a simple life. It what I love to and chose over a luxurious life. This has more to do with my thinking and belief and I am happy with a comfortable living. Have a great life.
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@balasri (26537)
• India
21 Nov 08
money, material and luxury become too much for me when they become too much for what they are intended for.Peace and happiness.
@balasri (26537)
• India
21 Nov 08
Thanks Mimpi.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
24 Nov 08
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
21 Nov 08
Couldn't have expressed it better! So apt, so insightful!
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@riyasam (16556)
• India
24 Nov 08
for most of the people GRASS IS ALWAYS GREANER ON OTHER SIDE.i,on one side like to live but sometimes,i do have to confess,i do become envious.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
24 Nov 08
You are being very honest and i really appreciate.
@bjcyrix (6901)
• Philippines
19 Nov 08
Hi mimpi, I think it would be too much when the things start to not have value or significance at all. I mean having too much cash would force a person to either spend until his eyes are crossed, give them away, or just use them as scratch paper. It wouldnt matter to him because he has a lot of it. It would still have value in the society's point of view but to him its dispensable. I really dont mind not having a lot but as long as Im comfortable and dont feel that I have just too much or at least just a bit more than enough, then Im good. I just think that once something is more than enough for you, you dont own it anymore and others have a right to it. Something like that.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
20 Nov 08
That's so well explained! I feel ditto as you do. See, I am not talking abut life without comfort and luxury. There's no harm in living a satisfying, happy life with all the comfort we have. But I would be comfortable with one car, one decent house and enough clothes, accessories and whatever it takes to make me happy. But I know where to draw the line. At the end of the day if we are not happy with all those we have and yearn for tomorrow's quest to get more, we are ultimately living a futile life. And, BJ, I have always wanted to earn money. Money gives me a power the power to give it away for a greater cause and make me happy thus. How else on earth can I reach out to my happiness! Having aid this, I know what are my priorities, I know where my values stand and I know what belongs to me.Just as you know yours. Thanks dear.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
20 Nov 08
Thanks for enriching this post, sweetie. Happiness is indeed a journey and a way of life and not a destination. we can never reach to happiness but we have to seek happiness all through our living. Happy living.
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@bjcyrix (6901)
• Philippines
20 Nov 08
Very well said too mimpi Money does give people power and with how you share yours, it does not only bring self fulfillment but it makes others happy as well. Happiness is after all not a goal, but a way of life. You're welcome and thank you for being how you are.
@lynettebyc (2416)
• China
20 Nov 08
I'm greedy, i even can't give you a certain amount. But most of the time, i feel happy is enough for me, no matter what i eat or wear, where i live. I just need a cup of tea, a book and some beautiful sunshine. I only feel jealous when compare with others, so comparison sometimes not very good. Now, i focus on myself, only compare with myself, and make sure i'm trying my best all the time, and make progress. I know being happy already is a very difficult one to arrive at, we can't always be happy. The common nature of human is greedy. We expecting good to be better all the time.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
22 Nov 08
Yes Lyn, we are humans at the end of the day and cravings in right proportion, not at the cost of our values help excel in life. Or else we would be living a life without aspirations and growth. What is life without dreams! But I appreciate when you stop by, relax to enjoy the sweetness of your achievement. Nthing like it. Thanks Lyn.
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@stylioJ (403)
• United States
20 Nov 08
I don't know that there's a "too much." I do think that some people will never be satisfied even if they have everything in the world. Some people only believe they can be happy with stuff, or power, or whatever else. Others are happy just to be able to serve their families a meal each night. I always work hard and want more and more, but not because I'm not content and grateful for what I already have. I just like working for the next thing. And as I've learned, when you start to be successful, make more money, etc, it doesn't erase your problems. There's always a new bill to pay, a new thing to buy.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
22 Nov 08
I really appreciate Jill. But I ma sure yo do not do it at the cost of your values. You do not appreciate the value of life, beauty of living and enjoy life. What are we without dreams! Mere vegetables! But it has to be in the right direction and in the right degree. I wish you all things you want in life. Just work the way you are and enjoy life to the fullest.
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• India
19 Nov 08
happiness can come in many ways. You really do not need to reach th pinnacle of any organisation or country to becoem happy. Ainfact the top is always a very lonely place. in fact it is said that uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. many a time a poor man is happier then the richest man in th world. he has no worries. It is always the small things in life whcih give the maximum pleasure. if you are sitting and some one suddenly brings you a chocolate or a pastry that you love, it is happiness.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
20 Nov 08
Certainly! I have always thought like that. Little little things in life make me happy. It could be anything on earth. It could be even on a bizarre, most drabest of wintry afternoons in the most insipid place, it could just be some innocent giggles, it could be just watching some infamously kid struggling to stand... I could be anything....
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@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
21 Nov 08
Hi Mimpi..Money can buy only material and luxury,but it cannot buy happiness.Too much craving for materialstic thing only leads to greed,insecurity, and unhappiness..If a person has a golden heart,he or she can have a rich store house of love and compassion ,and can herald a rich supply of happiness and well being,which can surpass all material comforts,and make life more meaningful......
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
22 Nov 08
Money is only a way to reach to the comfort but cannot buy happiness. Happiness is a state of mind that we can achieve with or without it. But, money is important. I appreciate the value of money but not the cost of my values. For me. money money gives me a power - the power to give it away, helping me chase my dream thus.
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@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
22 Nov 08
Yes Mimpi,money can give you happiness..But money and power are dangerous combinations and often form the stepping stone to politics and never ending rat race..........,at least in our country..........
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
22 Nov 08
I was talking about the power freedom to help those who cannot chase their dreams. Helping others and helping myself this. Money is a necessity for such purpose, isn't it? Hope you got my mind. I would never want the power you are talking of here, no way I see myself there.
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• United States
19 Nov 08
Too much is when people have gone past the point where they need anything. People who don't even think about dropping a grand on a suit of clothes, when I can't even afford a new suit. If you buy or have allot of things you don't need then it's too much. A large portion of people live that way, but those that do should be careful, the cruel world gives harsh reality checks. I know from experience.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
21 Nov 08
lisalove Indeed it is like that! Doing reality checks is important. people hardly do that! Thanks.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
20 Nov 08
I have enough right now and cannot ask for more.All my material needs have been fulfilled .I am able to afford books that I want to read, clothes that I want to buy.I haev enough luxury. But I cannot say how much would be too much for me, because whatever is extra with me I would only pass it on to my child and his children.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
20 Nov 08
I appreciate that Kalav. But you must make sure to leave that much that helps your children to pursue their dreams but not too much so that they stop doing anything at all!
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@subha12 (18441)
• India
20 Nov 08
it depends on the individuals. I think for me, it is to that point where i will need not think about money anymore. I will have that much where I can support myself and family in very good way. Life should be comfortable but not like crown of princess
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
21 Nov 08
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• India
20 Nov 08
I could put this way, in three words. I WANT PEACE If some one aspires for this, two things they have to do.. quite simple.. Remove " I" and " Want" from the above.. .. Only Peace remains.. It is only " I" ...manifesting the Ego, in humans.. and which in turns increases the greed and desire in man for more and more WANTS.. Cutting short, the first one, "I" will automatically subside the other one,.. and thereby... "too much" complications will never arise, we hence on the topic about too much will not surface.. To the point, i am simple, sticking to simplest life possible on earth.. like my friend Mou. God bless you friend.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
22 Nov 08
I am speechless! The "I" thing is a killer and more we harp on it more we get self centered and biased. There are people who start every sentence with I did that..., I went there.., I made them do....This goes to show is hollow self conscience and shallow philosophy in life. We are much what and how we talk, move and do. Like you, I have always appreciated the value of simple living. Life is most beautiful when we look at it from OUR point of view that MY. Thanks for enriching this post.
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@mayka123 (16847)
• India
20 Nov 08
As long as I have my family and friends around to share whatever I have I would never say I have too much. One the materialistic things become more important than family and friends then I would say I have too much. Once you learn to share whatever you have you will never be having too much. You will then be having the satisfaction of helping more needy people. I am happiest when I am able to help someone.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
22 Nov 08
That's a great way to put it! I just wish there were more and more people on earth like you. That would make life so beautiful!
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• United States
19 Nov 08
I always thought that I'd be happy with very little money - just enough to pay my bills and have a little left over for luxuries, but I've revised my opinion on this. I want enough money that I don't have to think about it when I see something I want to buy. I don't have expensive tastes, but it would be nice to be able to pick up a pack of socks or underwear without worrying about whether I'll be able to buy dinner tomorrow if I do.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
20 Nov 08
Hi chameleondreams, That's perfectly sane and that's the way it should be! We all want a life where we do not have to think for tomorrow. We must have enough so that we can pursue our dreams unperturbed. But we must stick to our values and should know where to draw the line. I appreciate your thoughts there and let me tell you I am on the same boat. HAPPY LIVING
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@efarmer (184)
20 Nov 08
I would be very much happy if I didnt have to think twice for something that I wanted to buy, be it anything. That is all I want
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
21 Nov 08
That makes much sense. Even I see myself there. I would be happy if I can buy my things. Having said this, I would want a sports car or a bunglow or an expensive designer clothe. That's just not me. I know my limitations.