Are successful managers are productive mangers?

November 20, 2008 12:51am CST
I think,a successful managers is a productive manager in true sense if production term have been used here in the sense of result tuning with organization's short term and long term goal, objective and vision. A manager can be successful only if his every action considers its organization at the top. Different level of managers with different work departments require different approach depending on purpose of their role but above all it is a result that finds maximum attention of a manager and keeps them separate and successful manager. Success is itself a broader term to discuss and so is the successful manager to define but productivity in a team show rather than to individual performance keeps paramount position in any company irrespective of the industry and its class. A productive mangers become successful in a reality only when his performance outclasses all the disputes, binds potential member's strength in a focussed path which gives the way to generate results in the favour of the company, improves performances and keeps tracks of each one member of his team and build leaders for the future and sets goals and achieves it by setting high standards of its own by beating its past performances with complying all the legalities, local and global rules with maintaining political and social aspirations and setting trends for others to follow. Modern managers are more productive then previous one as they have to produce results more frequently and more variedly and the check points of their performances with the desired results and any deviation from the set goal can be marked very early. Post What u think?
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