The FrankenHair!
@CinderInMySoul (4717)
United States
November 20, 2008 4:49am CST
ive name it Fred. soon he will be long enough to use some fancy hair product and turn him into a pompador LOL!! i cant wait!
those of us who have stepped past 30 years old...have most likely already seen a FrankenHair. mine..ok the one im going to talk about lol! is on my forearm. im cultivating it. oddly enough instead of being darker than the rest of the hair on my arm, it doesnt have any color that i can see. not even grey!
actually i keep him around purely for one reason. it totally grosses out my little sister HAHAHA! Fred is almost 2 1/2 inches long now...he blows gently in the breeze. i have to keep him slicked down or my little sister tries to endure the "grossness" and pluck his life away!
too bad there isnt any color, else i would post a pic, but he is camera shy apparantly.
Where has your latest FrakenHair appeared? whats its name?
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