A teenage girl had a baby without knowing she was pregnant!
By maximax8
@maximax8 (31044)
United Kingdom
November 20, 2008 7:45am CST
Whilst waiting for my son's appointment I looked at a magazine. I read about a teenager girl that wasn't feeling very well. Two hours later she gave birth to a baby girl. She had periods during her pregnancy and didn't put on any weight so she had no idea she was pregnant. She loves her baby and is so happy she didn't find out early in her pregnancy. She said that because of her age she would have had an abortion and is happy that she didn't. She has slept with two men so she is not sure which one is the father of her baby.
What do you think about the teenage girl?
Why do you think she didn't she put on any weight?
Should she find out who the father is?
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51 responses
@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
20 Nov 08
I have heard of things like that happening before. I don't understand how you wouldn't know you were pregnant but I guess if you are getting regular periods and not gaining weight you wouldn't know. I don't understand how she didn't gain ANY weight but I guess every one is different!
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
20 Nov 08
I knew I was pregnant at 2 weeks!!! I started getting sick a few days after we conseived and I thought I had a stomach flu. I was still getting sick after 2 weeks and I just knew I was pregnant. About 4 weeks after that I took a test and yup I was pregnant! So I was confirmed pregnant at 6 weeks! I do know a lot of people that don't find out till they are 10 - 15 weeks - I would have rathered that it was the longest 9 months of my life!!!
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@red_amethyst (3518)
• Philippines
20 Nov 08
hi maximax
the story is really one of kind. didnt her tummy enlarge?
maybe the baby was just for her, god made it that way so she wont abort it, this things will keep us thinking how things like this happens. i guess, she dont need to find out who the father is, the father might just deny it or it will just cause more trouble
thanks for sharing
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
21 Nov 08
Hi Red Amethyst. You have some charming ideas to explain because she says she would have probably aborted if she had known. Christian people would know that God if he arranged it would want the baby to the born. The father will be shocked if a DNA test proves he is the dad.
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@makingpots (11915)
• United States
20 Nov 08
Wow, how a life can change in 3 hours time. I feel for this teenage girl but believe that must have been a reason for it to have happened this way. I'm glad she loves the baby. I is likely she didn't eat very much as money teenage girls do, trying to remain thin. I do think she should find out who the father is.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
20 Nov 08
i agree the father should be found, whoever he is he has responsibilities
blessed be
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
21 Nov 08
Life can change suddenly, imagine feeling unwell and then having a baby. That is far different from applying to adopt and waiting two years to get a child. Yes, she loves her baby and I am sure she will always be a good mother. Teenage girls can diet because they love to be thin like models in ladies magazines. I hope she will will find out the who the father is and he will make a good dad.
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
20 Nov 08
Put on any weight? Either A. she was really fat to begin with and the baby just took from the fat that was there or B. she is really, really big boned and had a very small baby. Of course, C. she's full of it, comes to mind, too.
Of course she should find out who the Father is (unless she slept with two encarcerated murders or something like that). For a variety of reasons: 1. He should pay for 1/2 the upbringing of the child. 2. The child will want to know who her Dad is. 3. Only 1/2 of a medical history does not help a child. Should she worry about diabetes, heart disease esp. undetected heart problems that are congenital, arthritis, blindness, thyroid, unusual illnesses that only affect 10% or less of the population and took years to get discovered and the relatives lost a lot of their health unnecessarily waiting to find it, certain types of benign or cancerous tumors, etc.?

@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
21 Nov 08
The picture of the girl showed she looked quite an average weight. Yes, medical history is important so the child knows this when she is older. I think the men the teenager slept with were quite ordinary. A single parent does must of the caring for the child and the other parent can give some money towards the child's up bringing. Her baby very wasn't much lighter than my second child and my bump was huge.
@prinzess1515 (1341)
• United States
20 Nov 08
Pay for 1/2 the upbringing of the child? haha Child support is no where near 1/2. Whoever the kid lives with will pay for most of the child's expenses. I do agree she should find out who the father is but money shouldn't be a reason why unless he has millions.
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@writersedge (22563)
• United States
21 Nov 08
Every place is different. Some places it is manditory to disclose the other parent and have pay for part of child support and some places it isn't. Where I live, if she has the money to pay for the child entirely, she doesn't have to disclose/know. If she is going to have to go to the welfare system where I am, then the system wants to know who the Father is and make him pay a percentage.
Most places don't require the non-costodial parent to pay everything. Where I live, half of a paycheck for some, a certain amount of money for others, depends on what the court awards the child/mother. So it will depend on many circumstances.
@frankiecesca (2489)
20 Nov 08
For reasons of the baby's interest it is probably best to find out who the father is but my friends mother had the same situation when she was pregnant with my friends brother - she had a small baby, still had periods and didn't know she was pregnant until she went into labour!
I guess it must have been pretty scary for her though realising she was a mum without any warning! x
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
20 Nov 08
Hello my friend Frankiecesca. It is fascinating to hear that your friend's mother had much the same experience. I would dearly love to have a baby girl and if I had one in one hours time I would be really surprised. Yes, it would be quite a shock because a lady that knows she is pregnant has time to prepare. With both my pregnancies I had no periods and then later got a huge bump. x
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@frankiecesca (2489)
20 Nov 08
Yes and I remember that she said she had no cravings either or felt sickly which I think is even more so why she didn't know! I find it hard to imagien what it must be like to not know and not be prepared! x
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@nutshellprods (5)
• United States
3 Dec 09
The Learning Channel is looking for true stories for a brand new season of the television series "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant." Please have your friend's mom send a summary of her story to nutshellprods@gmail.com with her name and contact information. THIS IS AN OPEN INVITATION.
- Were you pregnant without knowing it until you went into labor?
- Did you give birth in an unusual location because you didn't know you were pregnant- Do you know someone who didn't know they were pregnant?
In case you are not familiar with the I DIDN'T KNOW I WAS PREGNANT, you can see 2 stories here:
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
20 Nov 08
I dont really know but my hypothesis is young people have such high metabolic rate that she was burning off the excess weight that would normally show up for others.With regards to her periods I guess that is just a case of her mind superseding everything else even her normally bodily functions.
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@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
21 Nov 08
She didn't know she was pregnant so she would have been doing PE at school. A teenager is not experienced with periods very much perhaps they were light. Older ladies have a regular pattern say 5 days every 28 days. I think the teenager is very unusual.
@onesiobhan (1327)
• Canada
21 Nov 08
When my daughter was born I didn't find out I was pregnant until I was five months along. I was on the pill so I kept having fake "periods". I gained very little weight until the last month and I had no other symptoms other than being really tired all the time. I was seventeen at the time.
So I do think it's possible for that to continue throughout the pregnancy.
She should probably try and find out which man is the father for the sake of medical history. It would be a good thing for doctors to know about medical conditions that exist in the father's family as the child is growing up.
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@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
21 Nov 08
this is probably more common than you may realize. when i was in the hospital giving birth to my first daughter, there was a girl in the bed beside me who had just had a baby and her mother told me pretty much the same thing, still had her periods, didnt gain that much weight and had no clue she was pregnant. my guess was she was about 17 or so.
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@candytang (341)
• China
21 Nov 08
About the first question ,I find nothing to say .For I am a traditional girl,and I still think that the girls should be self-esteem,self-love ,and shouldn't lose their dignity.
But why she didn't put on any weight is a puzzle question that I don't know,I think this is not because of her age .In fact ,how can that be true ? What about her baby's weight ?Does she is health? It's so odd.
I think she should find out who is the father ,and I think the baby also wants to know after growing up .About these times ,how can a teenage her fee a baby ?How can the teenage support her baby and her.That's really a question for her I think.
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@liquorice (3887)
21 Nov 08
Some women just don't put on weight during their pregnancy. One reason might be that they carry their baby high up, and the baby "hides" behind their ribs. Another reason could be that some ladies actually lose weight when they're pregnant; strange but true! And if she lost some weight then this could perhaps compensate for the added weight of the baby. Somebody mentioned another possible reason that they could have a very fast metabolism. I've never heard of this reason before and don't know if it's possible, but maybe!
@mikeysmom (2088)
• United States
20 Nov 08
this is not the first time i have heard stories such as this and i have to be honest, i do not buy it. i do not know how a woman at some point does not have a clue she is pregnant. there are so many symptoms one can experience and not gaining any weight is absurd. you have to gain at least the weight of the baby, the amniotic fluid and the placenta. i just find this so far fetched. i know anything is possible but this is hard to swallow.
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@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
21 Nov 08
It is hard to believe but see reply number 15. A lady having a baby without knowing she is pregnant is very very unusual however it can happen. I took a pregnancy test when I missed a period and it was positive. Sure enough I felt sickly in weeks 8 to 12 and I had a number of scans that showed by baby. In weeks 20 to 39 I felt an increasing amount of movement. Then my baby son was born.

@rvangeld (334)
• United States
21 Nov 08
I think it is very weird that someone did not know they were pregnant. I am happy for her though if she is happy. Some women sometimes do not put on weight when they are pregnant, they just stay the same weight. I think she should definatly find out who the father is, because that baby needs a father in her life.
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@ninaluv (338)
• Nigeria
20 Nov 08
well, she must be very lucky.
i havent heard of one seeing her periods while pregnant.
so it's strange and miraculous.
i dont know why she didnt put on weight, it's probably cos she was still seeing her periods.
and yes the father must be known.
she can take both men and the child for a DNA test.
this is quite unbeleivable.
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@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
21 Nov 08
I heard about a lady with two wombs and that is extremely unusual. With pregnancy sometimes very unusual things happen to a few people like the teenage girl. If I had been in her situation I would have wondered what was happening to me because in the later stages of pregnancy a lady feels her baby move. Yes DNA tests would answer who the father is.

@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
21 Nov 08
Yes, the bleeding was from her hormones but she is a teenager so she thought it was her period. After having my second child I thought I had a period and it lasted 15 days, not 5 days. Hormones are strange things because my sister had no migraines in pregnancy but she does regularly have them when she is not pregnant.
@prinzess1515 (1341)
• United States
20 Nov 08
She didn't really have her period when she was pregnant. The bleeding is from her hormones changing and not really a period.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
20 Nov 08
I have a cousin that didn't gain much weight as well as a friend. You would never know that they were pregnant if they hadn't told you. They were both thin women too. They didn't have to wear very loose clothes either. I also had a friend that had her period stop so she went to the DR to find out why and he insisted she was pregnat but she hadn't done any thing to get pregnant. The Dr finenly did an ex-ray and found a 13 lb tumer. So it can go both ways. As far as feeling movement she may have just thought it was gas since she didn't know she was pregnant.
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
21 Nov 08
Thanks for you fantastic response. Your cousin and friend didn't put on much weight. I know a lady like that. She is fat and she only got slightly fatter. Your friend that said she hadn't done anything to get pregnant was right. Her doctor must have been shocked to see the 13lb tumor and she must have been really upset. I hope that your friend is well again now.
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@quarvalsharess (989)
• Malaysia
20 Nov 08
I have heard about stories like this before.. And I have a friend's sister that went through the same thing as well. Well, it happened like this. Her sister suddenly had a tummy ache, and they went to see the doctor, and then found out that she is in labor. And a healthy baby came out of her that very same day!
Yes, it does happen. I do believe it does... So my friend's sister she had periods all the way throughout her pregnancy. So that's why she doesn't know that she was actually carrying a child. And she even was smoking and doing whatever she does because she didn't know she was pregnant.
Well, the factors that may have been a factor why she didn't think that she was pregnant was because she is a fat person. And she just thought that she was just getting a little fatter. That's about it.
I guess the good thing was that she knows who the father of the baby is and also that he was her boyfriends as well. And once the baby was born they got engaged then they married after that.
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
21 Nov 08
Thanks for your excellent response. I am delighted to hear that your friend's sister went through the same thing as well. It is lovely that her boyfriend was the father and they got engaged then got married. Yes, she smoked because she didn't know she was pregnant after all she was still getting her periods. Some fat ladies don't change very much when pregnant. I know a lady that didn't mention her pregnancy until March and her baby was born in June. She didn't get significantly fatter. 

@nutshellprods (5)
• United States
3 Dec 09
The Learning Channel (Discovery Channel) is looking for true stories for a brand new season of the television series "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant." Please have your friend's sister send a summary of her story to nutshellprods@gmail.com with her name and contact information.
- Were you pregnant without knowing it until you went into labor?
- Did you give birth in an unusual location because you didn't know you were pregnant?
- Do you know someone who didn't know they were pregnant?
In case you are not familiar with this program, you can see 2 stories here:
@liquorice (3887)
21 Nov 08
I've heard of several stories like this before; one from a friend of a friend, and I totally believe that it can happen. This woman also had periods all the way through and although she did put on a little bit of weight, as she had no other symptoms and continued to have periods she had no reason at all to suspect she was pregnant. ..Until she was rushed to hospital with terrible stomach pains! At first they thought she had burst her appendix, but doctors soon realised that she was in labour. It's an understatement to say that she was in shock, lol! Her partner had to rush out to buy all the things that they needed as, of course, they were completely unprepared.
It's perfectly possible for some women to just not realise. Think of all the things that alert you to being pregnant.
A missed period - well, some women bleed all the way through their pregnancy, either because of an unusual hormone effect or because they have two wombs, and still have periods from the 'non-pregnant' womb.
Morning sickness - several of my friends were lucky enough not to have had morning sickness at all during their pregnancy, and it isn't that unusual for this to happen.
Weight-gain - again, I know a couple of people who reached nine months of pregnancy and didn't appear to have put on any weight. I was shocked to hear that a woman at my daughter's playgroup was due to give birth the following week. She had an almost flat stomach and hadn't put on any weight anywhere else either; I kept wanting to ask her if she was sure! Some women just stay naturally thin. Another told me that she's hardly shown at all during any of her 3 pregnancies because she carried her babies high, and they "hid" behind her ribs!
Baby kicks - although most mums feel their babies moving by about 18-20 weeks, some babies are just not active. A friend of mine had to keep going for scans because her baby hardly ever moved, and they told her everything was fine, she just had a lazy baby!
Although the norm is that we don't get periods, feel ill, gain weight and feel movement, everybody's different, and some people don't have any of these things.
@liquorice (3887)
21 Nov 08
Oh, and I think that she should find out who the father is, for the health reasons that people have mentioned, and also because one day her daughter will want to know.
@metschica25 (5399)
• United States
20 Nov 08
I have heard of stories like this and kinda am in shock . How could she not feel sick , or notice the babies kick . Unless, not all women go thru what I talked about there . I know that it is common sometimes not to have a period when carrying a baby but you pick up the other signs . I suppose because she was young or maybe was hoping in back of mind she was not and maybe would deny to herself . I dont know really ! I think it is good to know who the father is for many reasons and lets hope he is a good man.

@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
21 Nov 08
It is shocking and now what matters is if her baby girl is well cared for. Pregnant ladies usually have months to prepare for it. I know a lady that announced her pregnancy in March and her baby boy was born in June. She found out about her pregnancy at 9 weeks but tried to deny it but it became obvious. A teenage girl would be even more likely to deny she is pregnant. Yes, I hope the father is a decent and caring man.
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@makingpots (11915)
• United States
20 Nov 08
I know, it is kind of hard to wrap your mind around isn't it. Shocking.
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@metschica25 (5399)
• United States
21 Nov 08
It is hard to wrap your mind around . I hope she has much help and support from everyone . And the dad will be around too !
@chaiizky (101)
• Philippines
21 Nov 08
i have a friend who also didn't know she was pregnant until one day she felt pain in her tummy, she went to the bathroom and before she knew it, poof! baby on the toilet bowl! good thing they were able to rush the baby to the hospital. the doctors were very angry at her for being so careless, and told them she didn't know about the pregnancy. she gained weight but thought it was just because she ate too much in the past months. good thing the baby's safe.
@nutshellprods (5)
• United States
3 Dec 09
The Learning Channel is looking for true stories for a brand new season of the television series "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant." Please have your friend send a summary of her story to nutshellprods@gmail.com with her name and contact information.
@joshjosh (1)
• United States
21 Nov 08
To this day, I don't know how it is possible that anyone could NOT know they are pregnant! I have seen that some of the "larger" mothers may not appear to be pregnant, but there are so many OTHER signs that show you are pregnant. I think the term here is DENIAL, not UNKNOWING.
@kissie34 (2294)
• Philippines
21 Nov 08
Yes, I certianly agree with you... It is really impossible that she didn't even know that she was pregnant.. She was carrying the child for 9 months without even knowing it?? Hellerr! There are so many possible symptoms that will let her know that she's pregnant..