What happens to a soul of an ubaptized child that dies...
By Khayam
@Khayam (346)
November 20, 2008 4:55pm CST
Acording to the Roman Catholic catechisms - although there is no basis in the Scripture that could support them - the soul of the dead child, uncleansed from the original sin, goes to limbo (from the Latin word "border" a fringe of hell where they spend eternity in a state of natural hapiness. In Saint John's Gospel it is written that "Unless a man be born again of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God". Saint Augustine mentions that the unbaptized babies go straight to Hell. "The are vessels of contumely and the wrath of God is upon them".
What do you think it happens to the soul of an unbaptized child that dies?
P.S. I won't be home for the weekend, but I can't wait to read your comments. Take care.
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17 responses
@remrick (202)
• Philippines
21 Nov 08
We don't really know... The Scriptures are silent with regard to this... Ineterestingly, the Catholic Church has already reversed its stand on the existence of Limbo...
My belief is that there is a certain point in time when a child becomes mature enough to be held accountable for his/her deeds... before that, I think God would still allow the child into heaven... maybe you can look up the Greek word used in the passage in John that you mentioned... Perhaps the "man" mentioned there applies only to adults and there may be a different term for children... if that is the case, then we can speculate that it doesn't really apply to children but only to adults...
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
21 Nov 08
I don't believe in infant baptism, I believe in full immersion believers baptism at an age when you are old enough to understand Christianity and be sure of your belief in it. I do not believe that the unbaptized children will go to hell. God is just and loves children. Jesus waited until He was in his 20s to be baptized, and there is no real evidence in the Bible that babies should be baptized, I think that because it is so important for Christians to do that they should understand why they are doing it.
@prinzess1515 (1341)
• United States
21 Nov 08
I totally agree with you. Catholics are different and they don't even use the same bible as we do.
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
21 Nov 08
That is true, however Catholics are not the only Christians who believe in infant baptism. I was baptized as an infant at a UCC church. There are actually Christians who do believe that infant baptism should be abolished in the church.
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
21 Nov 08
*few christians who believe that infant baptism should be abolished, sorry!
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
21 Nov 08
In bible study they taught us that children are innocent, therefore they could not have sinned, therefore their souls are clean and they would be welcomed in to heaven. That certainly sounds fair to me. A child who has done nothing wrong should not be punished because their life ended before the had the chance to be be baptized, or before they reached of the age of consent to be had their parents neglected to do it. Their innocence saves their soul.
@Starflames (261)
• United States
22 Nov 08
Absolutley! And if we, as humans, have that kind of reasoning, just imagine how much higher God's is...
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
24 Nov 08
The Bible does not teach that children cannot sin. We are born sinners and have been condemned with original sin after the fall of man. If children weren't able to sin because of their innocence the Bible would not concentrate so much on urging children to honor their parents. But I think that Christians are referred to in the Bible as the children of God for a reason. In Mark 10:14 Jesus says that the kingdom of God belongs to the little children who come to Him. Luke 18:17 Jesus says that anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it. So although children are able to sin and are not innocent, their faith is perfect.
@prinzess1515 (1341)
• United States
21 Nov 08
They go to heaven. I don't believe the only way to get to heaven in by being baptized. I go by the Holy Bible and not the Catholic Bible. These are just my beliefs.
@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
22 Nov 08
My grandmother told me many years ago, that the
Catholic church had created some doctrines like
purgatory and limbo, for the priests to get
their people to pay them money to pray for the
departed soul out of whatever state they were in,
"other" than heaven.
This may or may not be proven - I don't know.
Many churches have rules and regulations for the
purpose of control, and intimidation of their people,
which I believe GOD HATES!!
I'm always hearing about 'original' sin, and some of
what I've read and been told, sounds like the original
sin was the very act the parents entered into in order
for the baby to be created. If that is what 'original
sin' is - that is absolutely wrong, and contradicts what
the Bible teaches.
It is so important for people to read the Bible for
themselves, and pray for God to help them understand.
Is it any wonder that there are so many varied beliefs?
A baby, or even a toddler, is a special little innocent
being, and therefore very precious to God. He used little
children to make a point, in that we all need to become
child like in our faith towards HIM - not a church.
For too long the churches have set themselves up as God,
instead of helping people to learn about Him, and how to
deepen one's faith and committment to righteous living.
Again - there is NO place named purgatory or limbo in the
Bible anywhere, so why bother worrying about it?
@Starflames (261)
• United States
22 Nov 08
CC, I always thought "the original" sin was committed by Satan in heaven or in Eden. Please see Ezekiel 28:13-16.
However, the bible implies that The First or "Original" sin was committed in Eden by none other than Adam (and Eve). Please see Romans 5:12-14
And that sin was "DISOBEDIENCE". see Romans 5:19.
@katrhina23 (1282)
• United States
21 Nov 08
I hope they go to heaven and be with the Lord. They are innocent and it wasnt their fault why they werent baptized.
@mxzero (28)
• Philippines
21 Nov 08
The bible never did mentioned anything about limbo as to what catholic is preaching. The bible says that children are of God. As I read the bible, there is no instance that Jesus Christ nor the apostles did baptized a child. So by implication, children don't need to be baptized for theirs is the kingdom of God and they do not commit sin due to the fact that they don't fully understand it.
I'll write here again to post the verses regarding what i've mentioned, for more reference pls visit wwww.esoriano.wordpress.com.
@Starflames (261)
• United States
22 Nov 08
I TOTALLY agree with this post, though I've not yet checked the web page you've mentioned.
@angelface23 (2494)
• United States
21 Nov 08
Im not really into religion like that so this is just what I think. I would like to think that children who haven't been baptised dont go to hell. Its not their fault that their parents didnt baptise them. What about babies that die during child birth?? I would think that God is cruel if he sends little babies to hell. I like the limbo scenario, where they are in a state of happiness forever.
@Starflames (261)
• United States
22 Nov 08
Eventhough there is no Limbo, You are pretty much in line with what the scriptures reveal.
@jordan04n (463)
• United States
21 Nov 08
Baptizing does not get a soul into heaven. A child that passes before the age of accountability is not responsible for his own soul so that child goes to heaven. Believing in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved gets a soul into heaven. A child is not held accountability til he has the ability to understand. This is Biblical. God loves all his children and wants them to accept him Yet, they must understand what they are accepting, Do you not think beyond the Roman catechisms?
@Starflames (261)
• United States
22 Nov 08
Baptizing ALONE will not get anyone into Gods Kingdom... but I think that it is a part of fulfilling righteousness for any whose reached the age of accountability. Please see Matt.3:15 and Acts 2:38.
@fishsky (25)
• China
21 Nov 08
WO...I think it too cruel to a child. As is said in Chinese culture,everyone is born kind.This is my own private opinion
@Starflames (261)
• United States
22 Nov 08
I agree, everyone is born a baby! Can't get any kinder than that.
@cookieweber (316)
• Philippines
21 Nov 08
i also heard that they go to limbo...i'd like to think that's true...i cant believe st. augustine would think they'd go to hell...they haven't even had the chance to live, much less commit any sins....the God i know is not bad...infact, God loves the children most, specially the helpless ones. so maybe He created a special place for them like limbo...though deep down, i personally hope that they go to heaven...so they can be with our Creator....
@Starflames (261)
• United States
22 Nov 08
Please trust me... though there IS NO Limbo, you have absolutely NOTHING to worry about.
@xtaticsaint (50)
• India
21 Nov 08
First of all the term Baptism is a spiritual activity, the physical action only being a symbolic gesture and the concept of Heaven and Hell is again theologically and morally debatable. I cannot think of a person, let alone an innocent child burning in hell fire (if it existed) for eternity and I'm definitely not merciful than God. If such an unrelenting God exists, I guess I should start worshipping myself.
@Starflames (261)
• United States
22 Nov 08
You are sooo right! God IS NOT a God of ETERNAL TORTURE and no one will ever be burning forever- much less an innocent child!
@fellynice (8)
• Nigeria
21 Nov 08
well,the bible said that unless a man is baptized,he cannot see the kingdom of God.It did not say a baby or child.To me, before the law of baptizm will hold, you must have grown to an age that will fully understand the principle of baptizm.Our Lord Jesus got to some stage or age before He was baptized.The issue of children should be left for God to judge.There was a question in the Bible as to a baby that was born blind from birth,who's sin it was, the mother or the child? Our Lord jesus left they judgement for God.
@Starflames (261)
• United States
22 Nov 08
Well said.
Jesus himself was at least thirty years of age when he got baptized and started his ministery. Please see: Luke 3:21-23.
@greatirishninja (42)
• Canada
21 Nov 08
I am a spiritual/religious person in a sense but by no means in an acceptable manner to any of the western mess religions so what I say is of my own opinion. From what I have learned and the feeling I get from what is said is that God is a kind and all forgiving being. If this is true how could such a kind and benevolent being even justify creating hell let alone be able to damn someone there eternally? I don't believe that God would do either of those things and that His messages, if any, were misconstrued by people over time. It's like that game children play in class where they sit in a circle and the first one whispers something to the next who passes it along and it continues until the last child repeats the message which by then has become something completely different. Though it's a quote from a fiction, it's a very genius and very relevant quote. "It's not what you believe, it's how you believe." Just my 2 cents and I'm sorry if anyone is offended but any God I believe in would never send anyone to hell let alone a child.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
20 Nov 08
I am not a religious person so I believe there is no difference, I have no faith as to what is written in all these books of different religions, who knows who wrote them...I believe there is something after this life but i think we will go to the same place, the very fact that some of these ordinary men who are doing the blessings of the soul are doing dispicable things should make people realize they have no rights to be giving blessings anyway, they are just ordinary people...

@Starflames (261)
• United States
22 Nov 08
I feel that some of what you said has some merit, especially the second part of your last sentence.
@tennissandgirl (196)
• United States
21 Nov 08
LDS/Mormon's believe that one must reach the age of accountability before they are baptized. Anyone that does not reach the age of accountability automatically makes it to Heaven. We believe the age of accountability is eight which is when the average child should know the difference between wrong and right. Unbaptized babies will go to heaven because they no of no evil having just come from heaven! Hope you had a great weekend!!