One, None, No Intention.... childless people weigh in here...
By mommyboo
@mommyboo (13174)
United States
November 20, 2008 6:27pm CST
My question to you is...
Do you want one, none (but would make an exception), or no intention, ever? If you're one of the few who has none and wants none, care to share? I promise I won't bite, I have a few friends who do not want kids and do not have any, but they aren't nasty about it. I have seen some sites that are actually dedicated to people who enjoy having no children and they make fun of parents and say all sorts of nasty things about children, including that they do not like having to encounter them in public places! I realize that maybe a place like this won't have anybody like that .... but maybe it will. Explanations welcome, but please be decent, I am a parent and while I would never force you to live with my children, I do expect you to respect my position as a mother.
I also have to remind everybody that we were ALL children at one point in our lives, and obviously your parents allowed you to grow into an adult, so if you have issues with children, do NOT forget that you were once one yourself, and someone else had to change your diapers and clean up after you and teach you how to do things.
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18 responses
@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
21 Nov 08
wow i wont get jumped on??? i dont have kids and have no desire or plans for them.. i have several good reasons which seem to never be good enough for anyone else but oh well here it goes..
1. i was the youngest child thats brothers were 13 and 15 YEARS OLDER than me.. i was home schooled and had NO interaction with kids till i was like 9 or so and then it was because i was raised in a cult like setting for a few years then my teen years were horrible because my parents are psycho religious and did a number on me.. i have no idea what being a kid is like because my parents treated me like a grown up (i had toys and stuff but other than toys i wasnt childlike at all) i have tried babysitting and literally it felt alien to me.. i have no idea what they do or how to understand them.. and honestly i never got to be a kid so how would i know how to raise one to be one??
2. i dont really like kids but thats because i dont understand them and any kids i were around were like the kids that gave parents nightmares so its not like i have had 1 good experience in my life with kids other than babies.. i like babies.. just not them growing up.. yeah i know im awful.. lol
3. my health is bad and i have been told by several docs if i try to have a kid i will be bed ridden the whole pregnancy and will most likely die in the process.. not something i feel like doing.. i had decided to adopt anyways if i had changed my mind
4. i dont want kids because i cannot be a good parent.. i am stuck in bed a lot already from health issues and it would KILL me if i had a kid and couldnt play with it or hold it because i was too weak etc.. no kid needs that.. love can only make up so much but eventually the kid would want a parent that could play with it etc.. my hubby is in bad health also and i wouldnt want it to be up to him to be a good enough parent for both of us..
5. i grew up with a father that was unmedicated bipolar and was very very traumatizing.. im bipolar and unfortunately i have inherited his temper and i will NOT put any kid through that. PERIOD..
6. no money.. i grew up poor as hell and i want to be able to do better than that if possible etc..
so add them all up together and i figure i rather not have kids than to TRY and be horrible at it and screw them up.. it may sound like fear but its really not.. i dont want the kid to suffer because of me.. and no one can seem to understand that and people have told me i shouldnt even be alive because if i am alive i HAVE to have kids because other wise im flipping off god or some bs.. or people think i will change my mind etc.. my hubby feels the same way and has health probs and had abuse growing up to where he doesnt want to be a parent.. and he already raised his brother and sister for half their lives so he already got to experience it and he is like NEVER AGAIN!!! lol
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
23 Nov 08
One question - you don't resent other peoples' children, do you? LOL! It sounds like you have like 6 very solid, valid, reasons for not wanting to have kids. The medical reasons on their own are scary enough, I know you're relatively young but nobody wants to worry about having their life at risk.
Let me address the cult stuff and whatever your parents did. If I remember right, you're not close to your parents as a result? Sometimes parents make mistakes, some largely fatal ones. What I learned from mine are both good and bad things, there are some choices I have made that are clearly 180 from them, others that are out of appreciation for good things they taught me. For instance, I would never make my kids share rooms because I had to share a room most of my life at home. It was horrible. Personal space is extremely important to me. Growing up we always HAD to sit at the table for meals, no tv, no books, etc. WE don't even own a table and we often watch tv or movies in the bedroom and eat on the bed lol. I went to a private school thru 8th grade, I would never dream of sending my kids to a private school, and I think free interaction is VERY important. My mom however was home most of the time we were awake and not in school, so I do value being home for my kids as a result. I also know you can do anything, I have never felt that there is a glass ceiling as far as equality.
I have some friends who feel like you, if you don't have any siblings and never had a desire for a sibling and didn't get to be around many kids, it IS hard to relate. It's also hard to translate what you know into making it work when you do have a kid, these people question their parenting ALL THE TIME. It doesn't necessarily make them bad parents but it does make them nervous parents. Like when my daughter would cry, I'd just pick her up and try a variety of things - as a newborn you can't really tell but you kind of know they might be hungry, need to burp, need a diaper change, or just want some comfort, to be held. One of those always worked and I'd just start at one and continue till she stopped crying. I'm pretty confident though. For someone who really has no idea and isn't confident, a crying baby can be an overwheming assault on their senses lol.
It doesn't sound like fear to me, it sounds like you have thought about all the factors and you and your husband are on the same page. I wish other people thought the way you do about the money thing. There are way too many people who are already in the red and shoulnd't have kids and they are HAVING MORE KIDS. Don't they realize they can't afford the kids they have?? It does suck to grow up knowing that you don't have some things you should!
I always get irritated when I hear people who go on and on about how someone SHOULD have kids or SHOULDN'T have kids. Obviously if someone wants to, they should be able to take care of themselves independently before they add a kid to the mix, right? It bugs me when someone gets all over somebody for having more kids when those people WANTED more, could afford them etc. At the same time, there are people who make reasonable and educated decisions not to continue their genetics and that is to be respected as well. Some people have careers they built from the ground up. Some people have goals and dreams that don't have room for parenting inbetween. Some people face horrific medical problems, any of those are good reasons. BTW, it's not about God either. For those who believe, I guess 'God' is in control and if God really wanted someone who didn't want kids to have kids, then I guess it would happen, wouldn't it? In my opinion, it is happening already and probably why we are having a population and economic crisis lol.
This reminds me a little about how I feel towards working full time again. I've done it, I'm even good at it. Doesn't mean I liked it. I probably will never choose to do it again lol. Doesn't mean I might not have to temporarily someday in the future, or I might consider it part time - also does not mean it's not a great fit for other people. Some experiences are NOT good for some people, no matter how 'good' other people paint it!
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
21 Nov 08
haha wasnt talking about YOU!! lol.. dont ya remember me getting crucified here 6 months ago??
@pheonixstar1982 (2307)
• United States
21 Nov 08
Hey i never jumped on you because of it. I support and respect your decision. You just tease me because i want kids.

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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
21 Nov 08
I used to want children terribly & felt I was cheated out of the greatest things in life. I have 4 stepdaughters & 6 step grandchildren. Don't get to see any of them very often as their Dad & I were divorced many years back. As I got older & realized that I probably would never have my own, I learned to just accept it!!! Don't get me wrong, I still love other people's children but realize that I am too set in my ways to have children now...not to mention way too old!!!

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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
23 Nov 08
I have three, two are my step and one is mine - however I consider all of them mine. It's kind of nice to have three and only have to have one pregnancy lol. I don't have grandkids yet, I'm not THAT old, and I do hope it's a couple more years before that happens anyway because even though the oldest kid is 19, doesn't mean she is anywhere near ready to have her own. I am so, SO grateful that I met my husband because if not, there is a distinct chance I might have also been in your shoes, feeling cheated without having had any kids. I really would have been miserable. I don't feel like I need to have 10 though, so I guess I have THAT in my favor.
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
29 Nov 08
Unfortunately the trend nowadays is that everyone feels right and allowed to judge others rudely because they can.
Respect seems to be something that has no place in the world today.
I have kids, but I didn't always thought I wanted to have kids - long story - but in any case it never occurred to me to judge, make fun or be rude to the ones that did have children.
That said, people with children should also think before taking their children to some places. Just because it might not be the best place for them.
For example in our school we have meetings, information nights etc. There is always babysiting available for free but there are also always parents that take their kids with them to the meeting no matter what. The result is a meeting interrupted by crying, over active kids wanting to run around, loud kids voices asking when they are going home etc lol not the best idea.
Like the above one, there are other situations and places where parents should really think before taking their children.
still there is no reason for people to think they're the all mighty no children people and that they rule the world.

@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
1 Dec 08
Agreed, agreed, there are some places where people probably should not bring children. When my daughter is being a pill, I often leave her at home with my son or my husband because I don't want to inflict the world with her pillyness. Unfortunately there are some times such as when my husband is at work and my son is at school and I can't do anything about it, I HAVE to bring her. FORTUNATELY she is not pilly all the time! There are times when she is good during a meeting or somewhere kids are not usually invited, but like any kid, the chances against that are high because kids just don't have the same attention span or understanding that you must be quiet and/or not run around.
I mostly directed my confusion at people who have issues just SEEING children, at places like malls and stores and fast food places, as well as FAMILY style restaurants. Obviously it's not a good idea to take a toddler or preschooler to a fancy $50 a plate steak place where you might plan a special date, but to be annoyed with children at a McDonald's or Applebees is in my opinion ridiculous. 

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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
24 Nov 08
I did want children. Had things been different I would have happily got married and had a family and been a stay at home mother. That was my plan when I was in high school. The only problem with that plan was that I never got married.
I mean that was step one and since I never met anyone to marry I never had the kids either. I was such a good girl that I waited and waited working my way through life, then university and then work again never meeting anyone. Then one day I realised I was 44. I was a 44 unmarried virgin and I panicked at the thought that my dreams would never be realised.
Well I tried to catch up but it was too late. I was too old and now I have a wonderful partner and I am very happy but I am also in menopause and I am too old to have children. Oh well maybe in my next life. 

@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
25 Nov 08
Yes my partner has two grown sons. One I have never met but the younger one is a lovely boy. Unfortunately he lives back south like my family so we do not see him and he only calls his dad once a year on his birthday.
I have fur kids though. Do they count?
I have adjusted to not having any children of my own, I see it as just not being part of this life path. Besides I would not be who I am now if things had been different.

@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
25 Nov 08
I had trouble finding someone to marry too... at least back when I was in high school. Guys my age were not looking for starting a family, they were all caught up in being a rock star or playing sports or going to college or joining the military, none of those being my idea of a good time. I had always hoped to be a stay at home mom - I am now so this is like my version of winning a lottery. I did work full time for approx 10 years before I met my husband and had my daughter, so I feel like I have a well rounded life. I was also married before so I've experienced marriage without kids, for me it was really sad. A lot of people think it would be fun because we could do things, but my ex didn't really want to do a lot of things, he was a social recluse and I think he resented the fact that I wasn't.
Does your partner have any children? Even if they are grown they still count lol. I am lucky that I got pregnant right away, if I hadn't I think we would have been cutting it close because my husband does want to retire before he's 80! In fact he probably hopes to retire by the time he's 65.
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@Shawchert (1094)
• United States
21 Nov 08
I have a son so I may not count.
I just wanted to say, that even though the people who don't ever want a child have the right not to, I'm actually glad there's people who don't want to have one, as there's a bit much of us already. I had one, and I'm in no hurry to have another, in fact if I really want another I'll adopt there's plenty of unwanted children out there.
These people are brave to make a decision like this, it doesn't make them selfish, it makes them know what they can and can't do, and it won't be brought down on a child they never wanted in the first place.
Just because you were a child once doesn't mean that you have to have one.
Thanks for letting me have my say, have a good night! :D
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
23 Nov 08
Well, I don't necessarily have any problems with those who know better than to have a child if they realize they will struggle both financially and emotionally if they undertake it. There are some people who are clearly not wired to be parents. Anyway, the ones I don't understand are the type who actually seem to hate children and think they should not have to share this earth with them. Those are the people to whom I directed the reminder that someone allowed THEM to grow out of their childhood without removing them lol. People like this have their choice to not have any kids, but they do not have the right to resent and hate OTHER peoples' children simply for being alive.
I have a situation where although I have three kids, 2 of them were inherited and they are so much older than the little one that she will experience both having multiple siblings, one sibling, and being an 'only'. We aren't having any more due to already having 3 and no longer being that young lol. I used to think if we even won a lottery or got blessed somehow I would think about more, but the economy is so far down the tubes that even something like that would not be a guarantee of early retirement and having a secure financial future.
@fwidman (11514)
• United States
21 Nov 08
As a young adult I had already made my mind up that I wanted no children of my own. The world was populated more than enough and didn't need my help. Then I married a woman that had four boys and they became my children too. I helped raise them and watch them go off as adults to raise families of their own, noting with satisfaction that all four of those boys have stepkids of their own.
Now I have Shelly and her daughter who is now my daughter as well. She is almost grown too, and thinks she will be leaving the nest sometime after June when she turns eighteen. So, all in all, the man who wanted no kids had five
I can still say that I did my part to help population control though, I have no children of my own 

@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
25 Nov 08
Perhaps I am a little selfish because I did want at least ONE of my own. I am adopted and except for my daughter I have no biological relatives that I know. I have no desire to find them either, but the point is I wanted to have at least one lol. There is also a special bond you have with a child you have carried in your own body and raised from the time they were tiny and helpless. I didn't raise my step kids until they were preteen/young teen and that's a lot of time to miss in a child's life.
I love your new boots pic, btw!
@cutepenguin (6430)
• Canada
21 Nov 08
We don't have children yet, but we hope to have one. Two, if we are lucky.
I can understand how some people are uncomfortable with children. There are some parents who do let their kids run around and behave inappropriately. While yes, I was a child and people did have to tolerateme, I was never allowed to run around in a restaurant or anywhere else that people were working. Of course, I think people who can't handle children at all are a bit unrealistic and maybe even odd. (Especially the ones who buy houses right across the street from places like community centres).
Regardless, a child is a big commitment, and some people don't think they can make it. my husband and I recently babysat my nephew, and it was pretty nerve wracking for my husband. He's currently pretty certain that he wouldn't be able to handle things like toilet training and getting our kids to eat their dinners. Obviously, if a lot of people also think this, then they might not choose to have children.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
23 Nov 08
I think a lot of it depends on your experiences to date, both as a kid and as an independent adult, what sorts of friends you have and how they parent, and bottom line what is acceptable to you. My parents were pretty strict with me as a kid so I relate to not wanting kids to run around when they should be sitting, you don't touch and break other people's things, you behave yourself in public and in other people's homes, etc.
I do think that people who don't want to be near kids at all should be careful to find a community which is mostly singles, older people, and not near a school, park, community center, or excessively close to a lot of entertainment ie a mall, movie theater, or places where a lot of KIDS choose to visit frequently!
While toilet training sounds like a horrible thing to deal with, if you can approach it with a little humor, patience, and the knowledge that no kid goes to college in diapers (a reasonable expectation), and also realize that it's nothing to be forced, just do it when a kid starts to exhibit signs or says they want to, it isn't that bad. I think the frustration comes when a parent and a child collide with expectations, the kid isn't ready or doesn't care, but the parent does. The dinner thing can be solved by remembering that a toddler will only eat about an ice cube size per year, so a two year old may only eat 2-3 ice cubes worth of food at a sitting. And by all means, if they don't, they DON'T need a cookie afterwards lol. My husband didn't have to deal with most of the toilet training, I did it. He does help me enforce the dinner guidelines though!
On a bad day, believe me I am praying 'God give me the serenity to accept the things I can't change, courage to change the things I can AND THE STRENGTH TO HIDE THE BODIES OF THE PEOPLE WHO CONTINUALLY SABOTAGE ME!'
@34momma (13882)
• United States
21 Nov 08
to each his or her own. i love my children, and i respect those who choose not to have any. however i will say this. anyone who makes fun of someone for being different then them in any way, is more about the person making fun then it is about the person they are making fun at. that is why i don't allow things that others say about me get to me. because it's not about me, its about them.
i say if you don't want children, hell that's fine with me. i have three of them and i would not trade that for anything in the world. but everyone is not made to be a parent and it's good to know that before you have children
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@rsa101 (38320)
• Philippines
26 Nov 08
I guess there is an issue in the past that they hated their childhood or something. I guess this kinds of people do need to rediscover their childhood in the past and know what exactly was the problem with that. Well there are just people like that and sometimes we just have to understand that.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
1 Dec 08
There are some parts of my own childhood I am not fond of lol. That doesn't mean I didn't want my own kids. If anything, I figured I'd fix some of those things and get to enjoy some things I didn't when I was young. So far it's working out pretty well.
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
21 Nov 08
When I was in my teens I dreamed of the typical husband, children and little house with the picket fence. As I got older, I realized that for the most part that's a fairytale. I have my Hubby but it took me a long time to find a decent man, the children weren't meant to be (I can't have any) and the house with the picket fence is just another house.
I'm content with my life...there are things I'd change if things were different but I'm happy with it the way it is. As for if I would have kids if I could...I really don't know. I like kids, I always have and when I was a foster parent I enjoyed having the kids there. At the same time, I look at the world around me...the Family Service interferrence, the school problems, the problems with child molesters and perverts and the world in general and I think, why would I subject a child to this. I have a Niece and a Nephew that I love dearly but I worry all the time about what kind of world they will have to face as adults. Things aren't like they were when I was growing up.
I don't dislike ppl that have kids, that's a choice they made...though I do believe that if your going to bring kids into this world you should be prepared to put the effort forth to raise them properly. I also don't look down on those that don't have them...that's their choice as well.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
24 Nov 08
There are a lot of things that didn't turn out how I expected them to. I figured I'd meet and marry the love of my life when I was young. That didn't happen. I figured I'd never get divorced. That DID happen. I always figured I'd get married before having kids. Instead I met the love of my life AFTER having been married and divorced and I had a baby and THEN we got married. I am also a step parent. I don't live anywhere near the rest of my extended family.
I am not pleased a lot with the world around me. Things are scary and people are scarier. The reason why I still chose to bring a child into this world is because I am confident that I can protect her from some of it. Not all of it certainly but enough of it that I am not a literal mess if she's not in my view. I am irked about the way politics are headed and this economy because I guess it means a bad world for all the kids now, but they'll figure it out just like we did when they get older. I just hope that people in the future have more peace and acceptance than unrest and anger.
@cassandralynn (1084)
• United States
21 Nov 08
I was one of those people for YEARS that exclaimed all the time that I never wanted kids and I never planed on having kids, but I secretly wanted a child but was afraid I wouldn't be able to be a good mom & etc, just basic fears regarding raising children and I thought I couldn't get pregnant because I was with my boyfriend for years and I never got pregnant, so I figured that it wasn't meant to be, but at that point I think my boyfriend wanted a child more then me. So years rolled by and when I was 31 I found out I was pregnant with our first child. He was born healthy and is a pure delight of a child. My son will be a only child and after Jan 15th I will have surgery and I will not be able to have another children again after that.. But I am very thankful for my son and I could not imagine life without him.One child is enough for me anyhow, I don't think I could handle
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
24 Nov 08
I have found with only one little one that it is certainly easier on a parent physically. Older kids take more of an emotional toll, younger ones more physical. You also get more time to yourself if you only have one, or if the older ones LIKE to help occupy the little one. I did have a point in time when they would wake her up though, and it irritated me so I'd start saying if they woke the baby, they'd get to WATCH the baby, even if she was crabby. That seemed to put a stop to them waking her up all the time.
I couldn't get pregnant for a long time when I was with my ex, I got pregnant right away with my current hubby, so it was not me like I had feared. I was a little younger than you but I still felt like I was starting to be an 'old' mommy lol.
@pheonixstar1982 (2307)
• United States
21 Nov 08
At present i have no children but i do want them. However i have a friend who doesn't have any and has no intention of having any. She has valid reasons that i repsect. Her main reason is her health would not allow her to either carry or be able to take care of a child. She also thinks she would not make a good mother. I respect her most for that reason. That are a lot of parents out there who just shouldn't of had children because they do not take care of them. That tears me up because i know i would be a good mom, yet have no children, when there are horrible moms out there who keep having children(there is a specific person i am thinking of when i say that too).
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
23 Nov 08
Not having your health is a very big deal, I already know that if I wasn't healthy there are a lot of things I would have no business doing. I hate asking for help and if I were bedridden or sick all the time, I would have to have help, and that would KILL me lol.
I always think of the fact that secure loving couples sometimes spend their life savings and retirement trying fertility treatments to have a baby, and some of them never conceive - or by the time they do, they are in their late 30s and the 'miracle baby' sometimes loses a parent before they graduate from college. That makes me sad. Meanwhile you have these people who are 2nd or 3rd generation welfare/foodstamp/aid people who don't work and have six kids when they can't even decently afford to take care of themSELVES. This really bugs me! As a parent and a taxpayer, *I* am paying to raise their family when they shouldn't even HAVE one! Their kids go to school with MY kids and then MY kids feel sorry for them because they don't have coats or don't have lunch money... wtf, I mean it's not MY fault!
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
21 Nov 08
HI mommyboo! Ok! I have no children, as I think I told you
already! It just worked out that way! When I was young I
had that dream of getting married and having children. Well
things didn't happen that way for me. I was engaged twice,
but never did marry. I did get pregnant once, but had to have
a theraputic abortion because I was miscarrying. I cried
throughout the whole procedure. I was 26. That was the only
time I was ever pregnant. As time went on I ended up not
wanting to get married and I wasn't going to have children
without being married so that was that. I feel that I made
the right decision for me. I always babysat from he time I
was 12. I loved kids and still do! As long as I can give them
back! I will babysit anytime for anyone! I have and still do!
Just make sure you pick them up at some point please!
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
23 Nov 08
I actually would have probably had a kid on my own but it certainly would be nowhere near as nice as this lol. I figure I can always watch additional kids, I have no shortage of friends with kids and they usually appreciate the break if I offer it.
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
21 Nov 08
Well right now I dont have children yet, and I'm 31, and right now I have no interest in having children because theres still so much I want to do with my life before having kids but once I'm more settled in my life and mentally and emotionally ready to have children, I think I will consider it, but of course things dont always happen the way we plan but hopefully when the time is right I will have kids, but not now, and if my life dosent come to a point of being settled before my child baring years are over, I might consider adopting but only in the right situation.

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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
23 Nov 08
Sounds like you have a plan in place lol. I do want to mention that I am not sure if anybody really is settled and mentally and emotionally ready, you can feel that way and not be, or not feel that way but handle it fine. Kids make a joyous mess of the best laid plans and adults who are made to have children take it in stride. Nothing lasts forever, even childhood lol.
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
23 Nov 08
[i]Hi mommyboo,
I have no kids and no plan this time also even in my 30's! But, I love kids and enjoy hanging out with them, not my priority this time! But, I do wish that 2 or 3 years from now, if I am still capable, why not![/i]

@YamiKiba (937)
• United States
21 Nov 08
Eh. . .people can't help being children when they were born, so I think people who wanted to become adults quicker as a child would not like to have any of their own in my opinion. Having said that, its not my personal reason why I wouldn't want a child just putting it out there since I've known some people who were like that as a kid, but for financial reasons and such. I know my parents had to pay and invest a lot of money in order to raise me and my brother and I don't see myself as the type of person to do that. And not to mention they are still paying for me in order to go to college. I would not be willing to do that. . .at all. So I wouldn't be a very good parent because its not in my future goals for the lifestyle I hope to have someday.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
23 Nov 08
Children are not easy nor inexpensive to raise, for some it becomes a huge sacrifice. It's funny that you say you think people who wanted to become adults quicker as a child might not want kids - I wanted to grow up fast but only in order to be the decisionmaker in my own life and have my own kids lol. I mean I hope my daughter enjoys being a kid, I try to give her all the opportunities I had AND all the opportunities I didn't. I want her to enjoy it, but at the same time I want to help motivate her too so she also enjoys the journey to growing up. I am not in a hurry either way, I like her at any age, even when she is a pill. It took me a long time to have her, so perhaps that is why I am more relaxed about the whole thing.
@trickiwoo (2702)
• United States
21 Nov 08
I want three kids. I only have 1 sibling, and all my life I've always wanted more siblings. I'd really like to have a big family, but I know it's a lot of work taking care of so many kids. Not to mention how expensive it is! So I think 3 kids is the perfect amount.
As for people who don't like children, I know tons of parents who don't like other peoples' children, but love their own.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
23 Nov 08
LOL! I have noticed that some people who either have no siblings or only one sometimes feel like they really want MULTIPLE kids because they feel cheated for being an only or ONLY having a brother or ONLY having a sister.
I can also tell you that although in general I like kids, there are a few that I do NOT like, but I can directly tie that to the parents those kids belong to. There are some parenting strategies I do not agree with, and when someone's kid is dragging someone else's kid around by the shirt and that parent isn't even paying attention, I know it is the parenting to blame and not the kid. I mean if MY kid were doing that, you can bet I'd catch her right away and she'd be apologizing!
@jasmine0728 (677)
• United States
21 Nov 08
I believe in pro choice,I have one child,I only wanted one and GOD blessed me with the girl I wanted,she is just what I prayed for.That being said if I should get pregnant tomorrow by "accident" I would not have an abortion because I do not believe in it for me.I do feel I can't judge others for their decision about it,I can judge the ones that use it as a form of birth control but that's another story.If people decide they don't want children they have that right and it is probably best they don't have any.People that complain about listening or dealing with other peoples children should stay away from them then,leave a store if they are being bothered.Unfortunately too many people feel that children should be seen and not heard,well we don't live in Little house on the prairie days and children are allowed to speak and scream and run and play.People should get over themselves already and see children as the gift that they are.I only wanted one but I love to see children out in the store or in the waiting room at the doctors.I enjoy watching the silly things they do or listening to the funny things they say,they make my wait enjoyable.So to heck with the snots that don't enjoy them.

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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
23 Nov 08
I believe in pro choice too - as an option for women. I believe with good reasons that people should always have a choice, but I do not believe in it for use as birth control. Birth control in my opinion is something to be used to prevent conception, not something to be used to get 'rid' of a baby.
I also agree that we don't live in the time when children can be forced to be seen and not heard, I think such things are bordering on abusive. Children are NOT little adults, they are not that psychologically advanced, they don't have our attention span, our level of understanding, etc. Because I'm a parent, I feel completely justified in telling off those snots who complain, and I would love to tell them that if they feel that way, I should have told their parents to get rid of them before they infected the planet with their sour opinions when they grew up lol.