Palin Pardons Turkey (While Others Are Slaughtered On Camera...)
By anniepa
@anniepa (27955)
United States
November 20, 2008 9:19pm CST
That's right, Governor Sarah Palin just did the same thing the President does every year around this time - she pardoned a turkey. The only problem is, while she was holding a press conference there were other turkeys being slaughtered right behind her - ON CAMERA - to which the former V.P. candidate seemed completely oblivious. You can see the video here:
(Scroll down a bit.)
At one point she says, "we'll probably invite criticism for doing this!" She also spoke of how much fun it was and how nice it was to do something light instead of heavy handed like politics can be at times. I'll bet a few turkeys would beg to!
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11 responses
@dloveli (4366)
• United States
21 Nov 08
ARE YOU SERIOUS???Talk about not needing to know what's going on around you at all times. She isnt the smartest now is she? Let's just say for arguments sake she couldnt see what was going on. YOU MEAN TO TELL ME SHE DIDNT HEAR IT EITHER?! Come on! She makes herself look like a total fool. I am sorry to insult this woman but theres no way she couldve done a good job for John McCain. Sorry. dl
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
22 Nov 08
She appeared to look back right at what was going on.
I'll be having turkey myself on Thanksgiving Day but that doesn't mean I like to see something like that. It was reported yesterday and today that Palin knew what was going on and didn't think it was a problem. Now I saw this evening where she's now saying she didn't know. I'd say either way she's a pinhead!
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
21 Nov 08
And I'm still sure she would have done a great job. I was highly impressed with the great shots of that poor doomed bird that were captured by the cameras. No one who dislikes Palin is even the least bit clued in that the whole thing was a media setup to keep making her look bad. BTW, I bet every one of those reporters and camera men have a big fat turkey on their table for Thanksgiving. Get a clue, will ya?
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@Thumper11 (662)
• United States
21 Nov 08
my boyfriend was watching it. He thought that it was hilarious. I couldn't watch... those poor turkeys..... I hate killing animals for food. No I am not a vegitarian... but i don't want to see the food that i'm going to eat being slaughtered. i grew up on a farm, I have seen enough of it.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
21 Nov 08
I'm the same way. I'm no vegetarian either but I don't think we really need to see something like that on TV when we're not expecting it. Basically, in the middle of a "human interest" - OK, TURKEY interest - fluff piece nobody was expecting to see other turkeys getting their heads chopped off.
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
22 Nov 08
I saw this on the news last night and thought whoops someone's going to get fired over this screw
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
21 Nov 08
Annie, i have always respected you and found you to be a thoughtfull and intelliegent participant here. But I've noticed a pattern as of late. I'm at a loss as to how to explain it. Far better than half you discussions revolve around Governor Palin. Even now, almost a month after the elections have ended.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
21 Nov 08
The incompetent press are scared of Palin. They know that if they had left her to campaign without them playing interference even with her faults (yes, she does have faults) she would have helped McCain beat their bought and paid for candidate, Obama.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
22 Nov 08
First, X, in response to your first comment - it's certainly not accurate that better than half my discussions are about Palin but even it they were she's still making news and when I choose what to post about I try to pick something interesting and pertinent that's going on. You're right, the election ended over three weeks ago, but WELL over half the political discussions here are still bashing Obama, and many of them are just rehashing things that have been discussed over and over for two years. This turkey story just happened yesterday and, sorry to offend any Sarah defenders, but it made her look totally clueless! Had it been anyone else the same people that are attacking the messengers (ME and the media) would be having a field day with whatever moron did such a thing.
Next, it's not the media's fault this happened, it has nothing to do with anyone being "afraid" of Palin for 2012. She'll see to it herself nobody would vote for her by that time.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
21 Nov 08
The media know 2012 is just around the corner. They are trying to make their job a bit easier then by giving Palin a bad image for the next four years. After all, I think everyone can see she is a rising star among conservatives.

@collieluv28 (388)
• United States
21 Nov 08
I read the story but there was no way I was going to watch the video! I love animals (I also love to eat turkey!) so I could not stomach seeing an animal being slaughtered. It's funny that Palin didn't even know it was going on behind her. Did someone set her up or something? I can't believe these things keep happening to her. The press will be hounding her for a while I guess because of some sort of fixation on her. I do think she enjoys the attention though.
As for the earlier responses saying that you are fixated on Palin - I must say that the press keeps reporting on these stories, so we are going to comment on them. I like to talk about what I read & that is all you are doing, annie. It's a-ok with me.
Happy Thanksgiving!
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
22 Nov 08
Thank you! How does it feel to be out-numbered about 10-1?
You know, I had no intention of being too "mean" to the poor thing but after how defensive and angry everyone was since I even mentioned it, I couldn't help myself. I think she's sucking up all the press attention she can get, then she and her fans get all bent out of shape when something makes her look bad.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
23 Nov 08
"annie, yes, the majority of discussiions lately here are about Obama, he's the president Elect. Over the next 4 years, 9 out of 10 discussions will probably be about him. I wasn't offended by the post, just puzzled as to why you or the media for that matter, considered it even remotely a relevant story."
Apparently Palin herself alerted the media she was doing this pardoning, don't you think? She didn't just do it for her own benefit and that of the workers at the turkey farm, I don't imagine. SHE gave the media access to her for the interview afterwards. In my lifetime, most of the V.P. candidates who lost would quietly go back to whatever they'd done before the campaign but Palin hasn't been like anyone who has come before her. She craves the attention but then she and her fans cry if something shows her in a bad light. You can't have it both ways!
When someone becomes an icon like Sarah Palin has lately every move he or she makes is a "relevant story". Don't tell me it wouldn't have been covered if it had been Hillary Clinton who did such a stupid thing.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
23 Nov 08
annie, yes, the majority of discussiiona lately here are about Obama, he's the president Elect. Over the next 4 years, 9 out of 10 discussions will probably be about him. I wasn't offended by the post, just puzzled as to why you or the media for that matter, considered it even remotely a relevent story.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
21 Nov 08
Good lord annie, do you scour the internet looking for this stuff?
Honestly, doesn't bother me a bit. I'm sure PETA is having a fit though. Right after they let some cows loose by a busy freeway that is. Gotta free them cows! 

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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
21 Nov 08
Scour the internet? Not hardly, it was a televised press conference and I happened to see it on not one but two news shows so I looked it up and discovered there wsa a You-Tube video. Obviously, Palin didn't do the pardon the turkey routine complete with a news conference if she didn't want people - LOTS of people - to see it. She should have been more aware of her surroundings before allowing the cameras to roll because some people may have found it a bit disturbing, especially kids watching because they got a kick out of a turkey being "saved".
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
21 Nov 08
I missed that one. I don't watch much broadcast tv these days.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
21 Nov 08
No offense, but when I saw that story on the news I was laughing my head off. I said to my son, where the heck do those city-slicker reporters think they turkeys for sale at grocery stores come from? Made in a factory of something? However, before she pardoned the turkey, they should have cleared the area so no confusing messages would have been evident.

@spalladino (17891)
• United States
22 Nov 08
I see that you're once again getting flack for posting something about Palin. I'm sorry but if you're going to put on a big show of pardoning a turkey and inviting the media take a minute to look around before the cameras roll!
It's the media's fault, it's the Palin hater's fault, it's your fault for posting about it but she does it to herself. Would the governor of ANY other state been spared for doing such a boneheaded thing? Noooooo....but I guess you aren't allowed to say anything about Palin. 

@anniepa (27955)
• United States
22 Nov 08
Irish, that's a cheap shot about her daughter's baby. I wish her daughter and her baby only the best and I've never said anything different from that.
Frankly, I haven't found anything "good" to post about Palin. As I've said before, the political posts here are still about 90% anti-Obama or anti-Democrats. Nobody is forced to read or respond to any discussion they don't like. I'm not going to say I'll keep on posting things about Palin, but if she continues to make news I'll probably post about it. If it offends anyone, I'm sorry but I have every bit as much right to write about her as anyone else has to write about Obama, anyone in his Administration or any other Democrat or liberal. We don't all have the same tastes or opinions, I've accepted that and I wish everyone else would too.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
22 Nov 08
THANK YOU!! You're so right, if any other governor or anyone else period, for that matter, had done that it would also have gotten attention. Maybe not as much as it did since it was Princess Sarah, but she's the one who's been craving the attention so much. She looked right at the guy killing the turkeys, for heaven's sake!
Jay Leno might have gotten it right though - he said after hearing her talk for a minute or two the turkeys told the guy to "Kill us NOW!!"!
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
22 Nov 08
Yes, but would she post something good about Palin? That's what people have a problem with. Everything she post is something bad about Palin or belittles her. When Palin daughter has her baby what's annie's title of that post going to be? I doubt it will sound anything like Palin welcomes first grandchild.
I've seen positive posts about Obama from people who did not support him. Don't you think it is time for the other side to step up to the plate?

@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
21 Nov 08
So now you are against eating turkey on Thanksgiving? Or is it you're just against Palin and you don't care how silly it makes you look?
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
21 Nov 08
Ted, I'm convinced the media aimed for that setting in order to create controversy and boost their ratings. They are still stuck in this "trash Palin" mode they were in during the campaign and seem to have forgotten the election is over now and their darling won.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
21 Nov 08
It think it was more of a "what better place to pardon a turkey than a turkey slaughterhouse".
The only people this would bother are those who hate the fact we eat turkeys and those who can't stand Palin in the first place.
It's a stupid non issue.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
22 Nov 08
Be serious, Ted...if it was any other public figure you wouldn't be so defensive. It was FUNNY...I don't care who it was. 

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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
23 Nov 08
I think she should leave that particular presidential tradition (?) to whoever is president.
I would be more impressed if she perhaps saved a polar bear.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
23 Nov 08
I must be confused...I thought the governors were pardoning the presidents who were turkeys.
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@kellys3ps (3723)
• United States
23 Nov 08
I saw that video - it is interesting how she keeps getting involved in PR gaffes like this one. I heard they asked her ahead of time if she really wanted that background, and she said there were no problems - not according to everyone else!
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@murderistic (2278)
• United States
22 Nov 08
That was probably one of the creepiest things I've ever seen! LOL! The guy in the background was probably thinking oh crap... should I be doing this while they're recording?
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
23 Nov 08
Did you see how he kept looking at the camera with that stupid grin on his face? That in itself creeped me! I heard three possible explanations on TV the other night:
1/ He really enjoys what he does
2/ He liked being on camera
3/ He has the hots for Palin!