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A promising site that will pay on Paypal
By MomfromOz06
Brisbane, Australia
November 20, 2008 9:30pm CST
Hi everybody here in Mylot, like most of us here, I also want to earn and I've been searching and researching online trying sites that has potential and which will really pay.But sometimes it's not easy to spot which ones are really paying and which ones are just there to scam people. i've been burnt a hundred times or maybe less than that but i guess to be successful and get rewarded from your efforts you have to be patient and just maybe do some trial and errors. In this line I want to share to you a site that seemed to be promising. I have just encountered it the other day and already I have only a few dollars to go to reach payout. basically if youre from australia you can give reviews on products and get paid but if youre not from australia you can still register as an affiliate and just pomote your the site. it's so easy I myself was so surprised to see money coming to the account in just a short time in just a matter of minutes you will see money adding to your account balance.But I guess you will need a bit of time and effort to promote. Anyway If any of you out there is interested the link is on my profile page just have a look and start from there. Have a great day and hope you earn more today. by the way there is a $10 AUD bonus if you register as an affiliate.
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