Anyone else have a book addiction???

United States
November 20, 2008 11:29pm CST
I seriously have a book addiction. I read 2-3 books a week. I own over three hundred books. Well last time i tried to count i had over three hundred and that was a year ago and i have bought a lot more since then. I can't go into a store without looking at their book section, if they have one. I am not happy without a book in my hands. I go no where with out a book, and that usually drives people i am with crazy. If i have any extra money it goes for books. I have even scrapped up change to get a book i found that i wanted. So who else has a book addiction?? Do enjoy it or do you think its beginning to be a problem?? Do you think they make support groups for people with book addictions??
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11 responses
• India
21 Nov 08
The ones you haven't read - either read them or don't - either way take them back to a used bookstore and sell them back. It really has a lot to do with self-restraint. I love going into bookstores and I am very much tempted to buy books - but I (usually) manage not to. So either practice self-restraint or completely avoid bookstores all together and sign up for a library card and borrow the books.
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• United States
21 Nov 08
Here is the thing. I like to keep the books i have read and really enjoy. I sometimes even reread them. I like having books around me. I was very proud of myself today. I am trying to encourage my six year old niece to read and went with her to her schools book fair which was oddly at a barnes and noble. I did not buy a book for myself. It was hard but it was accomplished.
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• United States
21 Nov 08
get rid of a book?! thats crazy talk!
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• United States
22 Nov 08
Thats what i do too. keep the books ive read and reread them like 4 times :)) especially when i dont have new book to read.
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• United States
21 Nov 08
well you known i think you have a problem haha.. oh i keep forgetting to ask you if you want one book i had in the ebay/yard sale thing that i think might be romance im not sure.. im gonna hook you up with that magazine too.. although should i be insulted you never ask to borrow my books?? lol
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• United States
22 Nov 08
Yeah well i think you watch to much tv so. If its a book you know i will take it and the thing about borrowing have to give them back...and if i like it i don't want to give it back...i would want to add it to my collection.
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@Savvynlady (3684)
• United States
22 Nov 08
I am one. But at present, I cannot take care of that because I am not working, there is no other monies except for a few dollars I get here and there. I also have to pay off my library card and things are pretty hard to handle that addiction, but I sure feel the pain.
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• United States
22 Nov 08
Don't be. hard times come to folks at any time. You take care and keep on reading. I am too. Peace.
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• United States
22 Nov 08
Ugh i am sorry.
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@allen0187 (58574)
• Philippines
21 Nov 08
i wouldn't go as far as say that i have a book addiction but i do read a lot. currently, i'm reading 2 books and i've always found time to read a chapter or two from each book. i also bring wherever i go. i found this to be a good way to kill the time especially when i'm in line in the bank or in the grocery. anyway, i usually shop for books at a local bookstore that offers discounts so the books that i buy don't take up much of my budget. anyway, reading is a good hobby and i actually favor it over watching tv or playign mindless pc games. just my thoughts. cheers!!!
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• United States
21 Nov 08
Thats why i always take a book with me, to kill time when waiting in line or what not. I also prefer it to watching tv and playing games.
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@Mirsya (520)
• Indonesia
21 Nov 08
Actually, I'm a book addict. But, I'm very busy with my college right now. So, I almost left my reading hobby.
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• United States
21 Nov 08
I understand. I hate it when life interferes with my reading
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• United States
21 Nov 08
I know the feeling. I love books. Once I start a book I can't stand to put it down til i finish it. My kids have learned not to talk to mommy while she is reading.I can block out the rest of the world while i read. I am able to emerse myself in the story and sail away for awhile. This is my escape. I never read a book just once. It is read at least three times. I have had books i could just open anywhere and be able to know exactly whats going on. I just recently moved and don't have a car and am stuck in the house with only 4 books. I'm about to go nuts. So yea i would support a group for book addicts.
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• United States
22 Nov 08
Shoot if i only had four books i would go NUTS!!! It was killing me when i moved five months ago and I wasn't able to get all of my stuff and once and had to wait five months for my books to be brought over to my apartment. Its was bad because i live in one city, my books in another, and my bookshelf in another. Now i have my books but still don't have my bookshelf.
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@wayz12 (2059)
• United States
21 Nov 08
Hey pheonixstar! Yes, we should really create a support group, where we gather in a circle, and proudly proclaim, "Yes I'm a book addict since I was 4 years old; the last time I read a book was an hour ago, before I went to work. I have a book stashed in my purse so I can read during my lunch hour. And I have books scattered all over my room."..LOL Yes, I'm a book addict just like you. I love to read, I go crazy over certain series and authors. If I'm not reading I'm online talking about books, and looking for more books to read. I'm afraid to visit the bookstore because I might spend all my money and my family will starve..LOL...Thanks good ness for excellent libraries with great selections, or I will go crazy if I don't get my daily book fix...
• United States
22 Nov 08
I have to have my daily fix or seriously i get depressed. I am getting upset because the town i live in just built a new library and it opened this past tuesday and i haven't had a chance to go yet. Its hard for me to talk to people about books because most people i am around irl don't read!!! Oh its so sad. But i do have my Mom reading again. Woo Hoo. And i am also encouraging my six year old niece to read. Took her to a book festival last month and this month we went to a book signing and her schools book fair. They have this bag at barnes and noble i want. On it it says "When i get money i buy books, and whats left goes to food and utilities."
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@kaka135 (14934)
• Malaysia
22 Nov 08
Well, I do like to read books and collect books, but I don't read as many books as your in a week. I spent a lot of time in surfing net and watching television too, hence I do not have so much time for reading. But I always keep a habit to read a few chapters every day, especially before I go to bed. I didn't count how many books I have in my house. I'm planning to set up a small library in my house, and buy a proper bookshelf in it, so that my books can be placed nicely.
• United States
21 Nov 08
yeah, i probably qualify for the "book addiction" club lol! i LOVE reading and always have a book with me. every store i go in.."do they have any books?" i can spend all day at a books store, agonizing over which ones to get with how much money i have! and it really is agonizing! i mean i give them a good home, i read them, love them, cherish them! before i lost pretty much everything i owned (number of years ago) i had at least a couple hundred books! they were my pride and joy! another bookcase or gift card for books is what i told everybody i wanted no matter what occasion it was! all those books are gone now..and im just barely getting my collection started again. i probably have about 150 right now. worst part is that i cant remember all the titles/authors i used to have! i can recall storylines but that doesnt help me find them. im also pretty anal when it comes to other ppl touching/borrowing my books! i REALLY hate letting anybody borrow books and there is only 1 person i allow at the dad..well cause i cant say no to my dad lol! i keep my books pristine! NEVER dog ear a page! NEVER over bend the binding so it wont stay closed when its laying on its side! shoot, i wont even use a bookmark if its too thick. of all the things i family pics and my books are the 2 things i would give a limb to have back!
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• United States
22 Nov 08
I am also anal about letting people borrow my books, because they either abuse them or i never get them back. I am missing books to a couple of series because i loaned them out and never got them back. When i do let someone borrow a book...i lay down the rules...NO DOG EARRING its abuse. Now i only loan to people who i know will bring them back which is like two people. I hate sharing with one of the people, but she helps buy books that are apart of the series i am reading so i can't really tell her no. Except for my signed book...shes not touching that.
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@laladida (151)
• United States
22 Nov 08
I read a lot of books. I just borrow em from the library and read em in like 4-5 days. They are very thick books and are fictional.
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• China
22 Nov 08
I got addicted to some books when I was younger. Now, it doesn't interest that much! Everyone changes their apetite when they grow up, I guess!
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