Size of Paper

Size of paper - Not just a paid to post forum
@bigtom1 (1573)
November 21, 2008 5:15pm CST
Thinking of A4 papers eh? SOP is a new forum i have come across that pays to post! Well, it is easy to make some cash there if you have some time to spare or you find nothing to contrubute on here. At least you do earn a lot there i a day! Well, you can check out on the site as some of you have been asking for a good paid to post forum without limits and all that boring stuff! There is also a referral contest there so you affiliate marketers would want to dip in there The link lies in my profile so be free to look it up! Do you like paid to post forums? Do you think they are easy to earn with?
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2 responses
@curiousman (2427)
• Malaysia
22 Nov 08
Hi bigtom1, If the contest offer can be won with 20 referrals, you can offer it on my forum. We are trying to earn from contests and share the earnings. Members will join under you. You should be able to get at least 15 referrals though this way but there are no guarantees that they will be active as we are all after contest prizes. the forum is in my profile. 100% profit sharing. Have a nice day! Hardly hear from you these days! :)
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@dieorfly (763)
• Slovak Republic
21 Nov 08
I already register there, but I doubt I will be active there. I am too busy with myLot and do not want to spend the time on other forum. I do not like the design there, it looks like many other forums nothing special. Also it is probably new forum with not many members yet, so there is not many interesting discussions yet. Maybe it offers better money then her, but I do not trust it until it will last for some time and pay all members who deserve it on time. Maybe I will check it again in few weeks...
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