what is beauty??

@orevro (715)
November 21, 2008 8:08pm CST
External coverings cannot substitute the inner realities. A beautifully made face is not a guarantee that the heart too is beautiful, sometimes, an ugly face can hide a deep capacity to love, but man would rather kiss the face rather than be embraced by the heart.. insights??
5 responses
@chaijudin (506)
• Indonesia
16 Dec 08
beauty ? , beauty is not absolute in face or body only beauty is hard to say , for me beauty is something can make our love blind That,s why love is blind beauty is charisma
@orevro (715)
• Philippines
31 Dec 08
thank you for the comment, happy mylotting!!
• India
22 Nov 08
Hi friend, I agree with you.It is true.I believe in internal beauty than external beauty.We should attract by seeing the internal beauty of a person rather than seeing the external beauty.Beauty may go and come but the internal beauty will not go as fast as the external beauty. have a nice day
@orevro (715)
• Philippines
22 Nov 08
thank you for commenting:)
@mariacel (50)
• Philippines
4 Dec 08
i agree with you, pal. its not the physical aspects of a person that counts but the inner beauty is the most. beauty cannot last forever but the beauty of the heart and the good attitude last forever. god bless!
• India
24 Nov 08
well being more realisitc than ideal...i would say that 2day we live in a world wer ppl judge on the basis of looks...ur ugly ur just an ebarrasment to me and my frnds, keep away.....to avoid this external beauty is a vital factor along side internal beauty.
@rtsh_gup (185)
• India
3 Aug 10
I too believe in internal beauty than external beauty...External beauty is the beauty in the eye of the beholder which brings enjoyment to the person who looks or contemplates...but the internal beauty is to have a beautiful liver,lungs stomach etc.I think people are most beautiful when they don't lie to themselves..If all of us could take away our masks,we would all have a similar face.But people first want to try all the different masks....the sum of all the masks might be the real face.The internal beauty include love,caring,honest,understanding and so on that what I like internal beauty.