Do You Argue Over Religion?
By mchavez11
@mchavez11 (1406)
November 21, 2008 8:16pm CST
All people across the world has different beliefs, background and culture. Some of us are Budhist, others are Christians, Muslims, Pagans, or whatever they believe in. There's just too much happening around the world. Sometimes the result is war, disagreement, conflict, hatred, and miscommunication. Whenever you encounter people or individual that is not inclined in your belief, do you argue over something like religion? Would you state something you strongly follow and believe in to that person?
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18 responses
@Rainsborough (24)
23 Nov 08
I don't argue with someone over religion, unless their religion prejudices them in some way. If someone starts preaching to me, then theyy shouldn't expect me to just sit there without picking apart the product they are trying to sell.
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@shivram123 (656)
• India
22 Nov 08
these peaople who make debate in religions actually is wasting time
let me tell u
as far as i studied all the religions hav both positive aspects and negative,if one religions holy book is a myth story the other might hav god myth rituals or others with myth god etc.
but there are so many positives toooo,the old heritage was too good and developed one
actually debate helps tooo,debate helps us to see wht is myth in our religion and wht is myth in theirs and help us to leave all the myths and choose the positives of all religions which makes us a smooth way to god
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@myself_wheniamreal (107)
• United States
22 Nov 08
First let me say that I believe very strongly in my faith. I am a Christian and until someone is able to convince me I am wrong in what I think, I will remain one. But I also think that all the differences people have is what makes us truly amazing. I have a lot of friends and family that believe differently than I do on many topics. I love to find out what people believe and why they believe that. I think it is very interesting to hear people's thoughts and ideas. I have many conversations on these topics but never argue with a person. I hate arguing. I think it's pretty arrogant for a person to argue their beliefs. I mean, even though I believe strong in the Christian faith, there is the possibility that I am wrong. So argue, no. Discuss, all the time.
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@eseomame (1146)
• United States
22 Nov 08
I have argued over religion at one point in time or another but not trying to belittle another religion. i believe everyone has the right to believe in whatever they want. I only argue with the people who try to force their religion or beliefs on others.
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@celticrogue (450)
• United States
22 Nov 08
I would have a conversation with them, but I really do not believe that arguing over religion accomplishes anything. We are all entitled to our beliefs that give us comfort and allows us to live as best we can to be good, live in peace, and love one another as we would love those of our families.
@srganesh (6339)
• India
22 Nov 08
Well,I have one friend inclined too much to his religion and used to jump into arguments whenever possible.He never give his ears to what we say against.But apart from that,he is nice to be a friend.So,I stopped him by saying,"you go through the methods your religion says and I shall go with mine.We shall not speak about this unless we had any godly experience".He agreed and there are no arguments till now.I strongly believe ,One should follow what his religion says and try to to reach the ultimatum.Discussions or arguments favouring improvement is worth and to convince somebody is just fooling around.
@ganga472007 (624)
• India
22 Nov 08
I never argue over Religion. I am of the firm belief that regious feelings should be confined to the mode of prayer of a person practising his religion.After all religion is a faith. But a new born child has no right to choose the relion, till he/she understand various factors about a religion. After all we left with no option except to practice the same religion in which our parents belong. We have no time or opportunity to evaluate concepts of different religions. Then why should hate other religion? We Indians practice like this. We set an example in unity among diversity. I hope people all over the world live like us. All are breathren. People want to live in peace only.
@adnanezzi (243)
• India
22 Nov 08
i love disscussing religion with people to pick up good things from their beliefs
@Anne18 (11029)
26 Nov 08
I don't believe in religion as I think it causes too many problems in the world. I used to believe and i went to church every week and was very invloed with the church. I do repesct other peoples views over religion and I would have a very good discussion about religion and debate as well, but I respect people's views too much to argue about it
@taface412 (3175)
• United States
22 Nov 08
I don't know if I was use the word argue, but I do state my belie God. And I know everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I find it sad when people think God does not exist. I am not a bible thumper, or a snake handler or any of those other super religious things, but I do know God exists. From experiences in my own life while growing up as well into my adulthood. And sometimes things cannot be explained to others liking.
But one thing I have found out is you cannot see or understand something fully until you are ready to either have it pointed out to you or it is blatantly in your face. So I do not argue with non-believers I feel sorry they have lost their way and God will love them anyways.
God to me is humanity- basic human kindness, understanding, and empathy. And when we lose humanity the world is in great danger because we have a tendency to become apathetic. And that is why I think people will go to war over it or so wholeheartedly claim there is no God. And a lot of times when i watch the news and just people in everyday life I wonder if we all need to recheck our beliefs.
@moneymaya (901)
• India
22 Nov 08
yes friend I also agree with you on your statements that all people across the worls has differnt beliefs , cackgrounf and culture, and every person have to right to choose their own religion , but some narrow mind peoples makeing a group of similar mentality popeles group and want to dominate others by their religions through making voilence and spreading miscommunications, while no one religions ORIGIN want such type of voilence , actually I thinks how many person on the earth can have their own personal religion and nobody should restricted to other , but to prove one religion greate from others creating such type of situations and these type of incident now increasing very much but I think no body can stop this else our own self , we should just understand to others and never try to dominate others ,from our side we can only do this efforts ...
@jambi462 (4576)
• United States
22 Nov 08
Everyone has argued over religion at some point in their life. I prefer to share opinions on theories of life rather then try to prove others wrong now. We don't really know who's right and who's wrong when it comes to beliefs. That's why they're called beliefs because they aren't proven facts.
@LadyTrinity (52)
• United States
23 Nov 08
I always find myself arguing over religion. I believe people are entitled to their own beliefs, but I also find that a lot of people try to push those beliefs on others, or try to tell me that their way is the right way, and it upsets me to no end. I don't really care if people have different beliefs, as long as they don't try pushing it on me or make me look like the bad person. But when someone crosses that line, I can argue until my voice runs dry.
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
22 Nov 08
Religion along with politics are my favorite subjects for discussion. Almost everyone has a different view and it is fun to debate their views with them. The discussions can become heated but that is part of the fun. If you want peace and harmony don't raise either the subject of religion or politics. If you enjoy a good debate there are no better subjects because they are the ones that usually represent people strongest beliefs and prejudices.
@marcialoyd (1173)
• United States
22 Nov 08
I would never argue over religion. I believe what I believe and my friends believe what they believe. I let me beliefs known but I do not force them on anyone. If anyone asks I tell. But no one should feel forced or that just pushes them further away.
@veejay19 (3589)
• India
22 Nov 08
No, I don`t argue over religion or faith of others as everyone has the freedom to follow what they believe. It is useless to argue because all religions have the same goal and though the methods maybe different they lead mankind to the same point.Every religion has its good and bad points and one follows what comes closest to ones heart.People should desist from converting another person merely because they think that the faith they follow is superior to anothers faith. This leads to arguments , fights and wars and hundreds get killed for no reason at all.Conversions done by offering monetary and other types of inducements just to increase and spread one particular religion is also not a good thing to do as it can lead to a backlash as is happening in some places.The best policy is to live and let live and only then there will be peace and brotherhood amongst mankind.
@brenbelmonte (113)
• Philippines
22 Nov 08
I don't argue over religion, while I do share our beliefs and listen to theirs. It's a personal choice and I want to respect that.