Do You Get Headaches After Watching Films???

I have a Headache - Headache after watching film
November 22, 2008 7:17am CST
Hey Everyone. Just now I came back after watching a New Film in Theater. OMG!! My head is aching like hell. I never get these trouble if the film is good. Lol. It was too noisy and thats troubling me I guess. Have you ever had such experience???
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13 responses
@iamfine (740)
• China
22 Nov 08
Just somtimes. When I watch two or more than one movies in a raw, I would feel the headche. Usually I only watch one piece of movie. I found doing the same thing for too long a time would often cause headche. When I work overtime, I feel headche, when I sleep overtime, the same, when I watch movies or TV plays for too long a time, headache... it is common.
• India
23 Nov 08
I don't think its common to get headache after sleeping. Lol. Do you get headache watching a single film???
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@iamfine (740)
• China
23 Nov 08
well, what I mean is I would get headache after sleeping for too long a time, like 12 hours or more. may be you have never sleep for so long a time, usually I sleep no more than eight hours. And watching movie for one or two hours is okay to me, but three or four hours, will make me feel uncomfortable. really.
• India
23 Nov 08
Yup. I have also slept nearly 12 hours when I am so tired. In that case I never had headaches. Other time I could not sleep like that. I think you can't watch any Tamil films. Most of them are for 3 hours. Lol.
• India
4 Dec 08
yeah i used to then i turned down teh birghness of hte monitor n sat with distance bw me n hte monitor now im better
• India
4 Dec 08
Yup thats better. But we can't do that in Theatres right??? Lol. Happy to have your response. Happy mylotting.
• India
4 Dec 08
yeah we dont have theaters in this country
• India
23 Nov 08
I hardly watch films. But if I sit for long hours in front of my computer, I do get a headache. :) Cheers and happy mylotting
• India
23 Nov 08
When I am infront of the computer, I don't think of anything. I never mind headaches also. Lol. Happy to have your response. Happy mylotting.
• Philippines
23 Nov 08
Yes I was able to experience having headache after watching a film in the theater. And I think it's because of the very dragging story and the smell of the theater I'd been too.
• India
23 Nov 08
Ya the smell also creates headaches. Lol. Now its better than before. In those days, people used to smoke in the theater which creates headaches. Now after banning that, its better. Lol.
@karubod (603)
• India
4 Dec 08
hi...yes some times unfortunately we have to go to those movies which we dont like...i wnt to a real nonsense movie when we dint get tickets for the other one...that headache dint go till 3 hours..
• India
4 Dec 08
Haha. You are right. If we don't like the movie then we will surely get some headache. Lol. Happy to have your response. Happy mylotting.
@dozhou (326)
• United States
23 Nov 08
I never has such a feeling. If the movie is boring, I fall asleep. If it is noisy, I quit.
• India
23 Nov 08
Thats good. Happy to have your response. Happy mylotting.
• United States
22 Nov 08
Hi! Last year, my dad was assigned as one of the directors of a movie censorship guild. For that, we had the privilege to watch any and as much movies as we want to. I am an avid movie goer, but I noticed that after watching 3 films in a row, I would start getting headaches. Two movies are fine for me, but three's too much, even with non-action, not-so-loud films. I figured it could be my eyes. Indeed, it was. I developed eye strain and that led to the headaches. I hope you figure out why you're developing headaches after a noisy film. I suggest you refrain from these kinds of films in the future. Happy myLotting!
• India
23 Nov 08
I was speaking about the noise in the theater. I am fine watching films at my home. Not more than one of course. In theaters it will be of course noisy and that creates headaches also. And we are watching the film in darkness and that creates trouble to our eyes and will cause headache. I think I should avoid watching films in the first week of the release. Lol.
@anneshirley (1516)
• Philippines
22 Nov 08
When I was still studying, we are always required to watch a certain film then write a report about it afterwards even if we like the film or not. I remember when my english teacher have us watched the film of Troy which is very old all ready and it is in black and white! Not only do I can't understand the words but also the picture as well since it is too old! Instead of enjoying the film, my classmate and I strained our ears just to understand the dialogs and see the actors and actresses clearly. My migraine attacked before then film end. Ever since, I make it a point to watch only what I like. If at the middle of the film I think it is not worth watching, then I walk out.
• India
23 Nov 08
YA we should never strain ourselves for having fun. I don't watch films if the picture is also not clear. That will strain our eyes and there increases our power in the eyes. I can't imagine wearing glasses. The one that I hate the most. Lol. I used to watch boring films also. But will use the FF button so frequently. I have finished watching a film in just 15 minutes. Lol.
@sindhu88 (306)
• India
5 Dec 08
hii vidhya yaaaaa I get headache a lot when I see violence films which I dont like.I cant resist that sounds which are very harsh to ears .Once I saw a movie which is very irritating that is a first day show and all fans are in the hall they are making lots of noise such a way that we cant undersatnd the dialogues even clearly. I head gone that day and after that day I thought not to go to movies on first day.
@arunmails (3011)
• India
22 Nov 08
I don't get head ache, I feel hard to see the bright light immediately after watching the film..... so, when I go to theaters, I go with a black colored spex... after the film gets over.... I use to wear that spex.... so that I don't feel to see the sunlight or a bright light......
• India
23 Nov 08
Thats a good idea actually. In the darkness when we see the film we are likely to get headaches. And our eye also get too much strain. Better to use glasses at that time. Thanks for the idea. Happy to have your response. Happy mylotting.
@syfarisk (378)
• Malaysia
4 Dec 08
I never get headaches after watching just one film, regardless of whether I enjoyed it or not. But if I watched two films in a row, or even more than that, then that can give me a headache.
@adhavgeek (252)
• India
5 Dec 08
hi vidhya one day i experienced headache while watching new movie on first day..due to heavy speaker sound..i think theater operator have tuned sound to maximum because of first day show..i ran away from there during interval time itself..i suffered a lot on that day..after that i didnt went to movies on first day.................but i used to go on second day.. :) thanks adhav
@ejohn82 (155)
• India
6 Dec 08
ya I do get a headache after watching a movie at the theatre especially ifs its a horror movie. It must be because of the loud noise, coupled with the lightings. I usually dont get headache if I watch the same movie on T.V. or my PC. Even my eyes starts to hurt or start watering bcoz we concentrate too much while watching the screen.