What is your opinion on online/long distance relationships?
By Cheez01
@Cheez01 (37)
United States
November 22, 2008 9:37pm CST
Personally, I've been in a long distance online relationship for 15 months next week. We're both pretty happy, and the only thing lacking is physicality. However, I sometimes find myself afraid that he will meet someone else and lose interest.
I know a lot of people who think that all long distance relationships are doomed. What's your opinion on the matter? Have you ever been in a long distance relationship?
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19 responses
@shooie (4984)
• United States
23 Nov 08
Yes I have was 2 and half year or 3 and was onine. We knew everything about each other. We started out as just friends and would talk for hours and if we had a problem we would talk to each other and try to help each other get over things. Well May 1999 we met for the first time in real and he never left. August 1999 we married. This year was 9 years of marriage for us. But because of the time we had online on the phone and in cards and leters we got to really know each othe so when we met for the first time it was like he was on vacation and was finally home. It wasn't ackward or anything. So yes they do work if both parties want it to. So they all work nope. Lets say you guys keep planning to meet a date is set and the other party keeps cancelling for one thing or another. Then yes you have a problem. Something may not be right on his/her end. Online relationships can be good and bad. Some people have no problem lying so people need to be careful.
@Cheez01 (37)
• United States
23 Nov 08
Congratulations and your story is really inspiring. I agree that it only works out if both people want it to. You definitely have to be careful, especially with lying/trust issues etc. Hopefully things will work out, like they did for you. Happy myLotting, and I wish you and your husband the best.

@silentnightx (47)
• Indonesia
23 Nov 08
I agree with long distance relationships. I've ever been into long distance relationships for 18 months. Its still online. Yea, because she is more better than the others. I'd like to continue it, although sometimes i find myself afraid that she'll meet someone else and forget me. But thats jaz what i mind, not become a reality.
@kevsgirlalways (5883)
• Malaysia
23 Nov 08
I've been in a long distance relationship before. No doubt it was very hard, especially with the time difference. i have no idea how i survived that, but i did. drove me nuts at times and made me cry too. but there are many means to keep in touch; telephone, email, IMs, digi cam..etc. i missed him a lot, every single second and wish i could see him or for him to be physically there with me, whenever i was sad or happy. you need to have a solid trust, as you're not able to see what your other half is doing. And you need to have lots of faith, enough to not make you give up on your relationship. but i believe, in the end, love is what that holds you together. if two people really love each other, no matter how far they apart they are, they'll be able to go thru the relationship. love knows no boundaries;).
@Cheez01 (37)
• United States
23 Nov 08
That's how I feel too. The time difference is very hard, especially if one of us has plans. We both trust each other immensely, otherwise we wouldn't still be together. We have plans to meet this spring or summer hopefully *crosses fingers*
There's nothing I want more than to be with him. Love is a wonderful feeling :]
@kezabelle (2974)
23 Nov 08
I met my partner online we spoke for a few months before actually meeting up, I think you can love someone you have only met online you can properly get to know them but I dont think you will EVER know if it really going to work until you actually meet up while the physical side isnt the most important part it still needs to be there afterall a relationship is made up of many different things.
but they can work me and my partner are living rpoof of that 7 years we have been together we now have two beautiful little girls are really happy ours was an online and long distance relationship but there were "sacrifices" to be made I moved 280 miles away from everyone I know and love to be with him but when you look at the bigger picture what i have here with him and our children it was never really a sacrifice just something I needed to do for our lives to be better
@Cheez01 (37)
• United States
23 Nov 08
Wow, that's very sweet and inspiring. I think we would both be willing to make a few sacrifices for each other. I agree with you about looking at the bigger picture. If you really love each other, then it wont seem like such a "sacrifice". Thanks for sharing, and I wish you the best of luck.
@britthearts (11)
• United States
23 Nov 08
My opinion on long distance/online relationships is stupid. Honestly how are you supposed to form a bond or trust with that person if you cant even see them. It is not easy to have a long distance relationship because who is going to fill your emotional, physical, and spiritual needs. All someone is going to do is end up cheating or something else. You cant really trust the other person because you dont know if they have another relationship, cheating, stalker, rapist, molestor, killer,etc. you never know when you meet someone online they could be a guy/girl that possibly could kill you. My opinion i would never ever date or talk to someone long distance or online. My significant other has to be there with me all the time when i need him.
@BlueGoblin (1829)
• United States
23 Nov 08
1.) Molesters talk to children.
2.) How do you stalk someone online? Long distant stalking? That doesn't sound very fun. Stalkers like feeling in control. How much control do you have in a long distant relationship.
3.) You can't rape someone long distant. Why would you meet them alone in the first place? Take a friend. A family member.
4.) Killers don't want to be caught. The first person the police would check is all the people she knew and her computer.
5.) Trust is what every relationship is about.
Besides tons of women have married murders and rapists and never even knew it. All the points you came up with could happen in any normal relationship. The guy you are dating could be all of those things. You can't spot every killer, murder, rapist by looking at them, if we could do that we wouldn't need police.
@BlueGoblin (1829)
• United States
23 Nov 08
People are only willing to wait so long. I think you both have to be determined to make it work. Eventually one of you has to make a sacrifice. Many are not willing to give up their current life for another person. So yeah, long distant relationships only work if someone makes a sacrifice to be with the other person. I don't think it is possible for a long distant relationship to last more than 2 to 3 years tops. I don't understand why you would want to be without that person so long. Unless it was absolutely necessary because of war or something. There is also a higher probability of making it work if you knew the person before. For example, if you dated before they moved.
@chaiizky (101)
• Philippines
23 Nov 08
i couldn't agree more. i had this long distance relationship before. i had to move to a bigger city but he was still in school, he was left behind. and we tried to work it out for like more or less a year and a half. i was determined to make it work. but distance just kills him. and he decided to move on. i haven't but it doesn't really matter, let alone make a difference. so i really believe it takes two to tango ESPECIALLY in long distance relationships.
@xlinzixx (510)
23 Nov 08
i dont realy think long distance relationships work as you need to meet up regular otherwise you'll just fade from each others lives and forget about each other plus its hard to be in a relationship with someone that you cant hold or cuddle. ive done it before but would never do it again.
@silverjam (969)
• United States
23 Nov 08
Yes I was. Me and my husband met in a website by our religion so at least I know we're of the same faith. But before him i met several men and was w/ a long distance relationship to one of them but it didn't end up for marrraige because we have some different conflicting issues that stands out on our way hence we call it quits.
Nothing wrong w/ online long distance relationship as long as both of you are serious, honest and committed to each other. However, I find it somewhat "strange" in what you said about the lenght of time you and your fiancee are spending together in the internet. Had he been in your country to visit you? If not then I guess that's "questionable"; nobody is willing to just spend more than a year of just chatting w/o real serious intention of marraige. Had he already proposed? I hope so because if not then that's another vague signs of unstableness.
One thing I'd like to suggest for you and those who are into such kind of relationships (online long distance). There's a lot of things you have to consider before involving yourself seriously as there are issues to consider. One is the inter-racial marraiges, different cultural practices, religious beliefs, physical separation from family and friends at home. These are some things you have to consider; are you ready for these? Your decission would determine the success and failure of your destiny.
@metschica25 (5399)
• United States
23 Nov 08
It is hard but it can work . You have to put a little more in but it for sure is worth it . For a great love I would . I have had friends from other countries and it has worked our fridship . I kinda was smitten with a ball player and well you know how it goes he was always on the rd . It is nice if you find the time and do all you can . love is hard and a risk no matter what , ya know what i mean .
@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
23 Nov 08
It is wonderful to be young and in love. You do not say whether you have met. Eventually this must happen as the relationship will eventually wane. To all the people who say you have a good chance of meeting a stalker or murderer online, yes, that is a possibility but it is also a possibility in "real life" too. Sometimes you have to trust and take people at their word.
The worst long distance relationships seem to be the ones where a couple are together and then one moves away. In time one or the other meets someone and the relationship is doomed. Meeting someone online then moving into a physical relationship seems to be quite successful in spite of of all the nay sayers about meeting online, at least you have a better idea what the personality of the person is like before you meet them. There are risks of course, but so is there in regular dating too.
@bodhisatya (2384)
• India
23 Nov 08
Hi, I had been in an intense long distance relationship and have been fooled. The memories are too bad even to recount. The distance, I think is one of the most dreaded factor. I had a friend who was into this kind of relationship and he eventually got married to her in oregon. But for me it din't work and sent me to coma for a a considerable amount of time...hehehehehehe
@agnulasam (3)
• Philippines
23 Nov 08
Well Long distance relationship will test emotional strengths and your ability to fight temptations. Well Ive been to that situation a year ago with a french. We met online; then after 3 months he decided to go here in the Philippines for a business meeting so we decided to meet. After meeting he gave me some cool stuff and started to court me for 2 weeks I gave answer which is a Yes. Then after a month of stay, he decided to go back to his country because the business is finished already. We used landline and computers as our source of our communication. The hard part of it is there are times we cannot go online because he's got work and i also had a work as a online teaching so we have the same office hours.Then after 2 months off cold night we decided to cool of. I guess its really hard
@Jibrish (3)
• United States
23 Nov 08
One thing I've learned about this is it's absolutely vital to have goals laid out plain and clear with your partner. A day you both will see each other again, and a day you two will no longer be in a long distance relationship. It gives you focus, and really helps out the day to day as it gives you something real to look forward to.
Trust is by far the toughest obstacle. Generally speaking, what kills long distance relationships in my experience isn't someone cheating. It's one or both parties simply not giving the other enough information. You need to volunteer anything and everything that happens in your life to your partner. Nothing is worse than hearing the other party go quiet, or say "I didn't do anything today" and dodge a question. While this may not bother you or him at first, it's very possible that it will build up and explode into a volatile situation.
Make a plan. Having been in this relationship for so long, I'm sure you have some sort of schedule laid out where you two talk to each other. If not, it may be something worth considering.
Also, invest in a good web cam.
@balacancer22 (1148)
• India
23 Nov 08
I dont feel any bads about long distance affairs.and as you said the only lack is physicality but then if you like some one then distance doesnt matter.. many of my friends are in long distance affairs and they are leading a happy life and one of my friend even got married to an australian women and he is from india..they both loved each other through yahoo chat and then got married..in this case the girl came all the way to india an married the guy..now they both are living happily in dubai..
@aisaellis22 (6445)
• United States
23 Nov 08
Hello cheezo1! I am in a long distance relationhsip right now too. I just recently got married to a man whom I met online. We've been chatting for three years before he came here and marry me. It's really hard but the only difference is that we have trust to each other and I know him so well for one month that we've been together and I know he's not the kind of man who is polygamous.
@maroseqf (3657)
• Philippines
23 Nov 08
I've never been into a long distance relationship. I think it would be hard to maintain the bond between two people if they don't get to be with each other once in a while. Eventhough there are alot of means of communication, I still think that physical presence is important. Ofcourse, you need some kisses, hugs and caress sometimes.
Some people can stand long distance relationship. I don't really know how they do it but I think their loyalty and love for each other is a great factor.

@leomermarie (108)
• Philippines
23 Nov 08
Relationship start in "knowing one another" then "being friend" sometimes it leads to courtship or bestfriend. In a girl & boy relationship, for both to be truly in love, you must be well acquianted with one another. How could you be acquianted with him, if you just seen him on web cam? You don't go out together and discover your weakness and talent.
You may have friends on line but not a love affair relationship. It is too risky! You may end up broken heart.
But remember, God comfort the broken heart. So when sometime happen bad, pray and GOD will send you a better person.
@wanyit (59)
• Malaysia
23 Nov 08
I personally can't accept in long distance relationship especially through online. I feel unsecure of it. I can't even know the real of him well. What I know about him is just based on what he told me. A relationship needs communication to grow up in order to understand more on each other. It doesn't a real relationship that I can touch and feel.