how do you handle pressure??

November 23, 2008 5:43am CST
how do you handle your pressure on your job??please help me to answer this question
1 response
• United States
16 Jan 09
Pressure on the job is tough. The main thing is learning to think fast, learning when you can help, and then learning when to ask for help. You can't do everything by yourself. Also remember that no one is perfect, and some people are not going to be happy with what you do no matter what. I had a lady just this last friday complain that I didn't give her dog back to her clean. The dog had an accident while waking up from anesthesia and I did clean up the dog. Well, it apparently wasn't good enough for her, so she complained. The most important way that I handled that pressure was I looked back at the situation, tried to think about what I did, what I could have done differently, and learn from my mistakes, while also realizing that this lady would have been unhappy no matter what I did (she was a difficult client). Just to reiterate - work hard, believe in yourself, but also know what your shortcomings are. And realize that people sometimes just want to be mean no matter how great you are.