What will you do if your friend ..
By ieeko89
@ieeko89 (1054)
November 23, 2008 9:39pm CST
Called you honey and say that she/he loves you and all, but then on your back they called you MONSTER and say bad things about you?Well, I've been through this situation before where my own friends called me Monster because of my height and compare to my Bf. Taqinaka, he's a little bit shorter than me. Well to me, I think it's quite interesting since it's hard to find a couple who their bf's is shorter then the girl. And i think it's kinda cute tho. Me and my boyfriend treated this couple so nice since then 1st day we know them. And when we found out that this couple are so immature, we started to not close with them since we're hearing so many bad things that they spread to people about us. Yeah, the girl is so freaking immature. She's 16y/o, she's a cheater, liar, sweet talker and she's so stubborn. Always thinks she's right and all. Well, too bad, because her bf is also a cheater:) Sweet and suits together right? Okay, enough about this. One day I went to my boyfriends house to help him cleaning the house with his friends since the holiday breaks already start. I have to clean this one messy room that is fulls with dust and papers. I picked up each papers when my eyes caught to this one card. Its from the girl to her boyfriend. Well I read it since my instinct ask me to
I always trust my instinct and it never fails me:)
Well like I said, i read it. Then inside there, she wrote about me and my boyfriend. I am so shocked! She called us monster&&short. It's really piss me off
I call my boyfriend and show it to him. We never thought they could do such thing to us. She's being such a faker in front of me! Fake! And her boyfriend too! He's my boyfriend's roommate. Luckily my bf doesn't like to start a fight. Well he ask me to be patient and all. Hm. Okay, I will. But the girl and her bf already lost my respect. I mean, OUR respect. And guys, you want to know something?? They both are short too!! Shorter than me. And the girl is the shortest among 4 of us. Her boyfriend has the same height as my bf. So its kinda funny when they called my bf short. Because it just reflects to them both:) Haha. I am taller than them both. Lol. And they called us COPYCAT too when the real copycat is them. Well, they're just so immature huh? They used our words and put in their myspace. But we didn't say a word at all. Well, it just shows what kind of friend they are. FAKER!
Well, that's my story. What about you?? What will you do if your friend being fake with you? Nice sweet in front, but then talk shxt behind your back and spread lies about your life to other people? Spill guys! 

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10 responses
@rosdimy (3926)
• Malaysia
24 Nov 08
In times like this it is best to be rational and not to be emotional. I have been called names before and I have met people who have been called names. There are questions which need to be asked before we condemn or critise other people.
- Why did they do that?
- Was it out of malice?
- Was it their perception of the two of you without any negative feelings?
- Did they say the same thing to everybody else?
Things do not happen without a reason. Maybe we are also guilty of the same thing. For example you reacted by posting what you thought of them where many people can read without it whereas they may have talked about it only in private. Talking or commenting about other people's looks is a common occurrence. This is not backstabbing.
I am not supporting any sides. It is just that I dislike seeing broken friendship over a small matter.
Why do not you see it as an immature act? Try showing you are above this and disregard what they have said about you between themselves.
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@ieeko89 (1054)
• Malaysia
24 Nov 08
yes, but the prob is, she loves to accused me for nothing. Such as, before this, i haven't do anything to her, suddenly she curse me this and that. I ask what did i do, she said think by yourself. 4 days i'm wondering what my mistake is, then she came and apologies to me and say that she's misunderstood. then she did it again. she throw me away and tell all people that i tried to ruin her relationship well actually i don't. i haven't talk to her almost 5months, and suddenly she accused me again? i swear to god, i didnt even bother about her or her bf, why should i trying to ruin her life? so, the conclusion is, she always did something before think. and i am so nice to not doing or even mad at her for this. i look bad to others. guess what? im still quiet and do nothing. i think its really stuxid of her to accused me that way. so i think i dont really need a reason why is she calling me bad names or wondering what's my mistake again, after what i've been through because of her :)
@thecrazyjogger (3178)
• India
24 Nov 08
u knw wht.. i knew a couple like this once
i mean a bf -gf couple
one was short n skinny while the other was fat n ... well short!
they were called pinky n the brain btu hteey KNEW ABT IT AND TEHY LIKED IT
so if u dont like ti then th eppl who call u tht shiuld b kicked out of ur life
and true! instinct never fails!
@ieeko89 (1054)
• Malaysia
25 Nov 08
Aww really? Yes, if they tell me that they were calling me monster and my bf short, it's okay. Its like a joke to do. But this one, I prefer to call its as backstabber and liar since in front of me she's being so nice and all. But at the back, there's too many lies she's been told people about me. I think I better kicked them both outta my life :)
@thecrazyjogger (3178)
• India
25 Nov 08
well my name the crazy jogger started as a tease.. and soon every1 was callin me tht.. n I liked it so it stuck
so AS LONG AS U like your nickname its okay.. n not backstabbing.. but if u dont like it n they still call u bhind ur back.. thts treason! pssst hang em!
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
24 Nov 08
Hi dear
Well, if u know such friends, rather people then best way is to step away from them as they are not trustworthy
and anyone who is not trustworthy and most impotant, is impostyer then why waste time with them
and look for sincere and honest people
take care

@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
24 Nov 08
haha.. Backstabber are everywhere, and it's the most common among frenz.. We cant help it at times, because they need our help most of the time.. lol =D Juts try to keep your distance from them, and let them say whatever they like.. For, the truth will come to light someday.. hehe ^_^ And like u said, they are shorter than u, so in a way, by spreading about u and your bf, they are also 'promoting' themselves too.. lol =D

@iamfine (740)
• China
24 Nov 08
Hi, after reading your story, we all know that the young couple you mentioned is just like what you said: immature. It is wierd for a couple to call other people that way, and even we think inside our hearts, we would not show in our fact or even write out, to avoid confliction.
And from what you said, I know you were angry the moment you post this discussion, maybe you are not that angry right now, and I hope that you really don't be so angry, They are just immature, and after they lose your friendship, they may realize how silly they are to treat you that way. People grow up by losing and realizing something.
Angry is not good to health, it makes your life not as wonderful as it should be, they don't worth you to do that.
Best regards
@ieeko89 (1054)
• Malaysia
25 Nov 08
Hello :) Yes it's true. I am not angry as last time when I found out about this. Now I am becoming someone that I don't even like. Maybe because I am too pressure with all this thing. But luckily I have great peoples by my side :) Yup they don't worth anything. Thank you!!

@bing28 (3795)
• Philippines
25 Nov 08
talk to her nicely and tell her of what you'd found out. Tell her you'd be better off as friends if she would remain that way, if she apologize and change her attitude then just be nice but don't be as close to her as before. Let her realize she'll be losing a good friend...
@kunking (1118)
• China
24 Nov 08
i think your friend may feel jealous of you and your bf, lol .. i just wanna say height is no problem for you and your bf if you truly love each other. there is a proverb i remember is "follow your course, and let people talk" . and also it's normal for two close friends to feel jealous of some one and so something negative, you konw what i mean... so don't tak it so seriously if u wanna to maintain this good friendship. get a frank talk with them and see the resluts.
@ieeko89 (1054)
• Malaysia
24 Nov 08
haha many people said the same thing too :) well, she loves to accused me for nothing. for something that i didn't do, so i think they don't worth any talk at all. let bygone be bygone. im happy that they're outta of my life :) i admit, i love her once, but not anymore. im sick of her.
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@jb_vete (323)
• Philippines
24 Nov 08
Hello! I guess they're not your friend now with what is happening between the four of you. It's just sad to lose a friend i think don't lose friends if you don't have them. It's just right to keep away from them.
@lalu_202001 (123)
• India
24 Nov 08
i dont mind them saying like that.
its their freedom to say, but still if i come to know like that i would say to them that u can say it to me directly as a criticism and i accept criticisms.
maybe the depth of friendship would be reduced....
@ayaBee (65)
• Philippines
24 Nov 08
well.. been to something like that.. twice.. it angers you and hurt you so much that if you do not know how to handle it, it will consume you.. but later on you will realize that reminding yourself of that terrible thing that happened in your life will not do you good.. and it is a blessing so you would know who your real friends are.. ^__^