Priests against birth control....
By Hailey2008
@Hailey2008 (47)
November 24, 2008 10:31am CST
Hi everyone! i just want to share my dilemma. Me and my husband are planning to use birth control. But you see we are Catholics and the priests are against artificial birth control methods. They only allow the Natural Family planning method which is the Calendar Method. I just don't know if I could rely on this one. I don't have confidence on my cycle.My period is irregular. We asked our Parish Priest once, and he said, abstinence! that's for us. Please guys help me with this problem, I need your honest opinions and reasonable words.
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18 responses
@PrincessKitten (790)
• United States
24 Nov 08
If you want to remain obedient to your Catholic faith, you will not use birth control. End of story. To use birth control would be blatant disobediance.
You need to choose. Do you want to be obedient or do you want to be disobedient? To be obedient means that you run the risk of having innumerable children (maybe 20 or so). To be diobedient means you are going to Hell. There is no middle ground.
I know many Catholics who have chosen to go to Hell by using contraception. That's their choice. I am all about freedom of choice and so is God, which is why he gave us free will.
Happy MyLotting!
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@katrhina23 (1282)
• United States
25 Nov 08
i agree with you . if you are both a practicing Catholics and you think you will make sins , then the best thing to do is to abstain.
I suggest you visit a gynecologist, ask if she could help you with your having an irregular period. then, from there choose the best contraceptive for you.
@bellebads (740)
• Philippines
25 Nov 08
if both of you are religious then stick to what the priests are preaching. but for me using contraceptive is not a sin as long as your faith with god is strong, anyway the using of contraceptive is not killing a baby because there's no life present yet, you know what i mean? it becomes a sin when you aborted the baby in your womb. what is more sinful is if you're not able to provide the needs of your kids and put yourself on illegal things just to earn money for your family.
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@marymarj2002 (1769)
• Philippines
25 Nov 08
I think you and your husband should be the one who will decide which method for birth control you and your husband will use. There are also some side effects of using artificial birth control but in your case since you are irregular I think it is not safe to use the natural way of control.
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@tlb0822 (1410)
• United States
24 Nov 08
I think that this is a choice that you and your husband need to think through. I personally see nothing wrong with birth control. If you aren't ready to have a family yet then you should use some kind of method to prevent it, but abstinence from your own husband. No I don't understand that one. I think that you just need to follow your heart, and do what you feel is right, not what your religion tells you is right.
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
25 Nov 08
Hi Hailey2008,
Its really amazes me why these priests get involve with things that has nothing to do with religion and anyway how would they know, they never had a relationship and if you get pregnat, are the church going to feed the child? its makes me so mad. That is why I am not a Catholic anymore. They should just stick to what they know best and that is praying.
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@BlueGoblin (1829)
• United States
24 Nov 08
I thought the Church was only against birth control if you weren't married? Kids out of wedlock and such. I had no idea the Church was against birth control when you were married. I never even heard married people talking about abstinence before. I guess I never paid much attention in Sunday school.
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@cheongyc (5072)
• Malaysia
24 Nov 08
I think birth control by the calender cycle is tough, because menstrual periods might in irregular after all. Well, it depends on the purpose of birth control. If the intention is to save the world from having excessive populations, then it's all right to be done using scientific way. Unless the science is prohibited by religion, then I think it's wrong to implement birth control using scientific method. As long as you have birth control in mind, it's already a intention to stop the birth a new human. Only different method is being used. Actually the 100% effective birth control is to have minor surgery to prevent the contact or conduct of reproductive substances.
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@ayenacsi (910)
• Philippines
24 Nov 08
hello hailey !
I think it's best that you think this through thoroughly...
You of all people should know what is best for you and your family. NFP is good but it really is not that reliable, and really priests are just like us and they don't know it all. Try tell your husband that abstinence is the only way and I am sure he will understand

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@chaska (170)
• United States
25 Nov 08
I have a different faith from yours so I do respect that catholic faith is different. I do not agree with abstinence after you are married your husband and yourself have a physical and emotinal need for intimacy. I do think that you should discuss this with your husband further. If you keep doing the calender method with an irregular period eventually you may get pregnant. If you and your husband are not ready for children this might cause a strain on the relationship. Also sometimes medical reasons will cause a physician to prescribe birth control pills (POS, irregular periods, etc.) Does the catholic faith still disagree with its use if it is medically necessary?
@thecrazyjogger (3178)
• India
25 Nov 08
hmm same in almost all religons based on the book!
and its always a conflict point.. but i cant say abt priests..
good luck though
@RMGray (16)
• United States
25 Nov 08
Hmmm...interesting dilemma, but it seems that it is exclusively of your own making. From my perspective, family planning is an extremely personal issue between spouses. You guys have to make the choice that works best for you. No priest is going to help raise and financially support your child or household. Nothing in the Bible says anything against birth it didn't exist. I believe that a reasonable and loving God would appreciate a married couple acting in a responsible manner and delaying having children until it was right for them. Just my opinion though...ultimately, let your heart be your guide.
RM Gray
@Naimah923 (23)
• United States
24 Nov 08
Hi...let me first say that my views may be different from yours based on our differences in faith and I will try to respect yours. I do not agree in abstinence being an option if you are a married woman. You have a husband and he has needs as well as your own. However, if you were an unmarried woman than I could understand why abstinence would be the answer. We are human and God created us to be fruitful and multiply, therefore why abstinence?
Secondly, I do not find a problem with temporary forms of birth control. However, I do see a problem if it were an extreme/permanent measure, such as getting your tubes tied/abortion. Honestly, do you think that God will damn you for taking birth control? This is something that you really need to sleep on.
Thirdly, ask you priest were you can locate biblical information on the topic. Not from his mouth but from the text itself.
Lastly, even if you are on birth control and it is meant for you to conceive it will happen. This is a decision that you will have to make on your own. Gather information, pray about it and give it to God.
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@GAUCI123 (1042)
• Malta
12 Dec 08
Hi well you have to talk with each other and decide together, well I think that you can't rely on the calendar method. I know couples that she got pregnat even when using this method. For me I don't think that abstinence is a good idea, it depends for how much time. It is important in a couple, it makes them more close together, you cannot eliminate every contact together. Personally I will go for artifical birth control, but that's only my opinion. You have to decide together.
@jammyt (2818)
• Philippines
25 Nov 08
I'm Catholic.The thing is, I am so irregular that I need pills to get my period. Also, we use pills as contraceptives. I don't think I am breaking any laws. My thoughts on this are: They are not the ones who will spend for the child if you get pregnant. God will not condemn you if you use contraceptives. By using contraceptives does NOT make you a bad person in any manner. Like what one said here, you will know in your heart what will work best for your family.
@janisvg18 (181)
• Singapore
25 Nov 08
I'm also a Catholic and I use birth control pills. We are just not ready yet to have a baby.
I agree with jammyt... they (the priests) won't be the one raising a child; they won't be spending a single cent for them; they don't know how life would be if you are not prepared to have kids.
and... medically speaking, your period will be more regular :)
@magojordan (3252)
• Philippines
25 Nov 08
I think it would be good in your case to consult you doctor about the best method in family planning. If you don't want to violate your beliefs you could go to a priest and tell him your problem about it. Just keep an open mind and surely you'll find answers.
@scarletwitch12 (562)
• Philippines
25 Nov 08
There are a lot of things the Church says that really call for deeper consideration. I am a Catholic myself. I do not want to sound disobedient to the faith I have been born to, but I feel there are things we Catholics believe that aren't 100% correct. I know the moral dilemma you must be going through. The problem with the Church sometimes is that they usually say something is immoral and they do not give concrete reasons why such things such as the use of contraceptives intrinsically evil!
I cannot tell you what to opt for. But I do know you will find ways to plan your family without compromising your faith.