The Greatness of Hinduism.
@rameshkumaar57 (5908)
November 25, 2008 4:15am CST
Friends, there has been a lot of talk about Christianity and Islam, but unfortunately there has not been much written about Hinduism. Today I would like to give a few points about Hinduism.
Hinduism has got two major sects Shivaite and Vaishnavaite, kindly note Hinduism was there long before Christianity or Islamic religions were started. There are still some temples in south of India which were built well before 2000 years, that is before Christ Era, the unfortunate thing was most of the olden temples built in the Northern part of India were destroyed by the Invading Muslim armies and Mosques were built in their places, the example being Babri Masjid, which was the birth place of Ram a Vaishnavaite God and the Gyan Vapi Mosque in Kasi ( a holy city to the Hindus),where a Shiva temple still stands, with a mosque by its side.
Hindus never tried to convert people from other faiths to their own, that is why faiths such as Jainism, Sikhism, Islam and Christianity still flourishes in India.One more important point in Gautham Buddha who started Buddhism was born in India, and there are very important Buddhist centers in east of of India.
India is a vibrant country because of its Hindu beliefs and that is why Hinduism is flourishing and even Celebreties endorse Hinduism and its values.
Friends depending upon your response I would like to go deep into the merits and values of Hinduism.
Expecting your valuable responses.
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11 responses
@tulipstrader (1467)
• India
25 Nov 08
unlike the semetics, hindusim is not bound by books and one ever warning god who is hell bent on keeping his flock together. its a way of life and during the course many changes occur. these changes are acceptable to hinduism. they know that change is the only thing that does not change, because that is its nature.
shaivism and vaishnavism are two sects, there is another one where they follow kali.
but that is a small sect. there were many unpleasant confrontations between these sects which has resulted in bloodshed. this is a reality and all hindus do accept this as a bad phase of their religion.
its true hindus are not into converting others into their faith. reason is by changing ones faith what one becomes is artificial. those who left hinduism are mostly from the lower strata of society. in hindusim there is no blashphemy laws like what exists in christianity and islam. one is free to believe in what one deems fit. ofcourse hindus do resist the effort by christian missionaries to convert ignorant villagers by offering them money. this has resulted in violence against christians in recent times. the real cause behind it were the christians themselves, and nobody.
its always easy to trust a hindu and live amongst them. they mean no harm to anyone in general. even to anyone from another faith.
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@rameshkumaar57 (5908)
• India
25 Nov 08
Dear tulipstrader, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, for giving such wonderful information about Hinduism, honestly without you and other Mylotter's response, I would not have been able to answer the question which were put on Hinduism. Thank you once again.
@shivram123 (656)
• India
25 Nov 08
in my point of view there must come hindu terrorists against these much awful things done to hindus,
among the hindus there are only few who waked up but they also wont do anything cause our heritage is like that,all the time we was invaded we just welcome them by our two hands when budhists came and spread we welcomed but the budhists in india were converted later to hinduism cause they liked it and then came islam then christians and still christians converting,but remember a community cannot be destroyed unless it think itself,our heritage is vast
let me come to point,till now hindus were sleeping but not more :)
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@tulipstrader (1467)
• India
25 Nov 08
all that violence in orissa did not happen because of hindus or hindu militancy. it was soley due to the kind of behaviour of christian missionaries. have see the nun who claimed to have been gang raped now refusing to appear before the court of law and refusing to identify the criminals. there is a big game played by the congress party and church. if she is really raped and can appear for a press conference with her face covered, why not in court? this is a question people are now asking.
i sympathise with that woman, if she is really been a victim of gang rape. but these incidents some how says there is a game and nothing of the sort the missionaries are claiming. today there was a new item about karnataka incidents. fact finding missions leader PN Benjamin said these attacks were only on those militant pentacostal churches housed in small sheds and the reasons were because they were spreading falsehood about hinduism. other churches were not attacked. then why did the catholic churches claimed their churches were attacked. isn't it a political game they are playing for the congress party?
if minorities do not behave and respect other sentiments, worse is still waiting for them. its difficult to stop such a thing. then it will be the whole mass, the majority will hunt them down. then nobody will be there to save them. minorities forget that conveniently.
hindus have no grudege against a christian as a christian has. hindus beleive in - live and let live. honour that, they will protect you. take care of you. if not, eye for an eye is always welcome.
i have no intention to hurt anyone by writing this. this is what is happening and what i see around after these incidents.

@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
26 Nov 08
I am a Hindu and i accept it.I like many customs that are part and parcel of Hinduism.Hinduism is a very colorful Religion or way of life as some people would like to term it.It, being the oldest surviving religion, definitely has something in it which has made it survive inspite of all the onslaughts by the other religions.Hinduism preaches tolerance.And most Hindus are very tolerant about other religions.Thats how India has the largest Muslim population in the world.Other reloigions are thriving side by side, be it Christianity or other off shoots of Hinduism like Buddhism,Jainism or Sikhism..
There are some practices in Hinduism which i detest, like the caste system which , however much one may say is not part of the religion, has become so now.With the government policies which are caste based , this is only going to divide people more and more ..
I firmly feel that Religion itself is a menace that is dividing people.People should treat religion as personal choices and not let it come in the way while dealing or interacting with people.
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@rameshkumaar57 (5908)
• India
26 Nov 08
Dear kiran8, I agree with you that there are some practices like caste systems, which should go, unfortunately the present day Political parties are thriving on the caste systems, whether it is M.B.C's or O.B.C's or S.C.,S.T's, everybody has a leader and a party, if this is abolished I feel India will become a superpower.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
27 Nov 08
I agree with your i feel saddened at what the terrorists have done to Bombay and our country, killing innocent people, many foreigners, who have come here on work or to visit.Is this what religion teaches, this is nothing but dark hatred and the work of those who are not human beings but wild animals led by hate filled religious leaders.this is why i hate religion and the form it has taken over a period of time..
@stella1989 (2274)
• India
26 Nov 08
Ok. If you're saying that Hindus never tried to convert people from other faiths to their own..
Then that's not at all true!!!
You need to watch some news channel apart from other religious channels..
As you never heard about the people burning villages of Christians..
Forcing people to change their religion as only then they will get any help.
It is happening in Orissa.
So update your self first!!
And about the oldest religion.. Christianity, Islam etc.. may not be as old as Hinduism but only in India.
These religions are basically from out side of India!!
So at last I would like to say that Improve your knowledge first before posting discussions like this!!
@rameshkumaar57 (5908)
• India
26 Nov 08
Dear stella1989, it is people like you who are so ignorant about what is happening in India, make such comments.Even though Hindu kings invaded Ceylon, Burma, as well as other of parts of Indonesia, they never forced their faith on the conquored lands,like your English and Portugese Missonaries did in India and Goa.That is why Hinduism never grew outside India, it is not the culture of Hindus to forcibly convert people into their religion as Christians and Muslims do. Regarding Orissa everybody knows that it was because of the Christian Militia which killed the four swamijis that the killings started. One important point which nobody is talking is that the fight is because of economic reasons, and even though Scheduled Castes are converting to Christianity, they remain as Hindus,officially so that they can get all the benefits of their reservation, this and the killings were the main reason for the Hindus to go against Christians.
Hindus never have a huge convention like christians calling it as Miracle crusade and try to convert people, by showing that the lame has started walking, or the blind has got back his vision or other mumbo jumbo, it is not that you do not know about this, but you choose to turn a blind eye on this things, because it is your religion
Finally I never said I know everything about Hinduism, the main purpose of starting this discussion, is to show the rest of the world, the greatness of Hinduism, for which I am glad that so many myloters have given their answers. I also know that somebody would criticize me and I knew that it will be an Indian only, who would do it.
My final request is please go through all the answers which my other friends have given, go through the complete discussion, then you can comment.
@sanjana_aslam (4187)
• Malaysia
26 Nov 08
Furthermore ... have you read about "CULTS" all religion be it Hindu, Christian or Muslim have them and people from this "CULTS" behave in a wrongly manner ...
You know some cults who actually sacrifice themself in the name of religion
You know some cults who kill themself because god asked them too
You know some cults who believe end of the earth is near
i think the discussion here is not on any sect or cult .. but the actual HINDU religion ..
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@systems (459)
• India
13 Dec 08
If other religion people tell that their religion is a tolerant and has inter-religious harmony, Please tell them to allow us to build a temple in their main religious city.
I have tried to explain Hinduism in a simple manner.
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@rameshkumaar57 (5908)
• India
13 Dec 08
Thank you very much for your response systems, you have a very valid point,in fact most of us have forgoten this point. I shall go through your discussion and then get back to you.
@sanjana_aslam (4187)
• Malaysia
25 Nov 08
hi ramesh
1) A Hindu can not convert ... there are not prayers or verses in Hindu religion to convert one person from another religion to Hindu that is why Hindus never tried to convert anyone
2) Hindus believe that all god is ONE and only ONE .. no matter what religion a person is he is accepted and welcomed in a hindu home and temples without barrier
3) Hindus of Yesterday are totally different from Hindus of today as we are more educated and able to inteprate the holy books and the contents to the 'actual' terms and not stuck to the words of 'holy people'
4) As in every religion, there have been some 'cult' movements which disgraced this holy religion .. as a human everyone remembers the bad then the good
5) Hindu science, Hindu maths, hindu medication, hindu planets ... all were recorded more then 5,000 years back ...
Finally A Hindu is Born as a HINDU not converted to HINDU ... The religion has survived so many generations ... and will survive many more generations ..
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
25 Nov 08
Yes Sanjana, what has no beginning cannot have an end. Hinduism has no beginning, nobody knows when it started, its as old as time itself. So it cannot have an end, it will be here as long as time itself is here upon this universe.
@stella1989 (2274)
• India
27 Nov 08
People ..
directly or indirectly you all are saying that Hindu is above all religions.
Am just here trying to tell you all that.. you just can Not say that..
People have freedom to follow any religion.. And believe in any thing they want to..
Like .. if there is smoke then there must be fire some where!!
And all the people who are following Christianity, Islam and Jainism and many more.. are not fools!!
And that too just because they are not following Hinduism..
And I don't know how you can get converted into Hindu..
But Baptism is the "sacrament" in Christianity its not necessary that there must be the same way in Hinduism as well..There are different ways in every religion.
And just because a Religion is older doesn't mean that we should follow that only.
And If not then you should Not even follow the new laws in our constitution..
SATI tradition ... its old we should follow them... And burn ourselves alive..!!
Its old so why not!!
I am not saying any thing bad about any religion here.
@rameshkumaar57 (5908)
• India
25 Nov 08
Sanjana, I once again thank you all the other Myloters, for giving such wonderful information about, Hinduism, today I have learned so many things from people like you, which I was not aware about, may your tribe increase.
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@23uday (2997)
• India
26 Nov 08
I am really very happy that you have started a discussion on Hinduism.
Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world ,which originated many years ago,which is still flourishing and will never end.
Hindus mainly worship LORD VISHNU and LORD SHIVA.There are many gods in hinduism,which are considered to be the incarnations of the lord.But still god is only one and he is the supreme and ultimate.
Hinduism was known as "SANATHANA DHARMA",which teaches the right path to lead life.There are many holy books,VEDAS,UPANISHADS AND BHAGVAT GITA are considered to be sacred.
Vedas have been passed on to next generation orally and were written manually.They are still available in their original forms.They are preserved.They are written in SANSKRIT,which is said as the god's language.It is one of the official language of INDIA.Though most of them dont speak,but still there are schools,where sanskritis taught.
There are many holy shrines in INDIA,built for gods.There are 12 jyothirlingas built in different places,CHARDAM is considered to be sacred place.Ind i am very happy,that i have been to four jyothirlingas and CHARDAM.
HINDUISM TEACHES THE PATH OF LOVE AND BROTHER HOOD.In INDIA,people of different religions live together in harmony.Hindus have respect for other religions and they never convert a person of other community into hinduism,because we respect the other religions,as we respect our religion.We beileve that god is omnipresent and always with us and within us.We believe in PARMATMA .
MEDITATION is practiced,which is a direct connection to god,which awakens our consciousness and makes us know who we are.
We are destined here to do the divine work which is summoned to us by god.just spread the message of love ,and brother hood.We believe that ,SERVICE TO HUMANITY IS SERVICE TO GOD and we totally surrender ourselves to god.We in the LAWS OF KARMA,which is taught by LORD SRI KRISHNA.
And read the works of SWAMI VIVEKANANDA,it is really fabolous and motivating.He is the one,who made western people aware of our great religion and culture.And people there,gave him a standing ovation.
Love you all!!!!!
@rameshkumaar57 (5908)
• India
26 Nov 08
Dear 23uday thank you very much for giving such a lovely piece on Hinduism and its greatness, I hope stella 1989 atleast reads your response and she will know the greatness of Hiduism, I am very happy to note that so many of you have given such sterling information about Hinduism, when I started this discussion, I never thought that so many of you would be giving me support and information, because nowadays it is fashionable to degrade Hinduism and its values.
I hope that the English press and the 24hours T.V. Channels does not notice this, because they will then brand us as Hindu Terrorists. That is the fate the Hindu has in India. Our only hope is there should be another SWAMI VIVEKANANDA, to lead us to glory.
I would also request you to start a discussion on SWAMI VIVEKANANDA so that the other myloters will know about his greatness. BHARATH MATA KI JAI.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
25 Nov 08
Hi rameshkumaar, I do not know a lot about Hinduism but always like to hear about other beliefs. I like the fact that you do not try to convert others to your faith as I believe that there are many paths and all have a measure of truth. We need to respect all faiths and accept people for who they are. The idea that only one one religion is right has led to untold bloodshed over the centuries, and continues to do so today. I know that Hinduism existed long before either Christianity or Islam and may be the oldest of all religions. Thank you for this discussion and for telling others about some of you history. Blessings.
@rameshkumaar57 (5908)
• India
25 Nov 08
I thank you for your valuable response, after this initial discussion, I would like to write more about Hinduism with the help of my other Mylot friends and explain the greatness of Hinduism. It is not that we did not have fights, between Vaishnavait and Shivaites, but that was more than 800 to 900 years back and things have changed and we all live together peacefully.
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@ThePaintGuru (541)
• United States
25 Nov 08
Honestly I don't know much about Hinduism, but it seems to me they are one of the major religions that doesn't try to convert everyone in sight (Christianity and Islam generally do). Instead it seems Hinduism relies on its already firmly established roots in the community to keep itself a large religion. I have read a bit about the religion, but it's hard to wrap my head around all the eastern symbolism that rarely seems to make much sense, although all religions are hard to understand.
@rameshkumaar57 (5908)
• India
26 Nov 08
Dear thePaintguru, that is the greatness of Hinduism, we do not convert anybody to our Religion, but at the same time, anybody is welcome to Hinduism and its beliefs, even if they are from other religions. Anybody is welcome to celebrate our festivals like Deepavali, which is a celebration of victory of good over evil. We do not ask our people to pray regularly for 5 times a day as Muslims do, as well as even if you do not visit the Temples, it is not a sin, our religious books like Mahabharatham and Ramayanam are epics and even this is not a compulsory reading like your Bible, in fact most of the mordern and young Indians, would not have even seen this books. Regarding Eastern symbolism I am not sure, what you are trying to mean, if you have any doubts, you can ask, and I am sure that our Myloters will give you a correct answer.
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@sanjana_aslam (4187)
• Malaysia
26 Nov 08
hi paint and ramesh ...
Hindus we either pray to "idols" representation of god or by meditation "focus thoughts of the almighty"
Before explaining on 'idol' praying i have to explain why there are so many idols - We believe God is one, but God taking different forms to suit his functions
i) Man as Fisherman ... ii) Man as electrician ...iii) Man as king ... iv) Man as President ... v) Woman as mother
all this people has different functions and their form is related to their task, similarly god also has his functions and takes forms to suit that ... you cant expect god to dress up as king and go into deep waters to help fish right ??
- Most homes, we will allocate an area for the 'idol' praying and will perform our prayers or 'pooja' early in the mornings and eary evenings ... A Hindu individual, will by himself be attached to his favourite idol and focus on that idol more then other idols
- Temple praying - the energy of gods presence in a temple is felt more here as this is considered home of god in earth
- Meditation, praying to god in his ultimate formless being
Most Hindus does a lot 'godly presentation' to this idols, with expectation that what we offer to god is accepted by him.. we give fruits, flowers, food, cloths ... we are just trying to make god happy .. The concept is similar to us giving to our parents and fellow human ... how happy will our parents be accepting love and gift from us ...
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@bodhisatya (2384)
• India
25 Nov 08
I respect and love every religion, truly i love a christian as much as a muslim and a Sikh and to add on it I am really proud to be a HINDU which teaches us to love and respect every individual as a human and not decide or conceptualise one on the merits of his class, creed,color or race. Happy reading
@rameshkumaar57 (5908)
• India
25 Nov 08
Thank you for your response Bodhisatya, yes we have to love and respect every individual as a human, and as rightly mentioned by you, we must have a castless society, and the day is not far when we will see the new Hindu India, where all religions will stay peacefully.
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@choudhary03 (943)
• Hyderabad, India
27 Nov 08
Five to ten years ahead we will eliminate this problem to fifty percent. Later when India becomes Economically strong we will do lot more to reform Hinduism. Hinduism has respected criticism and changed accordingly.
These were put for good use now we have this problem, it will change.
Change is inevitable.

@Khayam (346)
• Romania
26 Nov 08
I'm following this discussion with alot of interest. This summer I went to Mauritius Island in the Mascareignes Archiepeleago and I had the opportunity to discover a slight image of the Hinduism. I have to mention that i read alot about it, as Mircea Eliade - among the first Europeans that introduced Hindu religion to the rest of the world, is also Romanian and one of my favourite writers. He is the author of the giant book "The history of religions and of the religious beliefs".
@rameshkumaar57 (5908)
• India
26 Nov 08
I am really happy to note that a man from far away country like Romania, had introduced Hindu religion to the rest of the world, I must confess that I have not heard about Mircea Eliade, but would love to hear about him, and would love to hear more about your beautiful country and its Religious beliefs etc.
@srbollar (259)
• United States
25 Nov 08
Wow! It's nice to see such lengthy, in-depth talk about Hinduism. I really didn't know that much about it, beside the Vedas other parts of the foundation of the religion. I'm glad you guys know so much about it! Now I know where to come whenever I need to know anything about Hinduism! =]
~Jesus loves you and I do too!~
@rameshkumaar57 (5908)
• India
25 Nov 08
As mentioned in my discussion, we would love to talk about Hinduism, and explain about its greatness, it does not mean that other religions are no good. We give respect to all religions and as you mentioned Jesus loves you and we also love you.