Does anyone write out checks at the store any more? If you do, are you ready?
By schulzie
@schulzie (4061)
United States
November 25, 2008 4:23am CST
I have a question for you, my fellow myLotters. Do any of you still write out checks for purchases made in person at the store. Either at the grocery store, department store, etc. And if you do, do you start to fill out everything but the amount as the items are being scanned?
I rarely use checks these days as I usually use my debit/check card but when I do write out a check I always fill out the store name, date, memo, and my signature as my items are rung up or as I am waiting in line. I also have my driver's license sitting there with the check so when I get up to the cashier I am good to go.
I get so frustrated when I am behind someone who waits until everything is rung up, scanned in, etc. and THEN they pull out their checkbook, and identification, and pen and THEN start to write out the check. Didn't they know they were going to be writing out a check? Couldn't they have already filled out everything but the amount as the items were being rung up?? OMG!
It is like as soon as the cashier tells these people their total that somehow rings a bell in their heads like "Oh yeah, I need to start getting my stuff together to make out this check and pay for my merchandise!". Come on!
Have you ever experienced this or am I the only one? Or, are you one of the guilty party I have mentioned here?
Have a great day and happy myLotting!!!

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31 responses
@onlydia (2808)
• United States
25 Nov 08
You know little brother you really need to take a chill pill. I mean really what is the big deal? I just wait and look at things and try to remember if I forgot anything. some people are like that. It is like driving why get all worked up over nothing. I mean you can't do anything about it anyway. Just take a breath and say a prayer. It is a good time to pray. don't let it get to you. Don't let the small stuff bother you and let me tell you it's all small stuff. Your sis Onlydia. Take care
@soyporteno (406)
• United States
30 Nov 08
I hardly ever use checks any more, but when I do write out a check I always have it ready too. I just think it is rude not to have written out the store name and the date and my signature. Those are things that you know are going to go on the check anyways, no matter how much your purchase is. I think people just don't think about it.
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
26 Nov 08
I give you a plus because you are the only person I've ever heard of being so nice and courteous!
Whenever I see someone writing a check I think, "Oh my gosh, what an a-hole! I can't believe they don't have a debit card yet. Argh I can't believe I got behind this freaking jerk!"
One of my friends refuses to get a debit card or credit card because she is afraid of technology (despite that she's only 23!). She also only has the use of one hand and she never gets her check ready like you describe. I don't even like shopping with her when she refuses to bring cash because I just want to strangle her sometimes! She will take out a check, then she'll ask for a pen (sometimes the store clerk has to go ask around for one), and then she'll verify the name of the store she is in like she doesn't know it. She always has to ask the date, she writes fairly slowly, and then tearing out a check takes a long time. Then if you want her to show ID, good luck with that because she will have to dig all through her purse for it.
No one ever gets mad at her though since she's disabled. But if she weren't my friend she'd be getting a huge lecture. And in fact, I've still told her quite a few times she needs to just get a debit card.
I am all about not being a jerk when I shop. I usually carry a wallet in my pants pocket like a man so I can just pull out my credit card, swipe it through, whip out my ID, and then be on my way. I don't want to inconvenience anyone. If the cash register breaks, I'll help the worker fix it. If one of the items didn't have a tag on it, I usually already noticed that and grabbed a spare in another size for them to scan... if not, I'll run back myself to grab something because I usually run much faster than the employees. So when my friend and I go shopping we are total opposites up at the register.

@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
27 Nov 08
You sound like a technophobe just like my friend, hehe. I guess if you don't bank online and can't keep track of your spending, you can become overdrawn. For me, checks are worse on that. I donate using checks usually because most animal rescues can't take credit cards. Sometimes the check is cashed so far after I wrote it that I completely forgot about it and then it will bounce. So for me, the debit card is far more convenient. I can just go online and check my balance and the change is immediate. If I go grocery shopping, right when I get home I can see the amount taken out.
That said though, I still do use cash sometimes because I don't like being caught without cash on me and then having to buy something where they only take cash.
I didn't even think you could write your ID on your check so that you wouldn't have to get out your ID. When I worked in retail, we had to see the ID anyway and type it all in. But I would not be resentful of a customer who wrote a check and had it all ready. But I have to say I have never seen anyone do that. Never. So if I saw you all nice and ready, I would be happy. But you're right I'd still be happier with people who have come into this century and embraced our wonderful technology. I can hardly wait until the day checks are completely obsolete.
And some people work so they can't go shopping when the crowds are so thin. I work and go to school. I don't even have time to watch the television generally. I am sick and tired of people who get handouts while I am working my butt off. I am disabled too but I don't take handouts from the government like my friend does. And she could do a lot more for herself if she wouldn't be so afraid of technology. I don't think people should get special treatment for being disabled. I would yell at you in the store just like the next person if you were slowing down the line, I'm not giving people special treatment just because they think they're so special. Everyone is different and I'm plainly just sick of it. You probably get social security too and could shop whenever I suppose.
@capirani (2840)
• United States
27 Nov 08
Debit cards are not that great! In fact, I just got my first one that is attached to my bank accounts a couple months ago. I have always used checks. Were it not for the current way the stores do the electronic checks I still would not have a debit card. I feel a lot better with writing a check than using the debit card. It is far too easy to swipe and leave without registering the amount in the checkbook and then becoming overdrawn. It is also too easy for the privacy to be corrupted. Technology isn't the best way of doing things in all situations. I prefer cash and checks myself, but I use the debit card now because of the dumb electronic check process and also because I sometimes now have to send someone to the store for me.
I hope I have never been in the same line as you. I think you would be giving me a lecture. I don't purposely try to hold up any lines and when checks used to have to be written out I almost always had mine ready, including having my id number written on my check before time so I don't have to get out my id. However, it seems to me that even if you are trying to be courteous and helpful when you are in line and it is your turn, you sound like you are full of anger and resentment at the rest of the customers if they are not doing like you do. I would hate to think you were behind me thinking I was the names you just used in your response about me. The phrase "Patience is a virtue" did not come about for nothing.
My suggestion to anyone who is in that big of a hurry and does not like to be in lines that might get held up by someone not able to go as quickly as they want to go, pick a different shopping time and go when the crowds are thin.
I also wonder what kind of friendship you have with your disabled friend and does she know how you really feel about going shopping with her. I am disabled and if I thought people I called my friends thought that way about me, I would not be considering them much of a friend to me anymore. There are a lot nicer people who would not think such things about my being slow or needing a little help. I think your friend is doing great in that she is doing as much as she can for herself.
@capirani (2840)
• United States
4 Dec 08
I do not think that getting disability benefits is "taking handouts" because I worked and earned what I get. That is what we pay for after all when we pay our social security taxes. And even those who have not had the opportunity to work but get the benefits I do not consider them as "taking handouts". By the way, I get benefits and I also work part time which is as much as I can handle. There are a lot of disabled people who receive benefits who are also working. Too many people out there can be pretty hurtful with their comments about those who need some extra help. I don't have a lot of respect for those who scam the system. But there are those who need the help and they should not be made to feel guilty for that. It is judgemental and those who judged tend to end up living the life of those they have judged eventually in one way or another. We work, we pay our taxes and our social security taxes. If we someday need to get that back, why the heck is that called "taking handouts"? That is what we paid into it for in the first place.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
25 Nov 08
I do write checks but while I am waiting in line I fill it out...have my id ready...but I know what you's frustrating. They know that they need to have it filled out but no....wait until they are just about all finished with their order! I had one that was even elderly lady gets all done then has to ask the cashier what the state sales tax was....proceeds to pull out this little tablet and has to enter the amount of tax.....holding up the whole line!
@capirani (2840)
• United States
27 Nov 08
What she did was not a bad idea. There have been places that have charged the wrong sales tax in some of the stores in this area. Consumers take too much for granted that prices are correct and taxes are correct. Since I have been working at my current job for more than a year I have heard the complaints of customers who do check their receipts. I rarely check mine. But it makes me think that I should check it more often because these companies...they only have to make a penny or two "error" which isn't much to you or me, but added up over time from all their adds up to quite a big profit.
@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
26 Nov 08
When I have to wait for someone who's unprepared to look for the checkbook and ID, write it, check the amounts several times and, usually, get authorization from a supervisor, I tend to think of all the other things I need that time for. As soon as I became aware they even existed, I got a debit card. I find it so much more convenient than checks, and nobody waits for me at all. I like that. I also have overdraft protection, so I don't worry about being embarrassed, either. I haven't gone over, but I always fear I will.
I prefer paying bills online or be phone, using the debit card, as well. It's more convenient, and I don't have to trust the mail. Too often, things get lost.
At Target the other day, I noticed several registers with little signs that said that checks wouldn't be acceptec there. The grocery stores no longer allow them in the express lanes because they become very slow lanes when people use checks. Gradually, I suspect checks will become rarities.

@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
29 Nov 08
Oddly, the only places I've seen those check machines you describe are at doctors' offices and the hospital. I guess retailers will catch up.
@capirani (2840)
• United States
4 Dec 08
Almost all our area retailers have these machines. Walmart is one that has them and they were the first in our area to have the kind where you don't even sign the check. You just hand them a totally blank check which they put thru their machine and it prints it, you sign a paper just like with a credit or debit card, and you get your check back with the receipt.
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@capirani (2840)
• United States
27 Nov 08
That surprises me. I would have thought Target was up to speed with the other large stores and uses the electronic check where people don't write them out or even sign them anymore. It is as quick as using a debit card but frustrating getting those checks back all the time.
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@MysticTomatoes (1053)
• United States
25 Nov 08
I generally try to have most of the check pre-written before I get to the front of the line. 90% of the time, this is the case. But I've also got a 5 month old and sometimes if she's fussy, it aint happenin. What would you rather do...wait in line an extra 40 seconds while my daughter cries because I put her down to write or listen to her cry for 4 minutes while I ignore her to write out the check and talk to the cashier and THEN write out the check. I'm a firm believer in cry it out parenting, but not at the expense of 50 other people in line at Safe Way or Wal-Mart.
Yes, I find it utterly annoying when someone is in line at the bank 4 cars deep and when they get to the window, they have to ask for a deposit slip, a pen and take 8 forevers writing it out. If you are out of deposit slips or need a counter check, GO INSIDE! I find it incredibly rude, but also, some people just lack basic manners or don't give a shyt when it comes to other people and their concerns. It's their world, we just live in it.
@capirani (2840)
• United States
27 Nov 08
Unfortunately, not everyone has the option to go inside to get that elusive deposit slip. Some people, like myself, are disabled and to have to go to the trouble to get out and to stand in line, which I cannot do, would mean they just don't go out at all. Thank God for the drive through, and I am sorry that people cannot be a little more patient in this fast serve world. With all the drive throughs, it is actually faster sometimes if you go inside. But the next time you are behind someone who is taking up your time, think about it that they may not have a choice. Also, they might have several small children in the car and it would not be reasonable for them to haul all the children into the bank just to have to chase them around and be disruptive inside. This is what the drive through is for after all.
I think in this world where everything is self serve and fast food style, people have lost the ability to be patient with each other. I think we all need a little more patience with each other.
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@MysticTomatoes (1053)
• United States
12 Mar 09
And you could also be courteous and go thru the line once to get the slip, explain to the clerk that you will fill this out and be back, especially if there are other people behind you.
Amazing how some people lack basic skills in life.
@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
25 Nov 08
I dont even have a checkbook anymore. But my hubby does and he doesnt even carry his checkbook it is used for bills only. I dont come across many that use checks anymore and most places here anyways only require you to sign the check the register will fill it out for you. I dont like that at all cause it seems weird to give someone a signed blank check.
@capirani (2840)
• United States
27 Nov 08
Some places you don't even sign the check anymore. You sign a register receipt just like when you use a credit card. I don't like that either.
@sweetgirl_k1 (3972)
• United States
2 Dec 08
I really do not write checks out anymore when I go shopping. About the only time I write a check is if I'm writing out a bill to mail off. I usually use my debit card or cash if I have any on me at the time. But I have my debit card ready in my hand to scan it as soon as the cashier tells me the total.
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
5 Dec 08
Some stores I use my Debit card and some stores I still write checks. I always start writing them out as their scanning unless there is something I need to pay attention to that is being scanned. If it's a store, like Walmarts, that is known for pricing it one price on the shelf and scanning another price at the register...I'll get in line behind someone still being rung up and write out my check while they finish up then when I get up there I can pay attention to what their ringing up.
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
12 Dec 08
I try my best to avoid using checks when I'm at the store. There was one time a few months ago, I had forgotten my debit card (I accidentally left it in my jacket pocket, and my jacket was at home!) Anyway the cashier was just about done ringing up the items when I went for my wallet. No debit card. I searched in my purse and my pants pockets, but no luck. This was when I remembered I had forgotten I left it in my jacket! As I had no way (or so I thought) of paying for the groceries, I told the cashier of my dilemma and left the store. As I was driving home I remembered my checkbook! As I don't write out checks when shopping I totally forgot about it! So I turned around and went back. I shopped all over again thinking the cashier got someone to put away the other load of groceries. I ended up getting her again, but this time I had my checkbook. I filled out as much of the check that I could while the items were getting scanned and only left the amount area blank until the end.
It frustrates me to no end when someone is using a check and waits until the end to fill it all out. It is so time consuming. It makes me wonder if they even heard of a debit card. But there is nothing I can do but keep my complaints to myself and wait my turn.
@kellys3ps (3723)
• United States
30 Nov 08
Since the invention of ATM cards, I neve pay with a check when I'm at the store.
@idowrite72 (2213)
• United States
6 Dec 08
I never write checks at the store anymore, but I used to have my check ready when I got to the check out, too. It's a good thing I did, since it was an alarm to my daughter that something was wrong with me 12 years ago when I suffered a stroke and spent over 2 weeks in the hospital.....actually the Cleveland Clinic.....having tests done to find out what caused it. (It was never determined.) But because I didn't have it filled out when I got to the front of the line, my daughter knew that I wasn't right since I was one who always complained about others who were not prepared, as I always was. I rarely see anyone writing checks but when they do, it seems they are the ones who have to dig for their checkbooks when they have all their merchandise on the checkout counter, same as you have described.
@capirani (2840)
• United States
25 Nov 08
Most places around here you don't write out your checks anymore, not even to sign them. They just run the blank check through their machine which prints out everything and also verifies the amount much like a credit or debit card does and then they hand you back the printed out check. I got a debit card now because I hate having those checks laying around. It was so much nicer getting them in the envelope with the statements each month. That isn't even done anymore either. Just copies.
@capirani (2840)
• United States
25 Nov 08
Actually, come to think of it...I think I would rather go back to the old ways even if it meant standing in line longer. I don't really like all this automation we have now. The personal touch is so much better.
@zshornick (113)
• United States
25 Nov 08
I don't know that I've ever written a check for a store purchase. Only bills and rent (not so much bills anymore, too). I've had a debit card for as long as I've had a bank/checking account.
I barely even carry cash anymore because of the convenience and security of a debit card. Even taxis are required to accept credit cards now.
If you carry cash and your wallet is stolen (like mine was a few years ago), that money is lost. But if only your debit card is stolen, you can report it, cancel it, and get that lost money back.
@capirani (2840)
• United States
27 Nov 08
I don't carry much cash anymore, but there are still a lot of things that need cash because credit cards and debit cards are not accepted. Most fast food places, for instance, only accept cash. At least around here. That is only one example. Vending machines also. I don't get out much anymore so I can't think of many other places, but I know that I need cash for things when I go out and try to make sure I have some whenever the banks are closed.
@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
26 Nov 08
I do not write out checks out in public. I use either cash or a credit or debit card. I take my mom grocery shopping and she insists on writing out the whole check, except for the amount, before she will even get in the line to wait to get up to the cashier. She drives me absolutely nuts with that! She's obsessed with getting her check written in advance, rather than waiting until she gets up to where the little shelf is to do it.
I guess different people have different ideas about that. I usually do get my credit card out as soon as the cashier starts ringing up my purchases so I've got it in hand when she/he needs it.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
28 Nov 08
I use my debit card or my credit card (I pay it off in full every month) and stopped using checks a long time ago.
What really gripes me is those women who pay for their stuff and then stand there putting everything neatly back into their purse, even zipping or buttoning their coat, while the cashier is processing the next order. Excuse me!! I want to see the register! I feel like pushing them aside. I like to watch the register to be sure that all the prices are scanning in correctly. That's why I use self-scan or try to be in line behind a man.
@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
26 Nov 08
ugh i never use checks anymore.. they take too long and so many places dont take them anymore anyways.. they go towards paying my electric and water bill and thats it
@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
28 Nov 08
I know exactly what you are saying, and it is true. It doesn't apply to checks, it also applies to cash and credit/debit cards. I do not think it is because the people who are waiting in line are impatient, I just think that people should always be prepared, they know that they have to pay for this stuff some kind of way.
I see people stand at the register and wait for the cashier to finish, then start digging in their purses to find the money. I always rough count my items in my head, take out what I think the total will be and have the money ready to pay, rather than digging in my purse trying to find the right envelope with the money in it.
I would much rather have my check filled out and just plug in the total when I get it than to have to start from scratch.
@luluwell (36)
• United States
26 Nov 08
I still do, because I have it in my register and amother copy. Where I buy our groceries they have self check out so I have everything but of course the amount. When I go through a regular line all i have to do is sign it and the computer prints the rest. I hate waiting when people have to write out checks like they need to see the amount first, so I feel I'm hurrying up so the next person can be served. Some times the cashiers are to slow. I hate shopping so the quicker I can get out the better and I never shop on weekend it's to busy.
@LaurenInLA (2270)
• United States
26 Nov 08
I haven't written a check at a store since the day that I got my debit card. The only time that I write out a check any more is when I pay bills. When I read your post, I tried to remember the last time that I even saw someone writing a check and honestly I can't remember when that was. It seem that everyone uses either a debit or credit card today. I work in a retail environmnet and I can relate to what you're saying but people being unprepared doesn't bother me unless I have a lot of other customers waiting. Have a great day