Have you ever denied anyone's love?

November 25, 2008 10:38am CST
It is a fact that you cannot be liked by everyone and you cannot like everyone.It might have happened in your life that the love you extended to a girl or boy or the love extended to you by any girl or boy might have been denied.Have you ever thought of the mental agony of those person's whose love has been denied by you.Have you ever regretted the denied love by you?
4 responses
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
28 Nov 08
Of course we have all had this happen to us at some time in our lives. I have had quite a few boyfriends in my 51 years of life and of course some of them have rejected me at some point, or I them. It is all a part of life and if you or someone else settled for the first person they went out with, then you or they, would be cheating themselves out of life experiences. So if you are hurting right now, just accept it as part of life learning experiences and move on. Get over it. Life has a lot of disappointments and that is just life. This might not apply to you right now, but since you started this discussion you or someone you know is probably going through something like this now. If so,if it is a friend going through this, just be there for that person and try to be understanding. If it is you going through this, just learn from it. Alrighty then, talk to you later my friend, Have a good day, Chris
• India
28 Nov 08
thank you so much for those soothing words,chrislotz
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
28 Nov 08
Your quite welcome my friend. I hope things are going better for you, now and in the future.
@Khayam (346)
• Romania
26 Nov 08
According to the Western standards I'm a heartbreaker. Till i was 23 i always avoided emotional involvement with a woman but allways made this clear before we got in an intimate situation. Eventually half of the women i've met claimed to have fallen in love with me after this moment and i eventually had to deny their love. When I was 23 i've met my wife, and it was for the first time when i totally forgot about my "don't fall in love/don't let her fall in love with you" rules. However, 3 years l8r we divorced - mainly due to a totally different system of spiritual values. I don't regret what i did, or what others did. Women of my life were like the hundreds of steps i had to take to become who I am now.
• India
26 Nov 08
anyways you have a lot of experience LOL,thanks khayam for the response,by the way which religion you profess.I see from your profile that you are from romania.
@ankur_sen (193)
• India
25 Nov 08
Yes my friend.I did this lots of times.Actually i am very my choosy about my girl friend whats needed i feel.So i refused lots of proposal.I dnt want that any relation should make burden on me.
• India
25 Nov 08
Oh then you might be very handsome since you get so many proposals
@unagie (122)
• India
25 Nov 08
well kinda yes... but i did it in a very non hurting way....
• India
25 Nov 08
You are a person of concern