PTCs Being Sold And Bought...

@Lejandro (1530)
United States
November 25, 2008 12:07pm CST
Do you believe it when suddenly a PTC site gets sold/bought? I don't. I think it's thier way to escape the mounting payment to members and just want to scam people. I think it is just a suttle way of closing down the site. Funny, in the forums you will see people actually believe whatever an admin says regarding the issue. We just have to be quick to realise that w are being scammed. Just my 2cents. Your thoughts? Thanks...
2 responses
• United States
25 Nov 08
I think that sometimes they honestly do sell it, however I also agree with you. Most of the time it is just away to get out of the payments. Just dont invest til you figure out what is going on.
@Lejandro (1530)
• United States
25 Nov 08
Yeah, some maybe for real but unfortunately thier word is the only thing we could live by. No real way to know if it's for real. Thanks for dropping by!!!
• India
27 Nov 08
ya recently the same has happened to osobux i had requested $4 but now i doubt of getting it i don't even see that i move up in the payment queue another .......... shall i say ........ scam