Who is Wiccan and what are your beliefs and how do you practice Wicca?
By handful_at5
@handful_at5 (74)
United States
November 8, 2006 12:10am CST
I am a Christian, I beleive that God is a Spritual being that created the heaven and earth. My sister-inlaw is Wiccan. She believes that God is "Nature", the earth, plants, trees etc. I previously percieved Wicca to be black magic of the sorts, until my sister-inlaw straightened me out on the subject. She tells me the "spells" that true wiccans do are not witch craft but like "wishes" of good and happiness on others. She says that people that practice black magic and cast spells to harm others, and call themselves wiccan, are not true wiccans.
I am not looking to turn away from my own beliefs. I am just very open minded and like to learn about others religions and beliefs.
So if you practice Wicca, I would like to hear your beliefs.
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10 responses
@aurryinne (66)
• Singapore
8 Nov 06
I study Wicca although I am a baptised Christian. I find the religion facinating study, and definitely don't think Wicca is black magic(k), although the Bible does have a lot to say on the subject of spell casting.
http://www.religioustolerance.org/witchcra.htm is a good place to begin, if you're interested. The tricky part is navigating the witches who read both the Bible and the Gnostic Gospels. That's when Wicca and Christianity can start to blur. Some Wiccans actually invoke the names of God in the rites, and then you have to decide exactly what you believe in, before you go on.
@handful_at5 (74)
• United States
10 Nov 06
Wow! So do you go to church and what does your church think about you studying wicca. It sounds like your open minded like I am. So do you believe in God as christians do, or do you consider your self wiccan, or neither. I would like to know your believes. I study alot of religions as well, and I have decided I don't like religions. I consider my self a christian and I believe we have a maker and we just didn't happen. We had to come rom "something" or "someone", we couldn't have came from "nothingness" or we wouldn't be here right? Or what do you think?
Thanks for your relply. a+
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@handful_at5 (74)
• United States
14 Nov 06
What is Bethesda? Never heard that term before. You said your parents blew. Have they bothered to look into Wicca since you have told them? I know I use to think of it as black magic before I studied a little of it myself, which change my mind about it even though I choose not to agree with the whole thing, but I'm still learning, and I can't find anything negative about it so far. My inlaws hold it against my wiccan sister inlaw, but they refuse to learn about the culture. They are very closed minded and very judgmental of her. It's just a different belief system. It's insteresting that some Wiccans follow the Bible. I find that hard to swallow since it is a totally different believe system. Which parts of the Bible to they mainly refer to? I say parts, because I can't imagine them referring to the whole Bible for obvious reasons. Thanks again.
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@aurryinne (66)
• Singapore
13 Nov 06
I go to Bethesda. My cell leader just cautions me, and tells me to go back to the bible. *shrug* The parents were the ones to blow a fuse. LOL.
I do believe that God was our Creator, and I am doubtful that some study makes me Wiccan, but I do find one thing of interest. God gave us dominion over the earth, and gave to Adam to name every living thing.
And Wiccans are humans who are close to nature, and able to command many aspects of nature. And they hold that there is a true name for every living thing.
What if Wiccans are what humans were like before the fall of Adam and Eve?
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@wiccan (347)
• Australia
8 Nov 06
As my name suggests.......... I worship The goddess and the God and celebrate the changing of the seasons and all of nature. I harm none, human or animal and thank plants for giving of their existance to sustain me. I try to do all I can for others and for animal welfare. I converse with ghosts (spirits) for myself and others and use affirmations (words of power) to bring things from other plains to this one... this is loosely called spell working.
@handful_at5 (74)
• United States
10 Nov 06
Thanks for the reply! So do you believe in evelution then? How do you believe the earth got here. Where do you think we go after we die?
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@evansmommie05 (261)
• United States
21 Nov 06
spells or rituals are no different then what christians refere to as prayers
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@Withoutwings (6992)
• United States
21 Nov 06
And it's also the same thing as mediating for something in the eastern religions.
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@tamra2 (259)
• United States
15 Nov 06
I was raised as a Christian. My parents never forced a religion on me, I was free to choose. Christianity was the only thing really available to me as a child so that is the direction I went. I started asking questions around the age of 8. By the time I was 11 I was asked to leave Sunday School for asking too many questions (I asked the preacher "Why, if God is all forgiving, do you burn in hell if you make him mad?"). I then started studying different religions and beliefs, trying to find something that felt right to me. For many years nothing did. Then I stumbled upon Science of Mind, which is a new aged phylosophy based upon writings of a man named Ernest Holmes. I felt somewhat comfortable with that for several years, but there were still things that I did not find logical. I was talking with a friend about my frustrations with it when she looked straight at me and said "You are Pagan". So I started researching that and found Wicca. It felt like a homecoming to me, everything just fit. Finally, I found other people that did not judge others, that were not convinced that their way is the only right way and everyone else is wrong and so far beneath them. I found through the years that I am not comfortable in a coven but prefer to be solitary. I live my life trying to be the best person I can be and judging no one but myself. I am happy, and whole, and thankful to the Lord and Lady that I finally stumbled across my path, the right one for me.
Blessed Be
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@handful_at5 (74)
• United States
18 Nov 06
Thank you foryour comments. I'm glad you finely found something that your comfortable with. At the end of your comments I noticed you said you were thanful to the Lord and Lady. So does that mean that you believe in God in Heaven and are your referring to the virgin Mary when you say Lady? I'm asking becasue most wiccans if I understand it right don't. They believe that God is the natural things on earth, like the trees and plants and so forth. Yes, I do notice that Wiccans don't judge, and I believe that is a christian thing to practice. God bless you.
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@handful_at5 (74)
• United States
14 Nov 06
Thanks for you comments! So what parts do you follow?
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@prudence23 (25)
• United States
14 Nov 06
My mother raised me as a Christian, but encouraged me to explore other religions and belief systems as well. In my late teens I would often go to church with friends of different religions and denominations to see what their church was like. I also read quite a bit on many religions and philosophies, and still do. I've never fully embraced any one religion, although I think most have the same underlying positive messages. I resonated most with Native American spiritual beliefs, Buddhist teachings, Celtic mythology, as well as beliefs in Jesus, reincarnation, prayer, guardian angels, heaven (but not hell), and a deep affinity with nature. For me, the pagan beliefs are a natural way to encompass all of these beliefs. I've studies paganism, witchcraft, and wicca for roughly 17 years now. I would describe myself as a pagan, but practice a lot of wiccan beliefs such as observing sabbats and esbats. I rarely work any kind of witchcraft, mostly because it's too draining for me. I pray to God, Goddess, and Jesus. I believe that all Gods and Goddesses are actually aspects of One True God (non-gender, non-anthropomorphic).
@handful_at5 (74)
• United States
14 Nov 06
Yes, I believe also that most religions have the same principles. There are just different beliefs in who our "God" is. I believe that we only have one true God, a spiritual being, no matter what we grew up to call him/her. I also beleive in angels, gaurdian angel, guides, aliens...again what ever we choose to call them. And I believe when we our in our deepest spiritual level, we are all in the same place, wether we call it mediation, prayer or something else.
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@ldyhawk549 (43)
• United States
10 Nov 06
I used to be Wiccan. I've since become a Noahide.
@handful_at5 (74)
• United States
10 Nov 06
What is a Noahide? I'll have to read up on that. Thanks for your reply.
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@magikrose (5429)
• United States
12 Nov 06
I am Wiccan/Pagan. I have been learniong it for 2yrs now. I have started coming out of the "broom closet". I have also joined an Internet coven of the most wonderfull people I have ever met. A few weeks ago I participated in my first official rituel and I LOVED it. It was a rituel of prosparity because quite a few of us were have financial issues. It was amazing, nothing ihave ever felt before. When we started I felt so warm like I was cuddled under the thickest blanket and the love is as sweet and innocent like a child, it was so pure and strong you couldent mistake it.
I have recently bough our coven penticle pendant and I am so excited. I cant wait to get it and out it on. We also have coven prayer beads that each member that wants to they can have there fav beads added to the chain and it is mad into a bracelet at this time and it connects us together in a bond and no matter what, where ever we go we can take our "sisters and brothers" with us to help us stay safe. I cant afford the prayer bads right now but with my earnings from mylot I wil get them soon.
Merry Meet to you. Hope you choose the path that is right for YOU. Only you can decide that, dont let any one influence you in any way. YOU decide what is right.
Blessid Be
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@handful_at5 (74)
• United States
14 Nov 06
Thanks for your comments. Glad you found your path. I have found my path through my creater God. But I'm very open minded and like to learn about other religions. I even believe that we are not here alone. Aliens maybe? Sometimes I wonder if what people call aliens is realy God and his angels?? I feel in God what you feel when you participated in your first ritural. So I guess it's what you really believe and how commited you are to your beliefs that give you that awsome feeling. Your belief system ways heavy in what ever path you choose. I just hope we've all have chosen the right path in the end. So do you feel the beads and pendant do anything else for you besides connectiong your wiccan sister and brothers? Where do you feel you go after you die? Thanks again!
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@CMC122003 (316)
• United States
15 Nov 06
Wow. I always kinda knew about Wiccans and pagens but you guys have taught me a lot in this discussion. I'm Presbyterian and have been my whole life. But I'm so open minded to all religions. Thanks for making this one a little bit clearer.
@handful_at5 (74)
• United States
18 Nov 06
I agree. I'm learnig more as well. Evem though I have a different belief in who God might be, I am like them in many ways. That is why I do not choose a paticular denomination, although I go to a babtist church I clain not to be babtist or any other religion. I stay open minded and let Jesus guide me in the free will that he gave me. Thanks for you comments, and always stay open minded.
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@tangible (60)
• United States
20 Feb 07
I know this is a very late response, but I thought to direct you to http://www.blogxero.com/member/tangible - I hadn't known any religion before Wicca, and "grew up" in Old Gardnerian Circles... my blog has some posts on what defines a Wiccan (What we believe), and some other - more elitist - topics.
I actually have quite a bit of experience discussing Wicca with Christians. Provided they are agenda-free ;o) But I don't sop it up to make us look better in their eyes or divert from our truths to soften or ripen impact.
IF YOU ARE REALLY interested... I encourage you to read two books... really, they do a much better job at this than most of us could... First, Ellen Cannon Reed's "Heart of Wicca" and Scott Cunningham's "Wicca for the SOlitary Practitioner".. PAY REAL CLOSE attention to discussion of Divinity/Diety, Ritual/Worship, and moral representations... ;o)
Then, if you are still even more curious, check out Pittman's http://christianwicca.org ... that was my first real encounter with Christian's to any real depth... and I must say I was interested and impressed... well, until I met local Christians and attended a couple of different church services, spoke to a few pastors, and in general "met the rest" - LOL... I try not to get frustrated or allow my prejudice to go too far... but uugghhh....
Anyhow.... Good Luck in your search and questions, and hopefully it affirms and strengthens your own faith.