
United States
November 25, 2008 3:57pm CST
I tore my toenail off this morning. I put a band aid on it. Is there anything else I should do besides keep it clean?
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3 responses
@hildas (3031)
25 Nov 08
Ouch! That is very painful to loose a toe-nail. I lost one years ago and it grew back really thick and it is hard to cut it. Below are a few things to try I read on the internet. Hope it might help. Treat for and control bleeding. Keep the area clean and disinfected. Wrap in a loose-fitting gauze, but fashion the tape or KoBan wrapping in such as way as to protect the tender extremity. Consider wrapping to the second toe for support. See how the patient feels. Avoid compressing the wound, as in wearing shoes. Check dressing often. Treat for pain (meds and elevate limb, cold-pack, etc.)
• United States
25 Nov 08
thanks so much for the info. It doesn't hurt as much now as this morning
@adihindu (1922)
• India
26 Nov 08
Don't get it be infected it will be fine. Every day up to 3 days change your band aid it will be OK . But it comes some what harder this time.
@littleone3 (2063)
25 Nov 08
I have seen how painful that can be my daughter had to have half of her toenail removed at the hospital when she got a piece of wood stuck under it. She was in a lot of pain. The hospital told her that she should keep it clean and take painkillers for the pain. Also to change the dressing regularly. She was also told not to wear closed in shoes until it started to grow back.