Donating Sperm

@TLcage (62)
United States
November 25, 2008 11:00pm CST
So my friend is thinking of becoming a sperm donor due to the massive amount of debt that he has accumulated over the past three months. Not that a blame him for his misfortune but he did make a number of avoidable mistakes in his quest to not ask for help. So I was wondering has anyone out on mylot ever tried donating sperm, and what does everything think? Should I support my friend or explain to him why it's such a bad idea?
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6 responses
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
27 Nov 08
I think you should try to expalin to him why it is a bad idea.Personally ,I consider this idea a litte disconcerting,somehow the notion of giving my body parts for money that is freaking me out. Next its the notion of not knowing where my body parts will end up .The fact that there is a part of me out there somewhere is enough to give one a dizzy spell on flat ground.Who knows, maybe you will pass your biological child on the street and not know.Maybe she could be your doctor or your lawyer.Maybe she is a homeless person or a criminal that you could have helped to become a alwyer if you were there for her .This is a lot of psychological baggage I can live without.
@rsa101 (38115)
• Philippines
27 Nov 08
Oh I thought when donating it there is not compensation for doing so. Well if he can get soemthing out of it and he really needs it bad then I think there is nothing wrong with that. It is his decision that will make it or not.
• United States
26 Nov 08
Being a girl i can not be a sperm donor, but i so support guys who are or would be. But i think there is a question that seriously needs to be considered. Could he handle knowing that there might be a child out there that he remotely helped to create, that will always be genetically linked to him??
@srbollar (259)
• United States
26 Nov 08
Being a girl, I haven't done it or considered it. Thanks to TV and movies, I have thought about what it would be like. I say "Why not?". A girl needs your sperm, and you weren't using it anyway. Why let it go to waste?
@srbollar (259)
• United States
26 Nov 08
Where do you go to change your preferences? It won't let me see what the last person said.
@srbollar (259)
• United States
26 Nov 08
I think he could. Being remotely related isn't a big deal. I think any man who does it should just be able to be happy that he helped create a person, whether he's part of raising that person or not.