Somebody, please put me "outta my misery"!!! Stupid damn Neighbors!!!
@dreamweaverjan (3471)
United States
November 26, 2008 12:08pm CST
What is it this week Anyway? Damn Stupid friggin ADULTS & THEIR KIDS, that come into
my home, such as it is, and break my SH!T!!!!!! TODAY just minutes ago, friggin
damn neighbor's kid who only returned home last night is inside here with her
Mother and myself and her Dad in my small frontroom , Justus, her 7 year old
has been in here a thousand times, and never ever touches my sh!t on my walls
well today she goes to "touch" one of my most beloved Wolf plates, one that I did
NOT want to sell for any reason and One I certainly did not want SMASHED into
smitherians , her MOther is yelling at her, DON'T TOUCH IT! WHAT DOES JUSTUS DO?
I am just "sick", Just sick with grief! I know its only
a plate, it was MY DAMN PLATE! One of my most favorite plates!!!
I've had to sell many many many of my most treasured items the last three years
to "survive" ( money wise ) each month, Saturday Josie breaks a crystal vase of mine
today Justus breaks one of my wolf plates..WTF?? just "who" have I p!ssed off in
the universe here???
Please put me outta my misery I am supposed to be baking two apple pies for
tomorrow and now all I want to do is curl up into a ball and cry my eyes out,
Yes over a silly wolf plate!
It was my Wolf Plate! I would rather be stabbed with a knife than to keep
having my sh!t broken here!
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12 responses
@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
26 Nov 08
Oh no, so sorry this is happening to you. I know what it is like to have something broken that you love. It is one thing to have it broken in a move like my special keepsake was but to have it broken right before your eyes like that...I can't imagine. I think you should just put a "do not disturb" sign on your door when they are around or when they come to the door just tell them you are very busy, even if you aren't.
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@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
26 Nov 08
Oh I love that show too but I am one of few who did not like the outcome at all last night.
My daughter called earlier today to say she is leaving in the morning for her trip here and I forgot all about telling her about the deadliest catch marathon.
I am sorry your neighbors are not considerate.
Hopefully they will leave you alone now so you can finish doing what you want and need to do.
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@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
27 Nov 08
Hi Tyc; Yeah what happened to Phil really upset me the poor darlin!!
Seeing him in this commercial he looks like he has lost some weight too and
in myspace during the king crab season I'm not even sure he was allowed to
be back on his ship, it was announced a couple of times this month where
he was doing some Coffee meet and greets at a couple of Grocery stores so
again I'm not even sure he was able to be a part of this season's show
he may have been there I hope for a trip or two then maybe stayed ashore??
I just don't know darn it!! Most of them are being really "tight lipped" too
Morganna wants FACTS HERE I want to know ! ARrghhh!!
Anyway well maybe you and your daughter will get to watch some of the shows
aired on Friday; I've seen the commercial a couple of times today when I've
had the discovery channel on...LOL! It always just makes me smile and grin
from ear to ear...LOL!! Silly I know but what can I say?
I have no life!!

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@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
26 Nov 08
Hi Tyc: They all have been gone for a week, returned home last night I'm surprised
no one bothered me last night while watching my show Dancing with the Stars!
I heard them all outside but was glad no one bothered me as I've warned them
all through the summertime or anytime really...Unless its an emergency
DO NOT BOTHER ME between 7:00-10:00 p.m. I will flip a nut!!
Tomorrow as you know is going to be a day for ( me) watching my show
Deadliest Catch, yeah its re-runs but I don't want to be bothered;
They don't have cable, I do record a few shows for them during the week
but I do NOT want a housefull here while I am watching my show!
Renee has knocked on my door today since I got home from the farm at least 3 times
and the same with the kids...GROWL!!!!
needed dish soap.... then wanted a pumpkin bread recipe....then changed her
mind...brought back my cookie sheet later and then brought back like 5-6 VCR TAPES of shows I had recorded...then the kids came over Renee wanted to know if I had
last WED's newspaper .???? NOOOoooo I threw it away! AARRGGHHHH!!!!!!
all the while I am trying to put my Apple pie together...S.O.B.!!!!!

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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
26 Nov 08
tell her you don;t want them back in the house unless they are prepared to pay for anything they break, you have a right to your stuff, you are not going into their house and breaking theirs,
if they never come back who cares these are not real friends, or they would have better mannered children and would pay for any damages that they caused.
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@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
27 Nov 08
Hi Winterose: Yeah I've got to do something that is for sure; I didn't let
Justus back in at all earlier this afternoon nor her older brother when they
came by for the umpteenth time!! Then my wreck of a body crashed and I took
a three hour nap! Woke up just a bit after 7:00 p.m. ate a late supper and here
I am...Geez! What a day!!
You have a great ThanksGiving tomorrow!!
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@Amberina (1541)
• United States
27 Nov 08
I'm sorry to hear about your things being broken by people who don't know how to keep their hands to themselves.
If I was you I would find some way to protect my stuff but still have them on display like maybe in a locked cabinet that has a glass front? I wish you the best of luck and I hope no more of your things get broken.
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@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
27 Nov 08
Hi Amberina: Thank you for that! I do have a curio cabinet of other valuable
treasures , so far the little beast has not ever bothered it but then she didn't
ever bother anything until yesterday I don't know what possessed her to reach up
to touch my wolf plate on the wall but of course she knocked it down instead of
touching it...UGH!
I have found two people selling theirs on Ebay, but I got news for the neighbor
she is gonna have to pay me FULL PRICE as I did when I bought the damn thing!
Same with Josie I found a vase similar to what she broke Saturday, of course
whatever she buys me won't be the same ( sentimental value) but again these
people are not getting off Scott free! No sireee!!!
Morganna is FREAKIN FED UP WITH THEM ALL this week!![i][/i][u][/u]
HAPPY THANKSGIVING! hope nobody in your family breaks anything !!!
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
27 Nov 08
Hey Jan! I'm so sorry again! I think that it's time that you
stop opening your door for your crazy azzed neighbors! I
think that is it for having visitors! You seem to have too
many thinks that are delicate and breakable! I wouldn't
let anyone in after this latest thing! I would just either
not answer my door or just tell them that they can't come
in anymore and explain why! That is ridiculous. I found
something in my house broken today and I have no idea how
it got broken. No one has been in my house. I asked my
bf and he said he didn't break it. It could have been one of
the cat's but it wasn't a place that they would get into. So
I was really pissed off too. And I still have no idea who
did it. And of course it was one of my kitty things that I
really love and had for a real long time! So I do know how
you feel! I'm really sorry! Keep your neighbors out!
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@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
27 Nov 08
HI {{ Opal }}, I know They are just making me "mental" this week; I spent several
hours last night late and early this morning and I've found a couple of people
selling my Silver Scout on Ebay but I'm making the idiot neighbor pay me full price
for it, after all I paid full price for it originally, and the same with the
Vase that Josie broke Saturday, its not the same item, its close to it price wise
I think but I really don't care..LOL! Somebody is paying me for this crap!
I could not sleep hardly at all last night kept having crazy dreams of my whole
Christmas tree being knocked down everything in my curio cabinet falling and
breaking! GGEEZZZ!!!
I'm sorry to hear one of your kitty collectibles got broken, how weird is that?
so did you figure out that mystery yet??
Happy Thanksgiving to you!!
note to self;

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@medney1988 (560)
• United States
28 Nov 08
you should really watch your language on these posts or they are going to get deleted. besides no one wants to hear that

@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
28 Nov 08
You obviously haven't read some of the rants on myLot. Many phonetic spellings to bypass censor programs, still alive and well and being responded to. Notice that some of the words are permitted, which means myLot is OK with them. Attacking other members or being hateful against specific groups of people - definitely a no-no. Venting about something that has really angered you - a frequent occurrence on the 'Lot. Besides, the rest of us say the same things or worse.
@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
28 Nov 08
Well what can I say I was a bit hacked off!! I've seen far worse on here believe me;
as angry as I was, there is no way I could've made it more sugary and sweet and most words were disguised so to speak and not typed out as I wouldn't have meant them to be anyway;
That's why they made the scroll button! Now on the other hand had there been
a Microphone here in my house, Yeah that would've been a huge violation for sure
as my voice had many many expletives then and now about the whole issue of the
neighbor kid from next door, and the fact that TWICE within a few days of each other
the darling neighbors had entered my home and destroyed in seconds two of my
valuables so yeah I was really really really hacked off, kinda like I am now!
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@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
28 Nov 08
{{ Thank you Jerzgirl}}, that's what I thought too so long as the post went through
on my lot that's all that mattered to me;
Besides like I said before I "censored myself" as much as I could in the first place!
Tis really really hard to type out "dang" when I really want to say something far worse!! 

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@veejay74 (4)
• India
27 Nov 08
have you ever tried telling them straight in their face that you dont appreciate having them or their kids around?why did you have to sell your valuables for that...since it is their habit to break they would break things they can find even if yu do save your valuables by selling them...get up...start cooking your apple pies and have the determination to talk straight into their faces...when the going gets tough,we have to get tough your valuables by doing some hard talk..all the best
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@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
28 Nov 08
Hi Veejay: Well they all have been inside here time and again and Justus has
never ever bothered anything of mine inside, its just this week that the neighbors
have searched me out and are blundering inside here and breaking my sh!t!
I know the ( adult) Josie didn't mean to break my Vase Saturday when she was over
here but old as she is, she needs to open her eyes and be CAREFUL you know?
Now the kid on the other hand, she usually comes over to watch Tv with me and
has never ever touched anything, not even the stuff in reach, I've no idea
why she zoned in on my wolf plate the other day and thought I think I'm gonna
touch it today and knock it off?? I guess with all my Christmas decorations
she just got "too excited" I don't know; But not to worry, I am definitely one
to express myself loudly and all the time...
Ask anyone that knows me...whether its in person or via the internet...
that had me laughing out loud this morning, and I thank you for that...
I've been selling my valuables the last three years to " make it" each month
financially ...trying to live on ones disability pay each month is just impossible
but the valuables I had left hanging on my wall here I was not going to sell
if I could help it, and I for sure didn't want them broken ya know?
When something hits the concrete floor here it has no chance of survival at all;
its a GONER!!
but again, thanks for the good laugh, Old Jan here might be over medicated
but even then I can still yell and rant and rave with the best of them.LOL!
Happy Holidays!!

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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
29 Nov 08
That sure is a shame dreamweaverjan....I have a "thing" for wolves myself, and while I don't have collector's plates with a wolf theme I have other collector items that I would hate to see destroyed. Actually, one thing did get smashed to smithereens not long ago but in that case it was my own dumb fault. I have this beautiful large seagull figurine (have a thing for seagulls too) day I was cleaning the shelf were it was and my hand brushed against it by accident and yup came crashing down..I still have it, and am trying to figure a way to fix it up..but I was heartbroken with it being destroyed like that after having it for some twenty-five years.
@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
29 Nov 08
HI {{Pye}}, Yeah for me wolves are very special to my heart, I consider them
as one of my "spirit animals" , so when it came crashing down to the floor
it was like one of my babies had just been stabbed you know?
There are two of them on ebay right now and I've contacted both people so I am
praying in a few more days I can buy one of them to replace mine, it won't be
the same, but it will replace mine!! And I'm still going to take it out of
the neighbor's hide one way or another; GGGRRRRR!!!!
On no, you broke one of your awful!! Yeah those things happen
and its bad enough when we ( ourselves do it) and its worse when a ding dong
from next door comes over and does it...
It was just one too many of my treasures broken within days of each other and
my wolf plate getting smashed was the LAST STRAW of sanity for me;
My wolf plate was in too many pieces to ever try to imagine putting it together
I have a concrete floor here and when something hits it, it shatters it!!
I hope you get your seagull put back together...
Huge {{hugs to you }}
@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
28 Nov 08
Hate to say it but kids are curious and can't keep their hands off things. As others have suggested do not invite them into your home or keep breakable items a minimum of 5ft off the ground.
My kids don't respect my things either that is why I have discontinued collecting porcelian dolls & other figurines I loved to collect because they cannot keep their hands off! So most anything that is precious to me is either high up or has been packed away.
Sorry about your plate and vase.
@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
29 Nov 08
Hi {{3snugglebunnies}} Yeah I guess after Christmas when I put everything away
I need to redo my whole front room and make sure only replaceable items are within
reach and hide/store my other treasures, pretty sad to have to do that but I can't
stand the thought of having another "treasure" broken either;
I could be a real "stinky neighbor" and not let any of them in again, I think I
like the sound of that even better...( EG )!
THANKS for stopping by;
Happy Holidays!
@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
26 Nov 08
I hate to ask what her parents' response was, but I really don't blame you. Did you ask them to leave at that point? Is this the little girl who gets into your mail? Yes, it's just a plate, but you have a right to feel that your possessions are safe within your walls. You have a right to believe that others will take care around them. I totally understand where you're coming from!!
Right now I'm fighting nausea and other assorted "ick" because I have to go buy celery, cranberry sauce and pick up an answering machine that someone is giving me - still have to make a pumpkin pie, clean the dining room, etc. Don't feel one bit like doing any of it. It's not the same thing, but I can relate to not wanting to do something because of how you feel. Totally.
{{hugs}} girl!! y'all need them!! 

@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
26 Nov 08
Hi GF!! I tell ya the whole ordeal really did upset me, Renee did clean up
the plate mess unlike JOSIE who just blew out the door Saturday, and "she says"
that they will pay for it, SOMEBODY is going to be paying for this sh!t if I have
to take it out of their hides!!!
So now I am short one crystal vase its value?? pfftt! who knows for sure as I've
had it most of my life...such as it is;
The Silver Scout plate "priceless" in my eyes and I know when I bought it
YEARS ago it was either like $39.99 or $29.99 but again "priceless" to me
as it was so beautiful and one of my favorites!!
I feel like someone shot my dog or something you know??
Sounds like you have a fun afternoon ahead of you...I'm sitting here trying to not
let my pies bake too long in the oven while I sit here and P!ss and moan!!
Yeah thanks for the {{hugs }} I need something! I have this awful empty
spot now on my wall and of course its a wall that faces me you know when I am
in the frontroom and watching TV...its just empty and saying in my head
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
26 Nov 08
Yeah, well, I didn't accomplish one damned thing. Both me and Mom have the...well...I won't say what, but since we haven't eaten turkey yet, it isn't that kind. And, I do know what you mean about missing something of value - even if value of the heart. I had ordered, new from Bradley Exchange, a series of plates (one at a time) of hidden pictures, Native American theme, done by artist Diana Casey. My landlord said we could use his shed for storage since our apartment was right at the back next to the shed. But, then he sold the place to someone else and didn't tell them my stuff was in there. That a-double-scribble GAVE all my sh!t to another tenant for mowing the grass!! Said he thought it had all been abandoned by a previous tenant after he lectured ME on what a professional he was and how real estate was his life. Right - not asking the original landlord whose stuff was in the shed was professional. ASSUMING was professional. And, I was out collectibles, Christmas ornaments, all sorts of stuff. Some professional because in less than a year, the original owner had the property back, but I sure didn't. I've replaced most of them through eBay, but still - they're not the ones I had and only one or two have the certificates with them. I totally understand. I really do.
@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
27 Nov 08
Oh my! I hadn't heard that story from you, Good heavens I would have I think
shot that landlord or sued him or something of dire straits...
That really makes me sick to my stomach....So what's going on with you and your
Mom today I've not checked my emails yet sorry, I crashed for about 3 hours late
this afternoon, after all that stress and making the pies my body just shut down
until a little after 7:00...but I swear I could go back to bed right now;
I hope you and Your Mom get to feeling better you can't spend Thanksgiving day
sickly now that would be "wrong" in so many ways...
I've not had the chance yet to check on ebay to see if anyone has my plate for
sale but I will sometime in the next few days....
its day like today when I wish I had just stayed in bed and NOT answered the
door at all...
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@kellyjeanne (1576)
• United States
8 Dec 08
Jan, I really feel badly for you! I would be out of my wits end if that happened to me! Call the cops on them for Disorderly Conduct and damaging property!
Catwoman=^..^= & Mija

@kellyjeanne (1576)
• United States
8 Dec 08
Wow, girl, you are lucky to have found a replacement on Ebay! I know it's not the original, but, try not to think about that because it will just make you sick everytime you do........ I just cringe for you everytime I think about it.
I'm glad you've banned them from your home. You do deserve nice things in your life. That's one of the things that makes life bearable, you know?
Take care sweetie!
Catwoman=^..^= & Mija
@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
8 Dec 08
HI dear lady: Believe me I wanted too to something , they are still gonna pay
me for it or I'll take it out of their hide one way or another...
I have my new plate coming to me sometime this week I just bought one off of EBay
thank Goodness but still it won't be the "original" one you know? I'm grateful
to have it as a replacement but I treasure those wolf plates of mine and I've
already sold so many of them the last three years just trying to scrape by month
to month and the ones I Have left I just cannot part with them, they are my
favorites, I think I deserve a "few things" in life that make me happy right?
but I do block them at the doorway now when they bug me for something LOL!
None of them are allowed to enter right now, I'm too angry at them all;

@MysticTomatoes (1053)
• United States
10 Dec 08
I have a 6 month old. She's getting to the point now where she can sort of crawl around and get into stuff she's not supposed to be getting into. When I go to a friend's house, especially one that doesn't have small children, I make sure I keep an eye on my DD at all times. I don't want her to break something that she had no business touching.
In your case, it's your home. You are fully within your rights to deny them entry. I used to be like that. I used to have a lot of expensive crystal on display but after I got pregnant, I realized that crystal and children don't mix, so all of the stuff we didn't want destroyed by our kids, we put up. We'll bring it back out when our kid is older, but for now, it's safely packed.
Next time someone comes over to your house with kids, deny them entry, or suggest that you meet somewhere safe like a park or at their house.
@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
11 Dec 08
HI Mystic: Yeah I know the young girl didn't mean to break it but she never has touched anything on my walls before I guess all my pretty Christmas decorations
just sorta freaked her out or excited her or something and she just quick as a wink
reached up there and wham it was on the concrete floor and too only a couple days
before this the little girls Mom, her friend was here and she bumped into a floral
display I had and she broke one of my crystal vases so within like 2-3 days
I had lost two of my treasures just that quick...(sigh)! I was not happy!! to say
the least.
Yeah If I had little ones around or had younger kids of my own I would never have
my pretty's out, but when a child is standing here with their parent I feel its
up to them to keep an eye on them for sure, Justus was just too quick as all kids
are when they "see something"!
I hope all of your treasures/valuables are safely tucked away now that you said you have a little one, they are far more valuable that's for sure, I bet you are excited for this years Christmas with them right?? Its a wonderful time of year when they are little, young and innocent, but ( good luck) as they get older too
My friend has a 4 year old son and a two year old daughter and OH MY GOD!!!
Those two have boundless energy!!! Boundless energy especially Jake he is a pistol now but I love them dearly!!!
I hope you and your loved ones have a very very Merry Christmas!!
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@Thumper11 (662)
• United States
27 Nov 08
I agree with the first person... next time that the neighbors and their little "hellions" decide to pay you a visit... if at all possible take the guests out side to a porch or something. Is there another room in your house that is a little more "child friendly" where perhaps the children could be relocated to while visiting your home? Or maybe you could move the really sentimental expensive things into your bedroom or someplace where no one goes. That's the only thing that I can think of. My ex boyfriend had a 6 year old daughter.... he lived with me, so when he got his daughter she was all in my stuff. This drove me up the wall, cause I have no children and I have a lot of antiques that were my grandma's and my great grandma's. I asked her a few times to ask me or him if she wanted something or before she did something, so that nothing got broken.... well, she drew all over my grandma's dining room chairs with nail polish, markers, and crayons. WTF? Did I not have coloring books and paper designated for that.... yes on her shelf. I SET UP A SYSTEM....anything that was on a certain shelf she had free reign with. I had some barbies for her to play with.... I even gave her some makeup to play around with.... but that was the last starw when she drew on the chairs. My boyfriend at the time, now my ex.... never got on to her. She was his angel she could do no wrong.... I waited until he was at work and I got out the magic eraser, nail polish remover, and furniture polish. I removed the nail polish, but made her clean the rest of it off and polish it. She never did anything like that again, although she told him that I made her clean it and he got mad at me.... Well ok... next time you can clean it then.... I'm sorry but some parents just need to control their offspring. What ever happened to punishing a child? Oh yea... that's now child abuse. Sorry...... This upsets me too. I am an only child and so is my boyfriend now.... Growing up neither one of us would let anyone else touch our stuff, but we can take care of things. We now live together and we are the only ones who touch our things..... I want kids, but you have to teach your kids to respect other people's things and space. That starts with the parents respecting others space and belongings. It's not a hard concept really.....
@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
28 Nov 08
Hi Thumper: Oh My! I am right with you there on making that kid "undo" what they
did on your chairs & Table OMG!!! HOW AWFUL for you!!
Most of my bigger items are things from my Mother when she passed away like my
kitchen table & chairs I would flip a nut over that too if someone did that here
or on my Mom's curio Cabinet or well anything of mine...
Yeah now a days if you spank a kid its child abuse, spanking is spanking they
deserve it 99.9% of the time Abuse well that's a whole other issue, one that most
of us don't do to kids who need that spanking; I doubt Justus even knows or understands the concept of what she did but still I would have given anything
to unload on her behind;
Yeah, I have a swing on my porchside/ where the kid and the Mom and the other adult
Josie that was here on Saturday and broke my crystal vase ( by accident ) but still
these people have it in for my pretty sh!t this week I swear they do;
Anyway I will be blocking all of them at my doorway from now on at least until
Christmas is over and most of my pretty stuff is put away or until they pay
me for items they've broken this week;
They all need to learn to be CAREFUL and respect other people's property even
if we do live in a cruddy area and neighborhood, what items I do have left
here I'd like to keep them in one piece and not have them broken into shards!!
I can't believe your boyfriend got upset over at what you did, you did nothing
wrong with trying to teach that child it is NOT ok to draw on ones things in their
home, Shoot a good friend of mine has a 5 year old now and a two year old
and neither of those kids do that crap in my home either, they know their
"Aunt Jan" will blister their behinds if they do; LOL! And I would too!
thanks for stopping by and I hope you had a great Turkey day yesterday!!
Happy Holidays!!!
@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
29 Nov 08
HI {{ Meow}}, great to see you on here!! {{missed you }}
Wow! Sorry to hear about your stuff too, can you believe the nerve of some people
the way they treat our things and what's is to just sell them off ! Did you kill him
or injury him for life?? LOL!
Yeah its been a rough week for me that's for sure, valuable wise;
You should see my silly Cat Screamer right now {{B}} she is in here with me
playing with a stupid Q-TIP One of her favorite toys and she is just going "nutso"
in here with it, kinda hard to type and think while laughing at her silliness!
I wish I had a camcorder...LMAO!
thanks for stopping by {{B}}!