Can you love someone you dont trust completely ?
By ronnyb
@ronnyb (6113)
November 26, 2008 7:23pm CST
You dont know what it is but you cant help yourself you just love the person.You know if you are ever in a bind they will be there for you,giving you support through rough times and if you need money and they have it ,no problem.They confess their undying love for you and you believe they love you by their actions in the areas mentioned above but you dont know if they are faithful to you.That is you believe they may be cheating on you,you have no proof but you feel they may have another lover.Little snippets of conversation,hushed phone conversations amongst other things have made you wary but when they are around you ,you just make you feel special.
Is this real love if you dont have trust or is trust a prerequisite for love ?Should you just ignore all the hints that suggest otherwise and just let yourself fall uncontrollably and completely in love with this person ,come what may?.Can you continue like this forever or someone will break soon?.May be its you,maybe you are just paranoid.Maybe you should leave the person and find someone you fully trust or maybe you should just concentrate on how they make you feel and forget about everything else - lets just live in the moment.
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19 responses
@berryliciousme (1003)
• Philippines
27 Nov 08
Yes, you can love someone you you don't trust completely but this kind of relationship will most likely fail. I was once in a relationship wherein I loved the guy so much but he was a chronic liar and he cheats, so I was no longer sure when he is telling the truth. I have been in that kind of relationship and I think, it's best to let go. It would really take a lot of effort before someone could earn my trust again if he had broken it before.
@taface412 (3175)
• United States
27 Nov 08
i couldn't. Because to me love, real love, where two people are IN love with one built upon a trust. Trust is the foundation. Now if I was in a relationship with someone and I began to feel that foundation get a little weak well it is time for a talk. With myself and with him.
Even if you do not have proof that he is cheating you think he may be or might cheat....that is a voice inside the head that may very well be paranoia...but that is something the person has to figure out. Asking questions like: Have I been cheated on before? Why does it bother me he talks to her? Things like that to where I can have evidence myself as to why I feel this way.
And if I still feel this way I just ask him. And if I still feel this way...well I can be alone all by myself. And someone paying my bills, and showing me some good times here and there...even though they are stepping out on me...well I respect myself more. Granted that is if there is evidence of him cheating. And I would never look back. Once a fool always a fool...(the guy that is LOL).
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@oldboy46 (2129)
• Australia
27 Nov 08
My sentiments exactly about love and trust taface. They do go together and I think it is impossible to have the love of a partner without the trust as well. If you are thinking that the person is cheating on you, then your trust is falling and something is wrong in the relationship.
Once a cheater, always a cheater as my mother used to say. So if someone cheats on you throw their clothes out the door and then kiock the person out after the clothes. Change the locks on the doors and in time you will find someone else who is decent and honouable. That person will also respect you and not abuse the trust that you have in him.
@oldboy46 (2129)
• Australia
27 Nov 08
As far as I am concerned love and trust go hand in hand. There is a huge difference between loving someone and being in love with a person. Of course it is also possible to love and be in love with the one person. For example I am in love with my partner and at the same time I love her for who she is, what she does and how she treats others. I also love my children and grandchildren because they are part of me but I am not in love with them.
My partner and I trust each other and that is part of our love. If that trust was betrayed, then our love could not survive. If you have suspicions about your partner's fidelity to you, then the trust is gone already. Even if you say it could just be paranoia or perhaps a little bit of jealousy on your part, the simple fact that you are thinking this way means something is very wrong in the relationship. You no longer trust your partner.
Trust is a vital part of any relationship but more so when it comes to a personal relationship with your partner. Believe me, I have been there and done that so I kniow firsthand that once the trust is gone, the relationship will never be the same again. You will always be questioning (even if just to youself) where your partner is, what they are doing and who they are with and so on if they are even 5 minutes late. That is what happens when the trust has gone from the relationship.
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@kykidd (6812)
• United States
27 Nov 08
Well, I have been in a similar situation for over 6 years. It is very difficult to understand why you don't trust them. They say they are doing nothing wrong, and you want to believe them. But there are so many signs that make you wonder what is going on?
How can you love a pathalogical liar is what I ask myself? I just don't understand it, but I feel like I want to spend the rest of my life with this man. He does exactly what I don't believe in. The three rules in life that I try to live by are that you don't lie, cheat or steal. How do I live this way?
I hope you are able to find the answers quicker than me. Like I said, I have been in this relationship for over 6 years. Confusious say "I'm confused". Good luck to you in the future!
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
27 Nov 08
Your situation is similar to mine. I've been in a relationship like this for over 8 years now. Hes a great guy, but I'll never completely trust him. But with my track record I may never trust anyone completely. LOL
@moonight (249)
• United States
27 Nov 08
i think people can love someone that don't trust completely, becasue love is a big word, it creates acceptance sometimes so much is scary, people are willing to kill each other because of love, so what can love not amke one person do, nothing. because even though that person is not one that you trust, but the love power will make you able to accept and blindingly trust them. But for now if you do not trust them, maybe you don't really love him/ her too much.
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@Grace030174 (741)
• Qatar
27 Nov 08
no i cannot love someone whom i dont trust;
TRUST is one of the most important thing in a relationship
If there is no trust, then there is no solid foundation for a long term relationship
without trust there's no point, it would be like a building a house without a foundation. Sooner or later its going to collapse.
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@aprilsue00 (1991)
• United States
27 Nov 08
I don't trust my husband completely and I know he doesn't trust me but we both still love each other. I think that's how it should be unless you have concrete evidence about infadellity. You can't help who you love wether you trust them or not.
@chantalgiardina (2523)
• United States
27 Nov 08
i think you can love but being in love is a whoel different story. i think that it would be hard but i think you can love. now it may not LAST. i think it would soon become just another feeling. but i think that being with someone you cnat trust is going to get old because at some point you are going to get tired of worrying.
@messageme (2821)
• United States
27 Nov 08
I don't know I think you can love them, but it don't mean they love you back. You could continue in the relationship, but what is the point? Once trust is lost then there is no hope for the relationship. If you truely think they are cheatting on you talk to them. If they truely love you like they say then they will have no problem being open with you...ask them about the hushed phone calls, or the snippets you hear.
I know many people that just know how to make someone feel good by the words they speak. Helping in the issues of money, or support. Those are material things compared to actions otherwised mentioned.
I believe true love is your best friend. Your best friend is someone that shares everything with you. They don't lie, they don't try to hide things. If you have doubts and don't trust someone. Talk to them, if that don't help there is no reason to persuae your relationship unless they are truely open with you and are willing to help you gain their trust.
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@efarmer (184)
27 Nov 08
I dont think I could live in the moment if I am having doubts. But the fact is that if I am in love with that person then I would reason myself out of the doubts. However if you are having serious doubts then you should think about it. the thing is that if you are in love then you no more question.
@Elvali (68)
• China
27 Nov 08
Of course,you may fall in love with someone you don't completely trust,especially for women.Because women are more likely blind in love ,they are more concerned about their own feelings,even most of which are wrong.It seems that women feel the sense of love by their ears.They will hear many fine words which may control their sense of judgement. And one day when they find these are not true,it's too late because they have already fallen in love with the bad guys and cannot stop loving them though they know they are cannot be trusted any more.
That's a delimma many women will face in this situation.
@chantalgiardina (2523)
• United States
27 Nov 08
great responce. i am a woman and i believe you are right ..not all women but some,
@bantilesroger (341)
• Philippines
4 Dec 08
I only speak for myself. Eventually the doubts and lack of trust will gnaw at my love for the person. My love will not survive.
@JoeHoang (1)
• Vietnam
26 Dec 08
I think I understand what you guys have been talking about. But if the one you love was unfaithful to you and then she told you about that. I mean she told you the truth, the truth of her unfaithful action. I really don't know what happening inside myself. I just think I love her and try to give her happiness. But what could I do after I've been treated like that. I REALLY DON'T KNOW.
@mfergs (2)
• Colombia
28 Nov 08
Well I'm agree with that text beacuse we don't have the power in our hearts, just people comes and feel! and when people feel lonley is more easy to love someone and don't care if that person is faithful.
However, when people is full in love don't see that there are a lot of people that just want to play a game with their feelings. That's terrible!
I think if we don't trust our love the best think we can do is leave this person, I know it could be difficult but some times we need to love ourself and see that life continue and we can meet a special person in the future.
So from my side if I don't believe in my love I think I would be my best to leave him!
Love without trust is synonym of fighting and hatred...
@mfergs (2)
• Colombia
28 Nov 08
well Im agree with that text because we dont have the power in our heart just people comes and feel!and when people feel lonely is more easy to love someone and dont care if that person is faithful.
however, when people is full in love dont see around and dont see that there are a lot of people that just want to play a game with their feelings. that's terrible!
I think if we dont trust our love the best think we can do is leave this person, I know it could be difficult but some time we need to love ourself and see that life continue and we can meet a special person in the future.
So from my side if I don't believe in my love I think I would be my best to leave him!
Love without trust is synonym of fighting and hatred...
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
27 Nov 08
Well, i was with a man who i TRUSTED completly and he was cheating on me. I saw no signs, although they were there and i realize it now. i was just too much in love to know. so you can be with someone you trust and find out they are untrustworthy. But now i doubt i would be with someone who i didnt trust. That man made me very wary of everyone.
@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
27 Nov 08
The problem with insecurity is that if you do not seek to resolve it, it will grow insidious and bring harm to your relationship because you are not emotionally stable with yourself to love a person.
If you are always seeking stability through the presence of a relationship, then your relationship is likely to crumble from the malicious vibes of insecurity. Having a life and friendships are actually vital to the overall longevity of a relationship - if there is an absence of the former, then a large part of your time will be spend deducing on his possible deception and worrying about the mundane.
I say go out and discover people individually - instead of allow yourself to be subjected to preconceive notion of what would constitute a cheating behavior.
Love reasoning and Love behavior is completely mutually exclusive.
Some fellow might bxtch about their other half the whole day, but still will not cheat on her ultimately – while others might portray a loving figure, as he screws or get screwed by another behind the scene.
There are hundreds of dimensions to the cause of cheating – attributing to a few possibilities might not even be near to the real situation.
Don’t think about Love and Trust – learn it. If there is really something in between then make an effort to resolve it and let each other evolve through this relationship.
Take care.
@magojordan (3252)
• Philippines
27 Nov 08
No because for me trust is a very important factor for me to love someone. I couldn't love someone solely for the purpose of loving, there should also be trust and commitment. For me relationships should be built on trust as well.
@moreqly27 (58)
• Philippines
27 Nov 08
yes you can love someone without completely trusting him/her but it would someday make you insane. it will make you insecure and definitely make you more self-conscious. it may not only destroy your relationship but may also destroy you if you continue it.
@wenny1224 (29)
• China
27 Nov 08
once my boyfriend have done something mysteriously.he made the phonecall when i was out and didnt allow me to see his messages.these have caused my great suspicion.when he was mading the secret phonecall again,i shouted to him and cried.then he told me the truth that he was handling a conflict with some guys,and didnt want get me worried so didnt tell me the truth.from then on,he have told me everything.i think you can ask when you find that he talk to someone that maybe is his lover.if he gives you an answer that you cant believe or you think he cheats,leave him without hesitating.if he tell you the truth,you can decide whether you would leave him according to the thing he tell you.