What bad economy?

United States
November 26, 2008 7:31pm CST
If the economy is so bad,why are so many people out shopping for things they don't need?Friday,people are going to line up at stores like Best Buy and Walmart looking for Black Friday deals on things like computers and HDTV's.If they're so worried about money,why are they going to spend money on things to entertain themselves?The big gift idea is Guitar Hero.What an absolute waste of money.Why would someone want something that make them and their friends and family look like idiots? I guess I just don't understand what goes through peoples minds.They complain about the rising costs of everything,then go blow it on garbage they don't need.
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6 responses
@Sir_bobby88 (8231)
• Singapore
2 Dec 09
This is true , everyone is still buying television and spending on entertainment products , instead of saving . Guess rich people are still rich but poor people are getting poorer .
@polachicago (18716)
• United States
27 Nov 08
I never shop on Black Friday. I rather stay home and work on my projects. People are going crazy spending money on credit cards and eventually spend more on interest rates. Black Friday is for emotional shoppers.
• United States
27 Nov 08
I was wondering the same thing. I guess it is a good thing though.
@mykmari_08 (2464)
• Philippines
27 Nov 08
The global economic crisis isn't just a hunch nor a big joke. It really is happening in today's world. And I can understand where your sentiments are coming from. But I guess this habit may be brought about by lifestyle people lead, or due to habit and tradition. Since it is the merriest time of each year, we tend to allot most of our earnings and wages or salaries in purchasing material gifts for ourselves and our loved ones, food for the traditional get-together parties with friends or reunions with family members, Christmas decorations, and other miscellaneous expenses for this month alone. And we can't condemn these people for doing so; especially if they really have excess funds for this occasion. However, I couldn't say this for myself for this particular year. We have received the remaining half of the mandatory 13th month pay during the first week of this month, but I must admit that all of it went to paying a portion of our outstanding monetary obligations with various individuals. So until now, I'm still in the process of saving up for the expected expenses we're going to incur during the holiday season; our transportation expenses going to and from the province, in particular; short of saying that I definitely cannot shell out any cash for buying gifts for me and my family.
• United States
27 Nov 08
While I certainly respect the point you are trying to make, I am greatful for the people out there who are "wasting" their money. Every person that gets out there and spends a little money is actually bolstering this economny which has faced such a recession in the past couple of months. While looking at things in the short term might make suggestions to the contrary, this country IS in a recession. We have seen a decline in gas prices-which is not the result of a sudden abundence of crude oil or refined oil, but a vast reduction in the amount of traveling people are doing. Now, the fact that people are out there spending money on anything from televisions to video games does two things. One, it puts dollars back into the economy. Even so, many financial analysts agree that there will be a great deal fewer people out there spending money. Keeping that in mind, the second thing that this spending does is slow down the decline in the stock market decline. While I agree that unnecessary spending is probably not a great idea, it is still beneficial to the economy as a whole. Also, where people are so worried and strained by the concern that they could lose their jobs, is it such a bad thing to give members of these families a little joy at Christmas time? I think it is, even if it's buying something as pointless as Guitar Hero. If it can take people's minds off of the strain of our economy for just a little bit, then I don't think it's much of a waste at all.
@messageme (2821)
• United States
27 Nov 08
I believe a majority of the people that go the friday after thanksgiving are not buying things for themselves, but for others for christmas. But yes I do agree with you. For christmas this year I would be happy with just the family getting together having a meal and playing games. NO gifts. I know someone that don't have much money either and she is still going to line up at those doors too, stupid! She says she does it just for the enjoyment of watching people go crazy and she can't pass up on the deals. Im sorry but if you are broke, you are broke, there is no deal unless they give it to me for free! :)