What do you have to be thankful for today ... NOW?

@owlwings (43914)
Cambridge, England
November 27, 2008 11:17am CST
America celebrates Thanksgiving today. Originally it was a feast to celebrate another year in the New Country when life was very hard but not so hard that you didn't have SOMETHING to give thanks for. I think that's a very worthy thing to do. To have a day - not necessarily today, of course, if you aren't American, but any day will do - when you stop and think what you are really grateful for. Where ever you are from ... America, England, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Bosnia, Bulgaria, India, China, the Philippines, Australia or New Zealand ... or any other place (please speak up and name any I've missed!), let us know, shall we say, three things over the last year that you have (or should have been) grateful for. The meal is prepared and steaming on the table. We have taken our seats and are waiting to begin the feast. What (for you) is it in honour of?
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13 responses
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
27 Nov 08
I've already answereed this posting owlwings and then the power fluctuated and I lost it just before I posted it. So frusrating. This has been happening for three days and it is sending me crazy - really crazy. The tlephone company says it will be fixed in three to fve days but who knows? I'll have to make it short before it goes off again. I swear that it is watching me! I would give thanks that nothing terrible has happened to my family. I would give thanks that we are all healthy and employed. I would give thanks for my beautiful grand children. I would give thanks that my daughter recently became engaged and I just loved the man! My late husband would have approved of him too and this makes me so happy. I would give thnaks that in these bad economic times we have food on the table and then we would share what is left over with the homeless. I plan to do this at Christmas. No thnksgiving in my adopeted country but a very Happy Thanksgiving to all who read this!
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@owlwings (43914)
• Cambridge, England
27 Nov 08
Thanks to you Cynthiann. You are blessed for all the reasons you give and especially that you approve of a new (potential) son-in-law. I wish you a happy time!
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
27 Nov 08
Down here in the wilds of Wiltshire we are not celebrating Thanksgiving although I do believe that The Boss will be serving up a roast chicken for supper. That leads me to two of the things that I am thankful for. The love of my family and the fact that we can still put food on the table. The third reason to be thankful remains my friends. Especially the many online friends who have entered my life in the past ten months. People that I doubt that i would have ever met otherwise and who have enriched my life in so many ways.
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@owlwings (43914)
• Cambridge, England
27 Nov 08
I agree with you P1key. We don't exactly celebrate Thanksgiving here in England (let alone Wiltshire) but we might, and maybe should! After all, as you point out, we have many friends round the world who do celebrate. Isn't it kind of churlish not to join in? I give thanks for my friends around the world and would like to be, particularly, with those who are celebrating Thanksgiving today. To those of you who are, there is a very small person called Owlwings who would like to be included. A few pecks at the turkey would be nice ... and two or three cushions to sit on, maybe.
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@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
28 Nov 08
I am thankful mostly for these three: 1. Jesus Christ and through him the hope of heaven. 2. sufficient funds to afford food, clothing and shelter 3. Good enough health to enjoy the above.
• United States
28 Nov 08
First of all I am thankful to my parents who brought me into this world. My mom and dad were never together and my mom raised me and my brothers and sister alone. I didn't know my dad until about 10 years ago and I am thankful he has been in my life since then. I am thankful for my husband which we will be celebrating our 9th wedding anniversary this Saturday. I am thankful for both of our kids that we have. We have been through some tough times financially and with our 7 year old's disabilities but we are all well and happy despite everything. I am thankful for all of my family. I am thankful for the life that I have and the family I get to enjoy everyday. I wouldn't give it up for anything no matter how tough things could be or how tough things have been.
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• Philippines
28 Nov 08
Here in the Philippines we do not celebrate thanksgiving but we are always grateful despite all the negative auras in our country. We give thanks through prayers. I thank the Lord first of all for all the good things He had provided me all through out the year and for His unconditional love. I thank whole heartedly my family, relatives, and friends and to those people who are close into my heart. I love you guys!!! Cheers!!
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@rcfranz (180)
• Philippines
28 Nov 08
i am thankful today becouse i am still breathing,a beautiful life should be continue,a hope should be granted with your will to do so...thats how i am thankful for....?
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
3 Dec 08
I have never experienced this feast. I would like to be in USA to see how the Americans do celebrate this feast. © ronaldinu 2008
@subha12 (18441)
• India
28 Nov 08
I am from India. i guess the idea of Thanksgiving is very good. i think i should be thankful to parents to provide me the things I needed. i should be thankful to people who have provided me service in every aspect that has touched me.
@silverglint (2000)
• Philippines
28 Nov 08
I am thankful for the life that I still have, we can never tell how long we will live. I am thankful for the wonderful family that I have, a loving husband and two smart and adorable boys. For the job that I still have, other people were not able to keep their job. For the health, the safety and provision for my family. For the food on the table, not everyone gets to eat 3 meals or more in a day. Everyone has things to be thankful for. Often times we get to engrossed on how bad things are that we forget the daily blessings that we have. Even the air we breathe and the sun that shines is something that we should be thankful for.
• Philippines
27 Jan 09
Eventhough i still haven't achieved my dreams I am still thankful. I am thankful for the blessings that God still giving me, for my family that is still not perfec but we stick together. I am thankful of having a friends two special friends that accepted my weakness and love me and make me happy. I am thankful because I still have a job , we all knowthat living today is hard. I am thankful that I am still earning money to supply our demands. I am still thankful that we still have a place to live in the Earth. I hope we take time to preserve it. There are so many things to be thankful, so why must always worry to problems.
@owlwings (43914)
• Cambridge, England
27 Jan 09
Those are some really excellent things to be thankful for! It sounds as if you have a list that you recite every morning in praise for your life!
@magojordan (3252)
• Philippines
28 Nov 08
I have a lot to be thankful for: life, family, friends, a loving girlfriend, a job and a lot of other things we usually tend to overlook. It feels good whenever we appreciate these things in life because in that way we learn to live life better and happier.
@gracie04 (4549)
• Philippines
28 Nov 08
I'm thankful for the life i still have right now.. actually, mine and my family's.. there are heaps of things to be thankful for and space isn't enough to write them all down..
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
28 Nov 08
There are so many things i am thankful... My WOrk! it helps us a lot and i am grateful because for me this is the best! MY FAMILY...because they are my life and everything and last would be y life...it has been great this year