I am so upset. My poor dog! Animal Abuse

United States
November 28, 2008 12:46am CST
So about 4 months ago my brother moved in with us. He has moved out now. But My mom made me aware that one day when my dog was barking at a noise she heard outside my mom saw my brother kick her. I was at work. Well tonight I noticed when my other brother, sister n' law and their kids came for thanksgiving my dog, Piper, was very skidish. She wouldn't come to anyone, and even when I would try to walk up and pick her up she would hunker over in a corner like I was going to hit her. She has never done this before. I think my brother must have been very mean to my dog when I was not around, so now she is deathly afraid in front of strangers. What can I do to help her? This makes me so mad.
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18 responses
@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
28 Nov 08
Did you kick your brother? I think I would for the next 20 or 30 times I saw him again if I were you. When he asks why you keep doing that say it was because he spoke!!!!
@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
28 Nov 08
As for your poor helpless dog. You will have to treat it with a lot of TLC. The dog will respond after a while and NEVER let your brother near the dog again!!!
1 person likes this
• United States
28 Nov 08
Thanks for the suggestion. I just might do that!
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@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
28 Nov 08
Well it would certainly get your point across. Afterall it is your brother!! I am sure he is an adult??? Then he descerves the kicks in the shins. Just enough to make it sting. But do it repeatedly for sure.
1 person likes this
• United States
28 Nov 08
That just makes me so mad when I hear of a poor animal being someones punching bag. Any way your poor little puppy is gonna need lots of love and affection. Don't worry if it takes a while. I am sure the poor thing has been traumatized and may take a little bit to come around. Good luck I am sure you will have no problem bringing your poor dog back out of her shell.
@kaka135 (14934)
• Malaysia
9 Dec 08
Well, I hate people treating my dog badly, even sometimes when she's naughty, I don't really dare to beat her, as she's like a little kid, I don't feel like hurting her or even hurting her feelings. Perhaps you can slowly bring your dog to strangers, telling her some people will not hurt her, then when she get rid of the bad memories, perhaps she'll be better. But I think dogs will always remember who treated them badly.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
28 Nov 08
My Bubbles - He was such a wonderful and smart smart smart dog!! I miss him and his "sister" Rainbow something awful!! I'll get to see them again some day once I cross over the Rainbow Bridge when my time is up.
I had the same thing happen to my dog. Mine was a cocker spaniel puppy, about four months old and I had moved back with my parents for a year because my husband had to go over seas for the year so I brought my two dogs with me. Well my male didn't know my brother and was very protective of me. He was in the backyard inside the fence when my brother came in the gate, my dad told me my dog had lunged at my brother and my brother hit him really hard. I didn't know this until AFTER my brother had left! But when he did it, my dog screamed out over and over again and I flew to his aid and my brother covers it all up like he's trying to befriend him. Needless to say, my dog never learned to trust men from then on out. He lived till he was 13 years old and never got over it. He did learn that not all men are like that and eventually learned to love a few of them, that is, the ones who took the time to show him that they wouldn't hurt him. Now, did I say something to my brother? Hell YEAH!! I sure did!! I told him that if he ever lays a hand on my dog again, he'll be digging his own grave!! That is the lowest of the low because, my brother could've came in from the front door instead of going through the back yard to the back door! Your brother is the lowest of the low!! How dare he hurt an animal!! I'd so love to kick his @ss just like he did to your dog!! Oh gosh I'm so mad now that I could spit nails and it would go through the wall!! All you can do is love your dog and comfort her. She just may be scarred for life and may only trust you and the others that she knows that won't hurt her but new people, she'll always be leary of until she's proven otherwise. It may take a while but patience and lots and lots of love, she'll come around some.... maybe. Bless her sweet heart!!
• United States
28 Nov 08
My Dog Piper - This is my baby, Piper
Thank you for your response. I will definitely make sure to give her lots of TLC and help her however I can. I love her to pieces anyway so loving up on her is not a problem at all. lol.
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• United States
28 Nov 08
and by the way bubbles is a cutie pie.
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• Philippines
26 Dec 08
It makes me both angry and sad everytime I hear these kinds of animal abuse. I'm glad that your brother moved out, I hope that he won't do that again. If I were you, I might've beaten that guy, but I won't go low as he did. Hope your dog's ok now.
• United States
29 Nov 08
I cant believe that! Your own brother? I would slap him if it was my brother! Pets deserve all our love, not abuse. The poor thing. She must be terrified now. Give her alot of love and spend alot of time with her. She will come out of it I am sure. If this dosent work, contact your vet and maybe he can set you up with an animal behaviorist. I hope your puppy is ok.
• United States
29 Nov 08
Many people have given some excellent suggestions here. Thank you so much. I will utilize many of your suggestions. Me and my baby will get through this togethor. :-)
• Philippines
30 Nov 08
If I were you I'd kick your brother's a$$.Well,my dad used to hurt my dogs.I'd tell him to stop or come near the dog and stand beside him/her.My dog loves me so for being good.
@msmargo (361)
• United States
29 Nov 08
Seriously, "kick" your brother out! I would not trust him around your dog again! People who are cruel to animals are the worst of the worst (right up there with child molesters). And for your brother to kick his sister's dog, shows he's got no conscious. People who abuse animals often times go on to abuse of humans. Nice brother, lady. As for your dog, getting your sick brother out of the house will go a long way towards her feeling more comfortable. Keep giving her lots of love til she comes back to being normal. Good luck.
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
30 Nov 08
My sibling (brother) has always been abusive towards animals. When I was 14 my birthday present was a Royal Standard Poodle. One day I caught my brother beating my dog with a leash just to hear the dog scream. I grabbed the leash and proceeded to beat the hell out of him with the leash. I told him that if I ever caught him touching my dog again I would kill him!!! (For some reason he believed me!) I haven't heard from him in 25 years, and from what I heard from my Mom, he hadn't changed his abusive ways. You are going to have to have a lot of patience. Soft words and loving touches will help a lot. It takes tons of time for her to get over the abuse, but one day you will find that she will slowly come out of her shell and greet strangers again. Don't force her to interact with strangers if she doesn't want to. But start with someone other than you that she really likes, and provide them with treats that she really really likes. Have that person sit in a manner that isn't threatening to the dog and let her go to the person. When she approaches, have the person give her a treat and tell her how good she is. Then after a couple of more treats, have the person gently pet her and again give treats and plenty of praise. It will reinforce the idea that there are gentle loving people that won't hurt her. Like I said, it will take a lot of time. Trauma for humans takes a long long time to get over, but for our four legged friends it takes even longer as they have a different cultural and social system than humans. DON'T EVER LET YOUR BROTHER NEAR YOUR DOG AGAIN!!! He sounds like he will continue to be an abuser. I agree that every time that you see him put on your pointy toed shoes and kick the SH*T out of him. Each time inform him that it is in repayment for the treatment he gave your dog. If that doesn't take, use a frying pan!!!! There is no excuse for abusing an animal!!! It doesn't make anyone bigger, better, more macho, or more courageous!!! It makes them a horrible ugly nasty person that will tend to abuse humans too. I wish you tons of luck with Piper, if she doesn't readily accept strangers, just love her more.
@sameroad (3179)
• United States
29 Nov 08
your poor dog! that is sad. your dog is gonna need some extra love to get over it... but she should be okay after a while... don't let your brother near her again.
@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
28 Nov 08
This makes so sad and so mad at the same time. It makes me mad because people are hurting innocent animals, just like your brother was hurting your dog. It makes sad, because of your dog's reaction. I can't stand this violence towards animals. It's so cruel and heartless.
@metschica25 (5399)
• United States
29 Nov 08
hey hey ! I am sorry to hear this . I am a huge animal lover and stories like this really do bum me out why on earth would he treat a dog that way , you have to talk to him . I would be extra nice to that dog around people and kinda give an indro too if you know what i mean . hold the dog and have the people that come over pet the dog and see that they will not hurt the put . my parents have a very shy dog and all it does is bark and then hide when they have people over we wonder if maybe something happened to him too . i think he will be fine tho and just gotta keep working with the pets. take care good night
• Canada
30 Nov 08
give your dog extra care for the next little while with hugs and pats and at the same time telling her she is a good girl when she is good. Try to forgive her for alittle while when she is not good. To get her to start trusting people again, bring her to people that you know she likes . Keep her away from that jerk till she gets stronger with confidence. then teach her to bark at strangers and jerks..
@Optimize (201)
• Canada
29 Nov 08
oh my goodness. if he was my brother i would have beat the %^@# out of him. Thats horrible. Im a crazy animal lover i have 3 pets at home and 1 of them is a dog. Other 2 are cats. I would never in my life harm an animal. The first cat i ever had, was found under a car at a home depot sitting in a box of about 10 abandoned kittens. I took them to a shelter and kept one for myself. For about 3 months she was the most paranoid animal ive ever seen in my life. Obviously because her previous owners were idiots, which is i guess why they were abandoned. And we've had her for 2 years now and shes the most calm cuddly cat ever ! :p And the way i got her to stop being so scared of everything. Is whenever she was around me, i would pretty much ignore her. Perposely. Because that way she would feel more safe and she would come cuddle with me when she wants to. But if i were to go and try and pet her she would run like hell. So yeah, just tried to be as slow moving and gentle as i could around her and eventually she accepted the fact that i was trying to be nice and i would never cause her any harm. Now every night shes on my lap asking for a tummy rub. So marcialoyd try and do what i did and eventually your dog will forget about what happend to him/her. May take a while, like over a month or 2 probly. But eventually she will forget im sure. I know it might be hard but just try as much as you can to not interact with her cuz obviously right now shes scared of humans i guess. And if you absolutely cant go without interacting with her :p then just pet her slowly. dont pick her up or anything. Really hope my advice helped and i hope your dog gets over this :( good luck to you and your pet ! and tell your brother to get help :s kicking an animal is just not right.
@shonali (1286)
• India
28 Nov 08
well i would have beat my brother up royally and rather than him moving out i would have thrown him out myself.... it is sad to know that in an animal lovers family there is a black sheep who actually does this kind of stuff.... the dog was doing exactly what its meant to do int his world...brak at something she or he doesnt recognise and people like your brother put the animal in such a situation tht it retaliates later on... and then humans want the dogs shot as they have become violent and are attacking the humans... but who has brought the poor animals to this state has anyone stopped and thought of? and even if humans do think their ego which is too big just doesnt bring them on the right path!!
@mymelodake (1338)
• Philippines
28 Nov 08
This is very sad to hear especially since it was your brother who did it. He must have done it quite often to have that kind of effect on our poor dog. I think you will just have to be patient with her and try to earn back her trust little by little. I also think you need to talk to your brother about what he did. I don't know how long it would take to get your dog back to her old self again but I guess you will just have to be extra kind to her.
@gracie04 (4549)
• Philippines
28 Nov 08
It makes me mad whenever i see someone abusing his/her dog.. GRRR!!! if i were in your shoes, i would confront him right away..
• Canada
28 Nov 08
Thats not good. Ugh!. you should probably kick your bother