Is anyone having financial problems???

United States
November 28, 2008 6:53am CST
Hi. I am having serious financial problems. I guess this is why I am on here. To make money any way I can. I can not work due to illness, and I living on only $260 a month! That is child support. I don't know how I have lasted this long on that either. I have been doing surveys, but they don't pay that much. So I am going to start doing ptc's. And reviews and articles to see if that will help. I did make $70 recently doing a focus group. But I havent recieved the money yet. I plan on using that for xmas. Otherwise my son won't have any gifts. I feel all alone on this subject, so if anyone else is in the same boat as me, please tell me! It will make me feel alittle better.
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23 responses
• United States
28 Nov 08
Most definiatly on this end here. We are maxed out in our income vs bills. We've exhausted all ways I know of to get out of debt or atleast be able to keep things controlable. I have recently picked up a pt job for the holidays, but alas I don't know if they'll keep me on or not. I started in August and I was hoping to stay on after but I don't know what the stores intention is. They don't pay well but have been willing to work around my hubby's hours. The sad thing is I lost my job 5yrs ago & we decided I'd be at home with our DD & then we added to our family. Though the expenses we had when I became a SAHM have never gone away just shifted from one credit card or loan to the next thing. I really need to get back to work full time but I cannot afford $440/week to put 2 lo's in daycare nor could I find a job that would pay me $440/week + $ to pay bills KWIM? Just stuck & a bit blue about the whole thing.
• United States
28 Nov 08
umm not to sound mean but do you have cable? internet? all these things are luxuries. i just got cable for the first time and i'm 20. while the world seems to live on these things sometimes you just cant afford them.
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• United States
28 Nov 08
did you read the beginning of my response? i said i wasn't trying to sound mean. and i think its a justified assumption considering how many people i've met that complain they dont have enough money and their children are going without. yet they have their hair and nails done and they are always going out. i was homeless for a year when i was 7. my mom and i had to place to go. i know first hand what it feels like to be drowning and there is no help. so please. i wasn't attacking i was merely askign questions. some people dont really know what its like to be truly broke
• United States
28 Nov 08
Don't make assumptions Medney. I personally need my internet connection to make money, but also to attend classes and stay at home with my daughter. I do not have access to a library nearby, and attending classes over the internet is the only feasible way for me to earn my degree right now, so for me it's actually a necessity.
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• United States
28 Nov 08
That's true. Sorry about the misunderstanding, i have seen such instances myself. I am hoping to work from home through a couple of companies I applied to. I did work for ChaCha, but it wasn't worth the effort i put into it.
28 Nov 08
Hi lagirl. I, too, was (and still am to some extent) in this situation. I couldn't work for a year and had to survive on virtually no money. I called inall the help I could, but have still ended up with a lot of debt. The thing to remember is, in the immortal words of 'Galaxy Quest', "Never give up, never surrender"! After such a long time with nothing, I am finally starting to dig my way out of trouble, piece by tiny piece. Some tips: Go and talk to the welfare people and see if you're missing out on possible help: I didn't know half of the things I could get from the government and was consequently a lot worse off. When you shop for food, look around several markets. I've found, for example, that if I buy noodles in one place, they cost SIX TIMES as much as another. Fresh vegetables are generally cheaper from a small store, rather than buying pre-packaged stuff in a supermarket. Powdered milk works out cheaper than fresh sometimes. Look for offers, two-for-ones, coupons, the products that you can use the same day, but will be icky tomorrow so is on offer. Cook from basics more often - it's amazing how much you can do with just pasta, a simple sauce and a bit of imagination. I don't know how old your son is, but I'll bet getting him to help find bargains would turn it into more of a game. Worth a try! Finally, if you can avoid it, DON'T borrow money. Hold on as long as possible before you do. It's ten times harder to get out of debt than into it. Internet earnings won't match a job, unfortunately, unless you work all day as a freelance something (in which case it's a job anyway). Don't count on the money, just try to use it for extras. Good luck. You're not alone!!
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• United States
28 Nov 08
Hi spikethelobster, I am glad you are "digging" your way out finally. I have checked about welfare, and there is nothing available. I used to recieve that monthly check, but I reached my limit and can no longer get any. I hate relying on the child support, because sometimes he dosent even pay it and then you know where I am. I am recieving everything I can right now. Rental assistance, food stamps, and medical. Thankyou for food tips. I do alot of that right now. I make pasta from scratch, make my own sauce cause I cant have anything with fructose in it. My son is 15 years old. So I think him helping would not work. He think it is "embarrassing" to go with mom to the store. UGHHHH teenagers!!! My mom gives me coupons sometimes so I can do that. And I couldn't borrow money even if I wanted to. You have to have a job for that. That is what I have been told anyway. So I think the internet is my only other option right now. I just got high speed/DSL which I have never had and I love it! So maybe there will be more opertunities. My cable company had a special and I am basically getting the internet for free! So it is cool. Thanks alot. Take care!
@lmizzy (78)
• China
29 Nov 08
I think I'm in tha same situation as you.Now,I am going to a graduation from a university next year,so it's the time that I have to go out to apply a job to feed myself.But now for the economic crisis,most of companies are reducing the staffrimmer,do not need the person who has no work experience.I have go around to apply a lot of firms,all of them refused.So...I'm despaired of it,I have no idea about the life after graduation at all.
@lmizzy (78)
• China
1 Dec 08
I really appreciate what you said very much,thank you! These days I think I am losing self-confidence and patience more and more.Even,sometimes I‘m afaid to go out for applying a job,cause I consider myself not to stand when the company says "no" to me.But,just now,I read your these words,I calm down and have a lot of courage.There will be a job fair held by my university tomorrow,I'll go!
• United States
29 Nov 08
Imizzy, I know what you are going through. I went through the same thing when I graduated in 2004 (rather late in life, i am 42) but I made my rounds and had a lot of problems with it. I seemed to get fired at alot of the jobs I had which didnt last to long. They claimed I wasn't fast enough, wasn't brite enough, ect ... I felt they were very cruel. But it could have been my depression to. It is hard to hold on to a job for people with severe depression like me. Well, my dream didn't come true, but I know yours will! It is easy to get discouraged when all you get is "sorry I cant hire you now" but I am sure you will do fine. Are you in the law business? You mentioned firms. I tryed to go into the paralegal program at first, but switched to business cause it was to hard for me. Good luck to you!!!
1 person likes this
• Philippines
29 Nov 08
Hi lagirl, I felt sorry about your situation but I guess we are the same..that's why Im here in my lot to earn few dollars a little help.I am also a mother and its hard to give nothing to kids especially this christmas. don't worry God will help you keep doing good things and mercy will come. someday people will come and offer you job to secure you and your son. God bless to you and Advance merry for x'mas!!
• United States
29 Nov 08
julia_cordk1, Thankyou and the same to you! It hard being a single parent and not having any money for your kids. But my son seems to understand. Happy holidays to you to!
• United States
28 Nov 08
Depending on what your illness is.. could you do home assembly? There are companies out there that need people to assemble things at home.. such as lanyards.. at home. You take the completed lanyards back to the company for instance and get paid :) I hope maybe you can look into something like that and see if that would be something you could do. Good luck with all the online work that you are doing. If you are around a University, there are usually all sorts of research studies going that you can get paid for. I see in your post that you paid $70 doing a focus group.. the research studies are kind of like that.
• United States
29 Nov 08
Yes I could do home assembly. But where would I find out about that? I have depression, gastroparesis, ibs, and carpal tunnel syndrome. It is really impossible to work cause I can have constant flareups. And I have discomfort and pain everyday. What are lanyards? I am near a very large university but I am not in a big city. I live in a small town, but the university is huge.
• United States
29 Nov 08
Okay, then I would first recommend looking into the university and seeing if there are research groups going on. Do to your carpel tunnel.. i'm not sure how could home assembly would work for you. Lanyards are those necklace type things that a lot of college kids use for their dorm keys... do you know what i mean? I'm sorry to hear about your gastroparesis and ibs.. that would be difficult to maintain a job with having flareups. Good luck and let me know if you need more advice. Even if you message me personally and let me know which university is close to you.. i could help you research opportunities.
@nangel78 (1454)
• United States
29 Nov 08
I am sorry to hear about your situation. You could try for some freelance work. I have seen them having writing jobs available. I do some surveys myself on the side and freelance work. I work full time, but my raises have not been the best. I am lucky to have a job and benefits, but times have been difficult for a lot of people. I worked with cancer this past year and had to take short term disability earlier this year. Hang in there. I hope this site helps in your search and that you are able to get the help you need. Stay positive.
• United States
29 Nov 08
Thankyou. I am sorry that you have been through tough times to. I will look at craigslist and see what is available. Good luck to you to.
@xlinzixx (510)
29 Nov 08
hi sorry to hear about your problems luckily i aint having money problems as ive learnt to save from the age of 17 i know of a good few sites to earn money from a few are review sites and the others are sites like this send me a private message and i'll send the links over.
• United States
29 Nov 08
Hi xlinzixx, and thankyou everyone else. How do I send you a private message? Do I just do a friend request? Sorry I am new at this. I would really like to know those sites. Please let me know.
@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
28 Nov 08
Lagirl, sorry to hear about your situation, but I have to say that you are not alone. I am in a financial crisis as well, not as bad as yours though. Wouldn't you qualify for assistance or disability since you have a child to support? I couldn't imagine living on $260.00 per month, with the rising cost of everything. I lost my job five months ago, and am now suffering the consequences with no money to pay my bills and hardly enough money for food etc. It is rough out here trying to make ends meet. Unfortunatley, there are too many people going through the same things. I am so tired of the bill collectors calling, I know they have to do their jobs, but I can not do much now because I do not have the money. I am struggling trying to keep a roof over my head. I wish you lots of luck, and I pray everyday for everyone who is struggling, because I now know what it is like.
• United States
28 Nov 08
sudalunts, Glad to know I am not alone. I get all the assistance now I can get. Rental assistance, medical, and food stamps. I have applied for disability, but it takes so long. I wish it didnt. I am so sorry you lost your job. It seems like alot of people are losing thier jobs these days. I see it on the news all the time. I know what you mean about the bill collectors. I have two medical bills to pay, and to most people it wouldnt seem like much money but it is a fortune to me. I will pray for you and everyone else that is struggling. And that it will end soon.
@hotsummer (13838)
• Philippines
29 Nov 08
yes i am on financial crisis. i am out of money. i need more money. anyways, i am trying to budget money. i too like liiving on about $150 budget. anyways, i don't pay for my home and my own needs cause still my family provides it. but other things like the things i want to buy like cellphones and other luxuries i do have to make my own money to buy those things.
• United States
29 Nov 08
Hi. I didn't think anyone was worse of than me. I thought $260 a month was pretty bad. I hope you can get out of your situation. It is good that your family helps you so much. Cellphones arent important to me. I only have a landline phone. And my computer is 7 years old. And my car is falling apart and is 15 years old. So I have done without for quite some time. Good luck to you. And to all of us. Maybe we will get something good for xmas since we have suffered so.
@Zelda414 (149)
• United States
29 Nov 08
lagirl1966, please do not feel alone in financial issues because let me tell you, you are not alone there are so many people maybe 75% or more of the population suffers from this problem. I deal with an illness as well where i am wheelchair bound and have been since feb of this year for a back n neck injury, vertigo n i am pregnant on top of it. i am in a work comp case but they arent paying me nothing finally i had to file for ssi, had to have an attorney and go to a hearing after 2 denials. My advice is since your illness is keeping you from working maybe you can look to the county for help or even apply for ssi i mean it wouldnt hurt, i dont know how bad your condition is but that would be my advice and if ssi denies you appeal n appeal n appeal right away get an attorney if you have too. also you can check out inbox and send earnings because once you collect $30 they send you a check. I wish you the best of luck but please dont feel alone you are not alone. Wishing you a happy thanksgiving and many better days with financial blessings.
• United States
29 Nov 08
Thankyou so much. I sure don't feel alone anymore. I have applied for ssi. I am still waiting for my first denial. They have sent paperwork to all my doctors and therapist I found out. So I guess it takes a while. I intend on going all the way. I have daily stomach bloating (I seriously look like I am 7 months pregnant it is that bad) this happens everytime I eat, and I also IBS-D which means I have the diarreah side of it. It is miserable. The medication I have to take causes terrible side effects. Heartburn daily, blurred vision, depression, and weight gain. I have gained alot of weight due to my meds. So you see, I can not work because of all this. I also have carpal tunnel and am going to have a nerve test done on monday. I hope I don't have to have surgery. I am so sorry you are in a wheelchair. And being pregnant on top of that. It must be miserable. I wish you the best to, and take care of that baby.
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@smiley83 (1534)
• Malaysia
29 Nov 08
hey, i'm so sorry to hear that...well, i do have some financial problems as well... but, i'm trying to survive... the matter is that, i'm a student and working to pay my school fee..i don't want to rely on my parents as i have other siblings and my parents need to take care of them and look up for their, at the moment, i'm writing and doing this and that before the semester starts...hoping i can do something... smiley,
• United States
29 Nov 08
Smiley, Good for you that you are doing things on your own. I didn't go to college till I was 30, and then I had to survive with working odd jobs and taking out student loans. Now I am disabled, and cant pay the loans. And I just got approved for the loans to be forgiven because I cant work anymore. Believe it or not I graduated in 2004 and was planning on having a wonderful career. But then I got sick a year after graduating and I had to quit. I hope you make it. Good luck to you!
@lisa0502 (1724)
• Canada
28 Nov 08
I am in the same boat as you. I do get a little more than $260 a month, I do not know how you could do that. I am on government assistance and do not get a whole lot of money. I have been stressing about christmas. Is there no organization that can help you out for christmas? I know that we have a organization that makes up christmas hampers for people who need them. They consist of food and presents. It is run through the local church. Well good luck and I hope you can find some help.
@mods196621 (3652)
• Philippines
29 Nov 08
I am also in the same situation as you I need money to support the studies of my three children. Until now I was looking for a job here in my place hoping that one can open their door for me. It was rally hard without money to spend daily. There are lots of bills knocking on your door or ring your phone. That was make my hands up. Doing mylot helps me too a little but give me a big of enjoyment now a days. Well friend I know God will provide us the things we need. Let us not stop doing good things and finding the sources of our income. Good luck to all of us friend we can make it! cheers!
• United States
29 Nov 08
Good luck to you to! I also find it hard to provide for my sons studies. Things he needs at school, like supplies. I usually have to turn to my mom for help because my ex dosent help. The child support only pays for the bills. I am praying I get approved for disability because that will allow me to provide better for him and hopefully get us out of this apartment and into a nice place. I will never live in another apartment again. To much noise. Good luck to you!
• Philippines
29 Nov 08
At this time i'm having a financial problem, I'm planning to visit my friends in other place but my money is not yet enough, also I'm for the Christmas gift my relatives and friends.
@donsky14 (5947)
• Philippines
28 Nov 08
Your not the only one with financial problems lagirl...I'm having one as well. I just lost my job. And to think that I still have bills to pay and a loan to pay as well. *sighs* That's why same as you, I'm now an active member of mylot.
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
29 Nov 08
You should be asking "does anyone not have financial problems?" As far as I know everyone is being effected by the bad economy. I mean everybody, any country, everywhere. I myself am in a bit of a slump. I have some things I am working on for next year but but the end of 2008 finds me in a bad situation financially. Yes I am still planning on opening a restaurant but as of right now I lack all the funds I need and the bills are getting worse. I don't know anyone who isn't being affected by this slump in our economy. We are all doing just about the same.
• United States
29 Nov 08
Hi there: There are a lot of us in this same situation, its a daily struggle it really is; That's pretty good money for a focus group if they do in fact pay you , Wow!! I hope they do for your sake; Keep reading on here you'll see lots of places shared where others are using to try to make each month; Good luck to you!!
• Indonesia
29 Nov 08
im having the same problem too, but not so serious as u, its getting harder in still unemployee, but i have my own small business which not giving me much income, just enough 4 myself..thats why im trying to figure out how to make money, while im seeking for a job..
@rcfranz (180)
• Philippines
29 Nov 08
lagirl,were on the same boat...i have a job that i am proud of,but the problem is i am not well compensated although my job is a kind of work everyone asking for...but i have to sacrifice first because our company is just starting we can demand for a higher salary,i have to budget the little amount(as in little) i have,anyway if you help first the company were you are working,then in the end the company will help you also in return...and thats the time you will be dont put the whole wolrd in your shoulder,cheer up...your not alone anyway...?