A wishlist for 21 Orphan kids
By roxy101
@roxy101 (72)
South Africa
November 28, 2008 2:57pm CST
Hallo to all you mylotters out there.
Guys I received a message via email today about an Orphanage in Springs, Johannesburg South Africa, my birthland.This Orphanage houses 21 kids. Apparently the goverment do not want to sponser them because they are white kids.Each day is a struggle to keep head above water.
In this mail was a wishlist from each child, what they want this Christmas.
And I thought by myself. Who is going to give this to these children?
They have no one in live, no home, no family, no one that cares, that loves them, that wants them.They are outkasts.They are little children with no where other to go than this orphanage, they don't belong anywhere.
My heart goes out to these children. And I thought what can we as outsiders do, for these kids to give them a Christmas to rememmber.And I had this remarkable brainwave, I would like to share with you.
What if you out there can help me do something special for these kids.
You know they are only children with an expectation. The excitment of Christmas and the little wish of receiving something they really want.
Can you rememmber as a child how YOU used to feel when Christmas morning arrived. The "I can't wait to open my present" feeling or the feeling that you are going to receive something you badly wanted or just the feeling of surprise, because you had no idea what was waiting for you under the tree...I rememmber those days and it really felt great.
Imagine these children waking up Christmas morning. Their joy, excitement, expectation...To find out there is nothing under the tree waiting for them. Imagine how they will feel, place yourself in their shoes, the dissapointment,the heartache, sadness...
If we don't do something for them as outsiders, who will?
Who will really go to the moon and back for these kids...I can't think that their would be someone.People just don't care - in my opinion.
I would love to go to the store and buy each and every childs present, wrap it and deliver it personnaly to this orphanage.In my minds eye I can allready see the joy of every little face.
This Orphanage is about 80km from me, really not that far. Luckily.
And maybee we can add a seperate little bag with chocolate goodies and sweets...something that these kids never get.
Today I'm begging for help. Please help me in any way possible to make this Christmas a Cristmas to never forget.
I know what I ask is big. For all you guys out there to trust a total stranger.
I have no garantee what so ever to give you...All I can say is please have faith and trust me.Look at their faces, we are privilage people, we were privilige children...they do not have that.We can make a change this Christmas.
If you want to be part of this campaigne, plz email me roxydee101@webmail.co.za
I will email the letter i've received to you, if you wish.We can work out a plan via email, how you could help. Without outside help I will not be able to do this.Please help me in achieving this goal.
I'm looking forward in hearing from you.And for now I say thank you for your participation.I really appreciate it... a lot. :)
1 response
@unusualsuspect (2602)
• United States
28 Nov 08
Unless you know the person who sent you the email, and you know that the orphanage actually exists and is a legitimate place, the chances are that this is a scam. Holidays are the best time to work on people's sympathy and get money for non-existent charities. In fact, anybody with any sense would be suspicious of you and your request. Scams can be set up in very complicated ways that make them look as if they're for real needs.
@roxy101 (72)
• South Africa
29 Nov 08
Hallo unusualsuspect. Thank you for you honest comment to my request. What you say are totally true, I can't blame anyone that personally feels my request is a scam.No a days there are so many of them and many people will play on the feelings of others by using situations such as these.
No body knows me, therefore they cannot judge me, by saying I'm lieing or trieing to steel money from anybody.I don't know what certainty I can give you that this is a genuine orphanage with genuine children. I could give you the contact number, and you could phone for yourself, but that could easily be arranged.Anyone could say"I'm aunt Bokkie and I take care of 21 orphan kids and it's true they do excist"
What do you want me to say. What can I do from my side to give you the certainty?
I'm not a bad person, I don't steel from anybody,I believe if you do that it will come back and you will get it twise that bad. I'm a Christian and I try to live my life according to God's Word. I don't want to steel money for myself and one day end up in Hell.
I want to go to Heaven. Why will I waste my time with something that will only annoy my soul.
It's entirely up to you if you want to participate or not. Nobodies forcing anybody.It's your decision. I really feel bad that someone would say it's a scam and that what I'm saying is a total lie.But I can't to anything about that. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
People, in my own country as well, wouldn't likely give money for a case like this, because they jusy don't care and they are greedy only thinking of themselves.
If I had the money, I wouldn't have asked for the help of outsiders, needless to say total strangers.But I can't do this alone.
You don't have to believe me, you don't have to give anyting really.But if you can tell me what to do so that you can believe me, I'll try to do that.
I really hope to hear from you soon.And that you would look with another eye at my request.
@slayer_rage (1)
• South Africa
1 Dec 08
because of the world being the way it is, sometimes people forget to think of the good and they also forget that there are also good people not only bad, and the bad people will succeed in getting what they want and yet people dont want to help the people who are sincerely trying to make a difference.
im with you all the way roxy!
please can i have the postal,physical adress and phone number