Temp worker "murdered" by mob at Wal-Mart.
By speakeasy
@speakeasy (4171)
United States
November 28, 2008 6:56pm CST
A young man died today at one of the many Wal-Mart Black Friday sales across the country.
The mob that killed him might as well have shot him down in cold blood. A coworker said "They took the doors off the hinges. He was trampled and killed in front of me. They took me down too...I literally had to fight people off my back."
When other workers tried to go to his aid - they were also pushed down and prevented from going to assist him. If ANY one had helped him up or let someone through to him; he might be alive today.
Here is a link to this sad story - http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2008/11/28/2008-11-28_worker_dies_at_long_island_walmart_after.html
He was not the only person injured in this store or other WalMart stores today - he was just the worst case.
This is nothing new; EVERY year someone is seriously injured or killed at a Wal-Mart Black Friday sale. You do not hear reports of this happening at ANY other store.
Perhaps it is time for Wal-Mart to be held accountable for these incidents. Why is Wal-mart the only store with this problem? If Wal-Mart is unable to prevent this type of behavior by their customers - maybe they should be banned from having these sales in the future?
What do you think about this problem? Is saving a few dollars really worth someone's life?
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7 responses
@sweetstuff82 (99)
• United States
30 Nov 08
Ha!! I read about this about an hour ago. I was disgusted. Its a shame because the article said that after they killed him, they notified the Wal Mart shoppers that they would have to leave and one lady said she wasn't because she had been standing in line since early that Friday morning and continued shopping. They even said some of the employees were on top of vending machines to avoid the stampede. They even injured a pregnant woman. I just hope this woman files some type of suit if something happens to her baby. People like this disgust me. It seems like saving 30 to 40 bucks on a TV is more important than someones life. Its sad what this world is coming too, vengeance and pure greed. Wal Mart is very overrated. Don't get me wrong, I always shop there, but I am not that desperate to save a few bucks. I agree they should be held accountable. I just hope they fing the people who did this, but I am sure that will be a very hard task.
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
30 Nov 08
"one lady said she wasn't because she had been standing in line since early that Friday morning and continued shopping" - I think they should have detained her and the other people who went into the store until the security tapes could be reviewed. The task of finding the guilty parties would have been a lot easier.
"They even injured a pregnant woman. I just hope this woman files some type of suit if something happens to her baby." In this case I disagree - any pregnant woman who would endanger herself and her child by going to one of these events is not going to be a very good mother unless she "grows up" very quickly. There are laws about endangering an unborn child in many states and she could be found guilty of that herself. If she cares so little about her child's safety now; what will she do next?
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
30 Nov 08
I tend to agree with speakeasy here as far as the pregnant lady goes. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that it was going to be a crazy situation. There were news reports that people were camping out and waiting for these sales the day before even! That alone wreaks of insanity! Of course, she could not have predicted just how crazy things would get but these types of situations are unpredictable and you are always taking a chance of things getting out of control. I am not pregnant and I wouldn't put myself thru the stress of waiting in line and fighting the crowds. I certainly would not have put myself nor my unborn child thru such unnecessary stress.
@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
29 Nov 08
As this was a foreseeable event and employees are put in jeopardy as a condition of their employment, then maybe a suit against WalMart is justified so they will take better steps at crowd control. When the CEO and directors face threat of jail then things change in a hurry.
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
29 Nov 08
"employees are put in jeopardy as a condition of their employment" - this young man was a temporary MAINTENANCE worker - cleaning up, taking out trash, changing light bulbs, etc. He should never have been "manning" the doors on a Black Friday. He had no training or experience in crowd control. So, I really doubt that this was a "condition of his employment". His local supervisor should also be facing action for assigning him to that position.
@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
1 Dec 08
That was my point that he should not have been put in jeopardy. If the employee had refused to stand and open the doors because he felt it too dangerous he would be fired (thus was put in jeopardy as a condition of their employment). Walmart knew or should have known the situation was dangerous to set an employee in front of a stampeding crowd and should be sued for this action. Employers have an obligation to provide a safe workplace and they not only failed , not by neglect, but by actively creating a dangerous situation.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
29 Nov 08
I have seen the frenzie that happens at sales at stores, it became very bad a few years ago here in Melbourne but the stores now have the sales usually over a few days, it is sad to think a young life has been taken ...and for what...
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
29 Nov 08
Some of the Black Friday sales only last a few hours - but, no other company has serious injuries every year this way. If other stores can control their customers better; Wal-Mart needs to take a lesson from them and make some serious changes.
@arcidy (5005)
• United States
29 Nov 08
god people are insane that is sad the kid probally didnt even want to work that day since I know i wouldnt. But why dont people just do there shopping online its safer and you dont have to go out at 4 am. but thats a reason why I would never go on black friday because of stories like this.

@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
30 Nov 08
That is one of the problems with WalMart and Black Friday. Even if the day is a person's regular day off; they requrie ALL employees to be there on Black Friday unless they are in the hospital. (Of course they all do not have to be there for the opening or there wouldn't be anyone left to work the rest of the day).
On-line sales for walmart.com already have a FREE shipping option - you just have them deliver it to your local store and you do not have to pay any shipping; just pick it up in the back of the store.
@Amberina (1541)
• United States
29 Nov 08
I think online shopping is the answer to this problem, acidy has a point, I know if Walmart slashed their prices and gave free shipping those items that they don't want to inventory next year will fly off the shelves and no one is going to die for it. Walmart has enough money they can afford to give the free shipping I'm sure they can work something out with UPS to get it to the person before Christmas.

@lilcee (2703)
• United States
29 Nov 08
I used to go to the Walmart or the mall with my daughter every black Friday. But this year, I stayed home and my husband and I ordered things online. I haven't been feeling good lately and didn't think I would enjoy all the walking and fighting the crowds. We quit shopping at Walmart a few years ago because of some things we've heard (another story) so I wouldn't go there any ways. But I surely wouldn't want to go there the day after Thanksgiving. The crowds are crazy and everyone is pushy and grabby. That is so sad about that worker. People are crazy nowadays just to get a sale on something. It's not worth it.
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
29 Nov 08
When they first started having the Black Friday sales, I went to one or two; but, the crowds were so big and pushy that I felt it wasn't worth the trouble so I stopped going long ago. Each year the crowds get bigger at these events and I have never seen a sale item that I needed to get THAT badly.
@momtrying2makeit (3270)
• United States
29 Nov 08
You know I feel what you are saying maybe walmart should have some plan inplace when Black Friday happens. Some people are so greedy to get items on this day that I feel that Cyber Monday is a better choice. Anyway these are my thoughts on this.
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
29 Nov 08
I agree that they should have a BETTER plan in place at WalMart for their Black Friday sales. They do have a plan; but, it does not seem to be very effective.
If they can't "get it together" better; then, they should skip the in-store sale and just go ahead with "Cyber Monday" sales at walmart.com.
@thrwbckjay67 (2870)
• United States
29 Nov 08
It's amazing the type of attitudes come out of people during a day like today; sure, I am all about saving money like everyone else, but it's amazing. If he had broken a shoulder, or just been injured, people would not have minded. I am sure that at the time those people didn't even think about the well-being of someone else or the lack of control and discipline that they had, and that to me is so sad.
I know I will be praying for him and others hurt today; I remember last year I worked at a a store (that will remain nameless) where people felt that some were "cutting" in line and proceeded to throw rocks at us. I mean, seriously people?
I don't think it's worth it to save a few bucks. I know everyone's hurting right now cause of the economy, but I would rather spend a few more bucks and shop with the idea that I am more safely doing my shopping than it seems like risking my life for a $300 laptop or something like that.
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
29 Nov 08
This type of behavior is why I refuse to go to these types of sales. We are a fairly small town; but, even here there are fist fights and minor injuries. Our WalMart has police, mall security, and medical teams standing by when they open each year.
Personally, even if it was just a broken bone or other injury" I would have cared. These injuries may seem minor at the time; but, they can follow you through life and be the source of additional problems in the future.