i love my mom

November 29, 2008 6:35pm CST
I really need you idea here. I love my mom so much and I would want to give her a very, very special gift that would let her feel that she is indeed the best mom for me. I just can't think of what gift to give her. Please give suggestions.
5 responses
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
14 Aug 10
She is my best friend, to share and decide. Thats my best mom and she is unbeatable!I love her so much
• Philippines
30 Jan 09
hi, I would advice you to do some nailing thing personally to your mom, try to do manicure, and pedicure, dye her hair and beautify her, she will love it and will feel really the importance. Why not cook something of her favorite and sit with her say in a park with you alone.? make her feel that she is your queen of a mother. happy mylotting
• United States
30 Nov 08
The gifts that I treasure most from both of my daughters are handmade cards in which they wrote how they felt about having me as a mother. I can't imagine a better gift for your mother than something written in your own words about how special she is and why you believe that she is the very best mother you could have had.
@NaHCO3 (106)
• China
4 Dec 08
[i]if you have time ,to accompany her ...chat .. ..you cook ? [with you family to enjoy you cooking ] i think this is a good gift. i want to tell my mom : i am sorry . because my treason [/i]
• United States
30 Nov 08
Maybe something personalized like a writing a song specifically for her. Even if you can't sing. Mom's love that kinda stuff. Or give her, her own day. Pick a day that is all about her and what she wants.