Would you prefer somebody who is sexy with no brain or a smart overweight

@nimnim74 (250)
November 30, 2008 2:34am CST
Here in our country we all know that we always go for sexy (not in general), like for example the one who get hired first in the job are the sexy ones, number one in our qualifications is pleasing personality and we tend to label it to the body physique. most of our men goes for sexy women with no other qualifications at all aside from being sexy. In contradiction mostly overweight women even they have impressive background they are the last priority to be hired and only a few men in my observation would court an overweight women. How about you which among the two would you choose and why?
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25 responses
• Philippines
30 Nov 08
I think that preference does not apply to Filipinos but to other countries in the world. I had to blame the media for making all the buzz that women are desirable when they are sexy. When it comes to jobs, I strongly believe that beautiful ladies are not always hired at first site - except for those jobs where appearance really matters such as sales ladies and flight stewardesses. Other than that, most jobs that are offered to women does not really need to keep up on appearances. On courting overweight women, well this is a fact and biology has a lot to do with it. Women prefer men who are already stable in life, and men prefer women with beautiful bodies.
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• Qatar
30 Nov 08
well, yes, in some cases. They are looking or hiring for someone who has pleasing personality but not smart or totally fit in the said job. this case is really embarassing, ive seen lots of cases like this..... wel, its part of politics in one company..... i will choose an overweight smart candidate.... happy lotting!
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@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
30 Nov 08
Well you have to consider the position you are hiring for don't you? If you are hiring someone to perform a job that requires intellect, requires one to solve problems, requires intellectual curiousity, and the ability to learn; you are going to hire the smart candidate no matter what their appearance. If you are hiring someone to provide eye candy for your office who will not be required to perform any duties requiring intellectual capacity or learning ability you will hire the sexy candidate. On a personal level it is all about what you find attractive in a person. Individual tastes differ a great deal from person to person. Some of this is cultural and some is simply individual. Men and women differ a great deal in what they find attractive. Additionally, as we grow older and mature our tastes change, some of this is actually an issue of our hormones and some is just our intellect and emotional maturity. Finally, of course the media has a great deal to do with training our eye to accept certain and specific forms and structures as "beautiful" and to reject others. A mature / experienced person may actually have more than one standard of beauty and not realize it. They may find a model or movie star beautiful for example, following the line of media definition of beautiful, but in real life may select as their partner someone who is opposite of this standard. This selection will be different because it will be ranged on a broader set of needs or requirements that the person may not even be consciously aware of.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
30 Nov 08
I don't know about every field but in mine, which is technology, it doesn't matter how pretty or sexy you are, if you aren't qualified, you don't get the job. I have never ran into a situation where someone prettier was chosen over someone more qualified but I'm sure it happens. I would also think that it does not happen in the field of medicine or science. Keep this in mind, for every man who hires an employee based on her looks and sexiness, there is a boss he has to explain his decision to and if he hires too many bad employees who happen to be pretty women, he will find himself out of a job long before they will.
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• India
8 Dec 08
Its really depends on situation. sexy with smart is more preferable then sexy with no brain because sexy with no brain is only suitable in modelling agencies where sexy with smart suitable in corporate world
@bellebads (740)
• Philippines
30 Nov 08
if i were one of the guys i would choose the smart overweight because i'm more attracted to smart people whether she's pretty or not so pretty, sexy or fat. i love discussing a lot of things and i want my partner to give good ideas and nice opinion. if she's over weight i can enroll her in a weight loss program or offer her to pay for her lipo.lol
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
1 Dec 08
My wife is overweight. I still see her as beautiful woman. Being overweight does not mean that you are not sexy. You can be thin as a stick but if you don't have confidene you won't believe that you are beautiful and sexy. Sexy does not have to do with one's weight and appearence. It is the way you behave and how other see you. I prefer both a sexy woman with brains. © ronaldinu 2008
@robert19ph (4577)
• Philippines
2 Dec 08
[i]Hello nimnim74, I would prefer a smart overweight women who can do the job to hire. It is true that looks and personality has bearing in real life. If you have the looks and personality your chances of getting the job is much better than a smart overweight one. For me, I prefer to look at the qualification of each candidate and I will based my decision in there. I belong to more of a technical group and so we prefer people who can do the job well and on time. Regards.[/i]
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
1 Dec 08
I would probably prefer the smart overweight man, over a sexy stupid man. Sure the sexey man might be good for a little while, but I would tire of him quickly. I dated a beautiful man in college, a couple actually and they were both so dense, they didn't have a clue about most things and were constantly praising themselves. I was tired of both of them with in a couple of weeks. The man that my married was both handsome and inteligent, and I am lucky. Now he is a little over weight, but I don't mind. I like a little meat on my my men, and we still have great and wonderful conversations.
@thedaddym (1731)
• United States
1 Dec 08
My wife is also a little over weight, but I also think she is beautiful. She was not overweight when we met, but 3 children and 19 years of marriage and the years have added some pounds. She is still beautiful. And we also have wonderful conversations and humor between one another. If you plan on being with someone for the rest of your life there has to be a lot more there and than physical beauty.
@smiley83 (1534)
• Malaysia
1 Dec 08
hey, i don't know about it...but, usually the qualified people are the one who gets the job.. smiley,
@alyssa_c (440)
• Philippines
1 Dec 08
I'd prefer dealing with someone smart rather than an airhead. It would be totally frustrating ang pointless to have a conversation with someone you couldn't relate to, or who wouldn't be able to understand what you're trying to say. The way people define sexy varies from person to person anyway and looks can be improved, especially with the technology that we have today.
• Philippines
1 Dec 08
I always choose brain over a lot of things. If there is one thing I have always stood up for, it is that no matter how you look like, what matters is what you are capable of. I don't go for looks alone. Looks fade with time but what you have in your head will last a lifetime.
• Philippines
1 Dec 08
i think both but depend on the situation. For example in modeling cases they prefer those sexy men/women coz they were talking to the body in many angles. But in office intellegent is most required. But in some cases HRD is looking for pleasing personlaity to ba a company assets. Thats only my opinion.. Thnak's.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
30 Nov 08
Well, a lot of times when you look at things most of the time I think we all know that a lot of times it is better to deal with Brauns over Beauty. Just because someone might be Pretty or Sexy as you put it might not be the best choice for a relationship, work ethics, etc. as well. For me, I have learned that is just depends on what a persons mind set is overall as to which I would prefer most as well.
@pinklilly (3443)
• Australia
30 Nov 08
I would choose the one with brains who has a friendly nature.. i would prefer someone to be nice and down to earth than some stupid bimbo sorry lol didn't mean to say it like that... There are good looking smart women out there but it is true that a larger women who no doubt has a degree will get over looked if there was a blonde bombshell also applying for a job if ofcourse it was a male boss... Sad but unfotunately to oftenly True....
@gicolet (1702)
• United States
30 Nov 08
Sexy with no brain is an absolute disaster. Smart but overweight makes me wonder. If she's smart why did she let her body get overweight? Overweight is obesity. Obesity means you didn't care about your body...you just ate and gobble and swallow never minding the health risks like high cholesterol and heart disease. Not so smart at all if I may say. Just my opinion.
@Crizhant (187)
• Philippines
1 Dec 08
Hello. It's not being mean but it depends upon the situation. If I'm looking for a serious relationship and practicality then i'd choose the smart overwheight, if it's for just for a fun girlfriend then i'll choose the sexy with empty brain. :) But it would be much better if i'll have the sexy and brainy one. :)
• United States
30 Nov 08
Wow......what a question. When it comes to a job (if I was the one hiring) I would go for the less attractive one with the impressive background. Reason being is 1. their qualified. 2. if their less attractive, then they have less people in their face, distracting them with their work. so they get the job done & they get it done right. But, (and i hate to sound shallow) looks DO matter to alot of people. This was my opinion on the subject.
• United States
1 Dec 08
I personally would hire the more qualified person given they are in a healthy shape. I dont care if they are good looking or not will that help the company out in the long rune. The answer is no. The one that is smarter and a little more overweight would be the smarter choice. Unless they are so overweight that it may affect the work place and may be extremely bad for their health i may reconsider.