Do your kids believe in Santa?

United States
November 30, 2008 3:19pm CST
How old were they when they stopped believing, or when you told them the truth? My twins who are 6 still believe in Santa. I told my oldest when he was around 7, but I don't think he believed me. He's 11 now and he still talks about Santa as if he's real, sometimes I think he still believes. Did your kids ever believe in Santa, or are they going to once they're old enough to understand?
25 responses
• United States
1 Dec 08
My kids just turned 7yrs and 8yrs old a few days ago. They both still believe in Santa, although I think my oldest is starting to figure it out. I have not told either one of them that he doesn't exist though and I don't ever intend to tell them. I do not think it is necessary to tell them that Santa does not exist. Let them believe and enjoy the magic and wonderment of Santa for as long as they can, it adds to the fun for kids. In due time, they will come to realize on their own that Santa is not real. Think about it, a sleigh and reindeer that fly through the air? Santa comes down your chimney? He delivers billions of gifts in one single night?...Soon as enough, as your kids get older, common sense will kick in and they will realize all on their own that Santa does not exist. That is how I figured it out, no one ever told me that he wasn't real, I just came to realize it on my own. I liked that I found out that way because that way it was a gradual thing instead of sudden shock from someone just telling me it was all a lie one day. I think to let a kid figure out on their own, which they will, is a better way for them to find out then just tell them he is not real when they still fully believe in him.
• United States
1 Dec 08
If they came and asked me if Santa existed, and my 8yr. old did this year which is part of the reason that I think he is beginning to figure it out, I would/did ask them what they thought or believed. Then I would listen to them and then tell them to go with that and to always follow their instincts on matters such as that. You see if they always follow their instincts, common sense will still lead them to the truth in due time as they get older, but you never have to tell them that Santa does not exist before they realize it on their own, which means you don't have to risk breaking their heart or seeing them cry, and also that way you don't have to actually lie to them either. That's how it was handled with me when I was a kid and that worked out well for me, so that is how I am handling it with my kids as well.
• United States
1 Dec 08
So if they were to come and ask you if he existed, would you say yes or be honest? It's fine to let them believe as long as they can, that is when it's fun for them.
• United States
1 Dec 08
My kids did when they were little .They are grown now .so my grandkids don't any more ...They just enjoy christmass any way...
@camomom (7535)
• United States
2 Dec 08
Ther's not a Santa? What do you mean there's no Santa? OMG, I'm gonna have to call my mommy and ask her. I don't believe you!!!
• United States
2 Dec 08
LOL. I was 4 years old when I was told there was no Santa. I looked at my foster mom one day and said "You've never given me any presents". That's when she told me there's no Santa, no Easter Bunny, no Tooth Fairy. I didn't believe her either, I think she was just trying to take credit for their work.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
2 Dec 08
I don't believe you!!! I'm not listening!!! There IS a tooth fairy and an Easter Bunny and a Santa, There is, there is, there is.......She fibbed to you, She had too, She's so wrong......
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
1 Dec 08
My oldest is 6 and she still believes in santa. I'm going to let her go till she starts to question whether he exists or not. I don't remember when I stopped believing in Santa but I remember having to pretend for my younger sister. Maybe that is what your son is doing. I wouldn't want to give up believing either!
• United States
1 Dec 08
My son was around 8, and I think I told him flat out, he wasn't quite questioning it yet. Some years I've had to remind him there is no santa, because he honestly talks about him as if he's real. I assumed he'd know better by now. Oh well... he will eventually, why rush it?
@gemini_rose (16264)
15 Dec 08
My eldest was ten when he found out the awful truth that santa did not really exist, I felt so sorry for him he came down and caught me wrappin his presents. I dont think it will be long before my eight year old finds out the truth either, to be honest with you I will be relieved in a way because I hate lying to them about it.
• United States
15 Dec 08
I hear ya. Hubby and I are always catching ourselves talking about shopping and wrapping and buying gifts in front of the kids. It won't be long until they figure it out too.
@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
1 Dec 08
We have three kids. My oldest is seven and still a believer. Although she is beginning to suspect something. This is probably the last year for her. I'm not telling her until she asks questions other than how on earth Santa can make it around the world in one day. We covered that one last year and she got to explain it to her friends in school, lol. It's nice when they still believe. Oh, they grow up way too fast anyway;)
• United States
1 Dec 08
They do grow up way too fast. I wish they'd stay small forever.. sometimes.
• United States
14 Dec 08
I have 3 kids ages 6 , 4 and 8 months 6 and 4 yr old do not believe in santa. they never have. We have never had a lot of money we can get them 1 or 2 things for christmas , but thats okay with us and with them all they ask is that they get to see family on both days. We have had people say to them "if you are not a good little girl and boy then santa wont give you anything" since we don't have the extra to be santa we told them the truth. We didn't want them thinking they were bad just because santa didn't leave anything for them.
• United States
15 Dec 08
Was that ever a good idea! I admire what you're doing. I'm sure your children are going to grow up very appreciative of everything they have, and not materialistic like most of today's children are. That is a wonderful attitude to have about it.
@breezie (1246)
• Canada
30 Nov 08
My kids are 7 and 10 and both still believe. I am not in any hurry to tell them differently. Everyone seems to question that the 10 year old still believes, but she has reason to. Last year after our town parade they had a meet and greet Santa time. Each kid got their picture taken with Santa and recieved a gift. There were piles of Barbies and dolls (which my daughter dislikes) and the whole time in line she was dreading getting a doll. When it was her turn Santa gave her a board game set and since then she has been convinced. She said that only the real Santa would know she didn't like dolls when every other girl got a doll. To me if my kids still want to beleive that's fine. I remember the year I found out and how sad it was for me.
• United States
30 Nov 08
That's impressive that it worked out that way. This is a magical time in a child's life, so yes, cherish it for as long you can.
• United States
16 Dec 08
We do the Santa thing in our house. My son is 2.5 years old and he's started talking about Santa and saying Ho,Ho,Ho. It's cute! We are going to let him believe in Santa until he thinks otherwise. I'm not ever going to break the news to him...I'm going to let him do it on his own when the other kids start telling him.
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
30 Nov 08
My son who is now 30 would still believe in Santa if 'Santa? had not got caught that year 20 years ago Each year on Christmas Eve we left some snacks out for santa to eat when he got to our house and that particular year, when my son was 10, he left a note for Santa too. Santa was asked 'Do you really exist?' and he had to put a tick in a box beside either 'yes' or 'no' and sign the note. My son went to bed and in the morning went straight to the note and saw that Santa had ticked the 'yes' box and signed the note. My son was ecstatic! Sadly a few hours later that morning he found the scrap of paper where 'Santa' had practiced doing his signature He can still remember that day and has the memory of how sad he was but now, as a young man, realises what his parents did to keep the magic living for as long as possible
• United States
30 Nov 08
Aww. Well I guess he was going to find out anyways, as he was already questioning it. Not a great way to find out, that's forsure.
@shymurl (2765)
• United States
30 Nov 08
My oldest son who is eleven doesn't believe in Santa. My daughter who is nine still believes in Santa. My baby is three and he doesn't understand who Santa is and what he represents yet. I think a part of everyone no matter how old they are, still wants to believe a little bit, that there is a Santa.
• United States
30 Nov 08
I wish there was. That sure would make things easier on some of us!
@GreenMoo (11834)
7 Dec 08
I think my eldest son has known, or at least suspected, for a few years now. However, I told him the truth a couple of weeks ago as our Christmas this year will be a little different to his Christmases before. I think my youngest knows nothing about Christmas or Santa yet, so we'll just not say anything ....
@Anne18 (11029)
30 Nov 08
Well my 20 yr old doesn't but has had to believe because of the 11 year old and twins of 9. Was sure the 11 year didn't believe but he wasn't letting on as I think he thought that if he didn't believe he wouldn't get any gifts. Anyway I had a chat with him the other day as hubby and I couldn't decide what to buy him and thought that now he is bigger he would like to choose his own big gift, I told him my idea and hubby's idea and also told him to think about things his friends wanted for christmas etc. Anyway he chose my idea of a running machine as he wants to keep fit for football etc. I asked him if his twim sister and brother knew and he thinks one believes and one isn't sure, but he was made to promise not ot tell them that there is no Santa
• United States
30 Nov 08
Sometimes it's the parents who want to hold on to that belief more than the kids do. I find it easier when they know, especially when it comes to the tooth fairy. With my oldest I just hand him the money instead of trying to fish the tooth out from under his pillow.
• Canada
1 Dec 08
when i was a lil child, i didnt receive anything from Santa (because my parents didnt prepare the gifts ^^), so i thought Santa is not true. Otherwise i still hoped that one day i could see the miracle. i also argued with my friends that Santa was just in our imagination. My parents heard that, and from that Christmas, there was a very big Santa came to visit me every year. Later i know that he's actually my father. i love my parents so much!!
• Colombia
1 Dec 08
I was 4 years old when a think hapened in that christmas night. I was sleeping with my dad, we was spending the night at my grandfather home, because he was seek and my dad not to want to leave him alone specially in that night. Around midnight, I guess.., I hear a soft sound, like someone was walking trough the room and try not to make noise, I try to see who was...and I sow a figue of a person dressed in red color, like SANTA..I try to wake up my dad, but he just tell me in the middle of his sleeping...ok..ok...let back to sleep..and he hug me...but I try to see again the person, and I saw him in front of the bed and make a sign with his fingers like ..." be quit...don.t tell nothing..don.t worry..." and I was sure it was SANTA...the real one. So..when I had my kids I told him that story and they belive it was SANTA..
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
1 Dec 08
My kids believed in Santa up until about 3 yrs ago or so...I actually miss the whole playing Santa thing to be honest wiht you...
• China
1 Dec 08
Maybe ,the child isn't interested in santa,the toys from santa is the more importance thing.I Know from the movie and book that santa is acted by parents. oneday when they grow up,they will act a santa too.
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
1 Dec 08
I have a five year old son. Me and my wife have made it a point for our son to beleive in Santa Claus. It is really great for them to beleive considering that you can bring out the child in them as we have been brought up and as we have beleive when we were at the same age. In fact right now, our son is already very excited to recieved gifts from Santa.
@mjmlagat (3170)
• Philippines
1 Dec 08
Hi there! My younger kids ages 6 & 8 still believe in Santa but my teens don't anymore. I wish I could let them believe his existence forever but it seems impossible--they've grown already. Happy posting and Godbless!
• United States
1 Dec 08
you know what, i dont know if my four year old son believes in santa or not. he knows who santa is but he also know that i am the one who purchases all of his presents for him.
@etranger (126)
• India
1 Dec 08
right from birth if we teach them andd show them practically they have to belive it we elders will not belive but children will believe and theu will enjoy.