Knowing the gender of the baby before its born
By violeta_va
@violeta_va (4831)
December 1, 2008 12:39am CST
Did you knew what you were having before giving birth? If you did or didnt why? This is going to be child No2 for us and with our son we wanted to know (long story but basicly I had to have all the things for him before he was born) this time we decided not to know and to get a suprise. There are so little real suprises now days that we wanted to experience that. I admit not knowing is killing me but its fun at the same time. Now most people that ask me what I am having and when I tell them we dont know they always make such a fuss its unreal. Why do I have to deffend my choice and what difference does it make for me or them knowing what I am having. The other day a friend called and she went as far as to say well that is plain stupid if you ask me. Well first of all I didnt ask her she did and who cares. But it is happening a lot since I am obvius right now and people can see that I am pregnant and they are starting to ask me more often. Even if I knew the gender I dont have to tell the. I did that with my son as well I knew, my husband and his mother and my family no one else knew and that was fun.we are having so much fun with guessing the gender me and my nephew think its a boy, my husband, son, mother and sister think its a girl and the rest dont say anything.
Why do people have to know? I know its 21 century and we have the technology but we dont have to use it do we? what is wrong with not knowing? My parents didnt know and that didnt change a thing.
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6 responses
@JohnnysWife (204)
• United States
1 Dec 08
You have everything right not to find out the gender of the baby and every right not to tell people what the gender is going to be even if you knew!
My cousin has two children know and both of the kids were surprises. He and his wife wanted it that way because there is such little surprise that could happen when you give birth, so they wanted the gender of the baby to be a surprise!
For me personally, I don't think I could stand the suspense of not knowing myself! So I think my future husband will find out the gender--at least that's what we have discussed. Additionally, since I know my personality is very organized I think I would want to organize the new baby's room in all the colors that I want it to be in.. and gender plays into that because I don't just want yellow and green! :)
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
2 Dec 08
If I say that its not killing me not knowing I will be lying but I think that after my son where there was no suprise I would like to have one now. I dont intend to buy many things before the baby is born I have most of my sons things and they will do untill we get more. If its a boy then problem solved but if its a girl we are going to go buy more things. I plan on buying 2 outfits one blue and one pink for when the baby comes home and have them with me and the one that is not going to be used I will donate it.
@toosh21 (800)
• Australia
1 Dec 08
We didn't find out with either of my pregnancies as neither of us wanted to know. I know a lot of people that have found out and that's their choice & they do it for their own reasons - me...I don't believe you are meant to know...and we all know a surprise after all that is nice! LOL! We ended up with 2 boys and wouldn't have it any other way - actually I think I would be scared to have a girl now, LOL!
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
1 Dec 08
The worse thing that someone said was oh well if its another boy then the next one might be a girl. Like it matters and who said anything about a 3 child. I said back to her oh well I will wait till you have a boy (she has 2 girls 5 and 3 years). And I know what you are saying the idea of a girl is scary to me (but I would love one) after so many boys in the family (sister has 2 and I have 1) I dont know anything about girls.
@toosh21 (800)
• Australia
2 Dec 08
I know what you mean there! While I was prenant with number 2 my auntie said to me "I hope you have a girl to make the perfect little family"...I said my family will be perfect no matter what I have! A lot of people still ask us when we are going to try for a girl - I say I am happy with my 2 boys & will not be going back! LOL!
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
1 Dec 08
If you would rather be surprised that is your choice. People should respect it. You'll find out soon enough anyway.
With both of my kids I found out before they were born. I wanted to find out beforehand to prepare myself for their arrival. Though with my second son, I mostly wanted to find out to shut up my family. LOL Just about everyone, except my husband and I, kept saying it was going to be a girl. They said it so much it drove me crazy! LOL I didn't care what gender the baby was, so long as my baby was healthy. I joked around and told them it was going to be a boy, and guess what? I was right! LOL
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
1 Dec 08
Exacly they would find soon enough anyway lucky its only 9 months not 3 years :)))) its our choice and they should respect it. Most of the people that say things are people that should not even care that I am expecting like mothers at my sons school.
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
3 Dec 08
Nowadays in my home country a lady can get a private gender scan done as early as 16 weeks pregnancy. Some hospitals will tell the gender at the national health service scan at 20 weeks pregnancy. In my first pregnancy I wasn't able to find out the gender. I thought he was a boy and he certainly is. Now he is 13 years old. In my second pregnancy I wanted a girl and had a private gender scan at 16 weeks. I was so sad when I was told is was a boy. I hoped they were wrong, but at the 20 week scan I got a hint of the gender. It took me days to get used to having a second boy. I bought clothes for him and looked forward to after his birth. Then at 36 weeks I was told he had spina bifida and that was so upsetting. He was born at home, went to a special care baby unit for three weeks and they patched him up with 2 operations. he is a lovely 18 month old boy now. I do still dream about having a daughter one day. Good luck and most people want to know the gender but some leave it for the surprise.
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
4 Dec 08
That is one more reason I dont want to find what it is. I will be disapointed as well if its a boy because I want a little girl not that I would not love the boy and also my son would love a sister. This way when I give birth I dont care what it is when you see the tiny person you cant help but love it. Oh and we had our 20 weeks scan yesterday and we still dont know the gender but I cried a lot looking at it it so cute (the baby sucked its thumbs and we have 4 pictures of it and dvd). I am so glad that your boy is doing fine now and good luck on the girl thing.
@satishvarma142 (302)
• India
1 Dec 08
its not possible here in india,,its against law knowing baby gender before here people dont try knowing gender..male or female its our baby..
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
1 Dec 08
I know that about India and I think its a good idea because of the amount of girls that have been aborted not that it stops the bad things after they are born. But yes boy or girl they are our kids and we should love them no matter what.
@ayu_puteri (261)
• Malaysia
1 Dec 08
actually i like to know before giving birth at least 7-8mth..this is for their preparations..i dont want doing it at the last time and in hurry...
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
1 Dec 08
I dont get it do you want to know 7-8 before giving birth or 7-8 month pregnant? I have most things from my son and the baby will be fine that is another reason we dont want to know.