starcraft 2 coming out soon!!!!picture of protoss and terran here!!

picture of starcraft 2 taken with protoss against  - thats a picture of protoss and terran. you see clearly a good graphic at the first look. units are highly detailed and and more impressive than the first starcraft. i can't wait to play the game.
December 1, 2008 1:51am CST
they are coming out soon for sure but when is soon. what i heard about starcratf 2 is that they finished(3 races in stracraft 2:zerg. protoss, terran. for those who don'tknow) terran and protoss definitions(all the grapghic design including close view of the selcted unit). but its only zerg that it is taking too much time because zerg units got like 2000 definitions each(you can see the outside veins. briefly lots of graphic descriptions when have a close view of the unit.). all these takes lots of time and i am very impatient to play the game and what about you?anything you heard so far about starcraft 2. in starcraft my prefered race is protoss cause for me its the most powerful race. i don't know about you, what i can say is that protoss got that shield which acts as a secondary hit points and their units are really powerful as everytime. give me your gossips about starcraft2 and also you prefered race. thanks!!!!
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