Midnight Sun

@dinkle (67)
United States
December 1, 2008 12:55pm CST
Hey! So after all the horrible internet leaks, etc. It turns out Stephenie Meyer is going to publish Midnight Sun, a retelling of the first Twilight book from the perspective of Edward. I for one am EXTREMELY excited about this, and yet I still have some weird things tagging at the back of my mind. For example, how will she write in all the thoughts Edward hears? With all the questions nagging in the back of my mind, I'm sure you have a few as well. So share your theories, possible answers to the theories, or anything else about Midnight Sun!
5 responses
• Philippines
8 Dec 08
I've already read it. Its on her site. Sadly, she only posted 12 chapters. The best way to read it? Read it alongside the first book.hahaha
• Philippines
8 Dec 08
Haha! I thought of that too. LOL
• Philippines
15 Mar 09
Hurray, it is good to know Stephenie Meyer will still continue the book, i hope she posts it fast, please let us know where to grab a copy of Midnight Sun once it is out online or in bookstores =) thanks!
@grace24 (1050)
• Philippines
1 Dec 08
really? if is that true wow...this something to be awaited...im also excited about this..in twilight it is all about thoughts of bella and now, in the midnight sun..it is all about edward..i cant wait..im excited..
@jlamela (4898)
• Philippines
8 Dec 08
I also heard that Stephenie Meyer is going to publish this book. Well, I will be very excited and look forward to read the book, and no weird things creeping up inside my brain, because afterall, Twilight is a fiction book and Stephenie Meyes is the creator of Edward Cullen, when she decided to write Midnight Sun from the perspective of Edward, she knows what to write and how the story will run. Of course if you are the creator of such books and its characters you will surely know what will happen, including reading the minds of your creatures, after all this is fiction and anything can happen in this category depending on what the writer thinks, she has her own rule to follow anyway. But Meyer's book is so very interesting and extraordinary, her vampire concept changed the landmark of horror and suspense flicks. It was so great!
• Philippines
10 Dec 08
yah!!! got it!!! well ...