Would You Sue Your Friend For a Scratch On Your Car?
By ladym33
@ladym33 (10979)
United States
December 1, 2008 3:40pm CST
I work at home and often have the TV on as I am working. Judge Judy is on at the moment, and there was a case where one friend was suing another because when she went to visit her friend when she was ill the friends dog ran ran up to the car to greet her, and the dog jumped up on the car and caused a small scratch on the car. The lady whose dog did the jumping said that her friend did not say anything to her at that time, but came back 3 weeks later with an estimate for the scratch. That was her defense which held no water.
The thing that gets me is that this was a little scratch. Would you end a friendship over a little scratch on your car. This was not a brand new car. If a friends dog scratched my car with a little scratch I might be slightly annoyed but I would just say forget about it, there are other scratches on the car anyways, as there are on all cars eventually. I would not risk a friendship due to a little scratch and I think this lady was being really petty for sueing.
So if you were the lady who got the scratch on her car would you have sued your friend, or would just let it go?
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20 responses
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
1 Dec 08
oh gosh no, I watch that show also and i think they would sue anybody over anything, in fact there is no way I would go on TV and make a fool of myself over even the largest amount Judge Judy can award which i think is $5,000....I would rather put that all down to an expensive mistake... i think I would end up ingaol if judge judy spoke to me in the way she speaks to some people...

@Prudence62 (4)
• Canada
2 Dec 08
I wouldn't sue. Mainly because if it's my friend I'm visiting, I probably already know what the dog is like. Also, it's such a petty thing to sue over, that it's just a waste of time. Who needs that extra dose of headache in their day? Lastly, scratches are EASY to fix, all it takes is a little sanding and some touch-up paint, and knowing my friends , the individual would be glad to help out/fix the scratch for me.
@gitfiddleplayer (10362)
• United States
1 Dec 08
I would have gotten a shovel and..... sounds like the friendship was a conditional one at best. I've got a funny story though. I had a friend who bought a new Nissan Maxima and he went to see one of his friends who lived on a farm. He parked the car and went inside to visit, his kids interupted the two men speaking saying, "Dad, come look at the funny goats!" over and over. The dad shooed them away and kept visiting, they came back again and said, "Dad, Harry, come look at the funny goats!" So the two men got up and went to see the funny goats, there were two goats standing on my friends hood of his new Nissan Maxima, he yelled at them to get off as he headed towards his car. It scared them and they ran to get away but the hood was slippery so their hooves scratched the hood all up. Moral of the story, just look at the funny goats, don't scare them off your hood.
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@gitfiddleplayer (10362)
• United States
1 Dec 08
He just let it go, I think he did eat one of the goats though, I'm kidding.
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@misscarin1983 (81)
• Canada
2 Dec 08
if it was my friend,hopefully she would offer to pay for it,i'd probably say don't worry about it,but she should still offer,it's the principal of the thing.I would offer to pay for it if it was my dog.If she did'nt say anything i'd be pretty peeved
and would say something.But i would not sue over something that petty!
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@baileycows (3665)
• United States
1 Dec 08
Well if they were really my friend then they would have paid for it out of court. But have you ever seen the disclosure at the end of Judge Judy about how they pay both people to appear on the TV show. I feel that people just take their stuff there to get the money and Judge Judy has a show. They argue and sue over the stupiest things. What happened to normal people?
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@katemeow (847)
• Singapore
2 Dec 08
i would definitely let it go! why would i allow a small scratch to ruin our friendship! and by the circumstance that you have described, it was purely accidental! If it was something that was purposely done then maybe i would have second thoughts but seeing that it was caused by a dog i would just let it slide.
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@Porcospino (31365)
• Denmark
2 Dec 08
I sure wouldn't sue my friend if something like that ever happens to me. I think it is ridiculous. It was a accident and when you have a dog or another animal something like that might happen, that is just the way it is. I love animals more than I love my car and I don't care about a scratch. I wouldn't even mention the scratch to my friend, I would just forget about it. There are other scratches on the car anyway.
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
1 Dec 08
NO WAY That is stupid, that she got upset over this dog leaving a scratch like that.. If I were the other lady, she she much better off without that friend..
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
1 Dec 08
She was being petty but on the other hand the lady should have offered to pay for it in the first place.
I have a friend who has a son the same age as mine. Her son was responsible for my son breaking his arm on the school playground. It wasn't malicious. My son wanted to jump off the jungle gym and the other kid, thinking he would get hurt, tried to stop him. My son fell and the result was a broken arm. In all rights I probably could have sued his mother, but it was an accident and the kid thought he was doing the right thing. In the end I told him "Next time Kristoffer wants to jump, let him jump." That was it and we're still friends.
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@di1159 (1580)
• United States
2 Dec 08
Of course not! You can probably purchase a touch up paint through the dealer which I'm sure the dog owner would have ppaid for. It's frivolous lawsuits of that nature that clog up the judicial system in the first place. I wouldn't do it nor would I televise it on tv to give others fuel for the fire. If I was the judge I would have the case thrown out.
@gemini_rose (16264)
2 Dec 08
I would probably be a bit cross but I certainly would not end a friendship because of a scratch that is just ridiculous! I sometimes watch Judge Judy, it can be quite amusing at times, but it seems to me that everyone wants to sue someone else these days over really silly things.
@Liveon17 (81)
• United States
2 Dec 08
Defiantly not, My friends dog jumps up on my car all the time but I'd never consider suing I mean seriously that so stupid, I have a dent in my car because of a friend and even then I didn't say anything about it. If it was a brand new car I might ask for an apology but thats all. People like that are just money hungry f***'s with no life and don't deserve friends, hopefully all their other friends told them goodbye.. lol
That sh*t is just crazyyyy
@hmkoct5 (2065)
• United States
10 Dec 08
I would not sue my friend over a small scratch on my car. I would never have even told her about the scratch. Petty things like that are not worth ruining a friendship over. I would let it go and move on. There is no reason to do that to a friend. Her dog didn't have malicious intent!
@dookie03 (578)
• United States
2 Dec 08
Yea it's a car, it's inevitable that it's going to get messed up over the years, even the smallest of scratches. I bought my very first new car in 2004 and i babied it like the first 6 months and then after that it's been all down hill. I've had door dings and dents and scratches all over. I mean it's still in great shape but there's scrathes now. I've never had an accident with it so it's in awesome shape but has scratches. It's just normal for a car to get them so your just simply doomed in owning a car.
@rayesht (36)
• Indonesia
2 Dec 08
That condition is simply a mental illness of someone with Uncontrolled emotion. I once have that same accident that my parked motorcycle was hit by another motorcycle and break the rear glass. The parking men is actually furious about it. he force the one who hit me to give money for repairing it but me myself I find it thankful that he doesn't hit my motorcycle while I'm on it so that I'm actually in an unharmed condition, and that would be enough than asking him for money, I simply let him go.
@oldboy46 (2129)
• Australia
2 Dec 08
Some people are really strange, well it seems they are anyway. I am wondering why neither of the women mentioned this at the time the dog jumped up and scratched the car. Surely the car owner/visitor realised her car had been scratched just as the dog owner probably should have realised the same thing.
How one earth could anyone really be sure that this was when the car was scratched if nothing was said? I mean cars can and do get scratched in all sorts of places (shopping centre car parks is a major contributor to scratches on cars) and all sorts of ways as well.
If I had been in that position, it would depend on how badly the car was damaged as well as the condition it was in before the dog scratched it. Certainly to wait for 3 weeks before contacting a friend to request payment is an excessive amount of time.
A scratch I could live with but if it was major damage ($1000 +) then I would probably be asking for a contribution towards the cost. If the cost was high enough to warrant making a claim on our insurance, then they would take action to recoup the money from the "other party". We could not afford to pay for repairs to our vehicles as we simply do not have the money to do so, but maybe if the friend was able to help with the cost of repairs, we could avoid going through our insurance.
Certainly a small scratch which is not expensive to repair is not worth ruining a friendship over.
@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
2 Dec 08
I can definitely say that I would not. My best friend's son rammed the back of my van and damaged it pretty good. I didn't say anything about it, the van is not in the greatest shape (but still runs good!) We did not report it to insurance because she had just wrecked it a couple weeks earlier and had just gotten it back from being repaired. If it were a newer car, I would of asked her to call insurance. I wouldn't expect anything of her that I wouldn't do.
That lady was just being petty. How silly to end a friendship over something like that. Sounds like she isn't the type of "friend" you would want to have anyways!
@applefreak (3130)
• Singapore
2 Dec 08
sometimes i really cannot believe the things people do. to actually come up with an estimate for the scratch is bad enough. to take the matter to the court is even worse. the best part will have to be the court accepting the case.
i don't really own a car as my partner owns one. getting a scratch is not the best thing that can happen to us but i won't do anything about a scratch. even if i see a stranger who cause a scratch to our car, i won't do anything as long as it's unintentional. to do that to a 'friend' means this person is not actually a friend. 

@sid556 (30953)
• United States
2 Dec 08
Absolutely not. I actually only have a couple of very close friends and we are close enough that such a thing never would have gone to Judge Judy. As for casual aquaintances......answer remains the same. Of course, the obvious is that the friend should take care of the damage. If they did not, I'd probably just chalk it up to that is the type of person this person is.
@vera5d (4005)
• United States
2 Dec 08
it doesn't sound like she is a very good friend!!
Really, if she's that upset about it, she should file it with her insurance company. If anything, the friend could offer to pay the deductible. But if something petty like that can come between friends and escalate to being something where you go yell at each on tv...chances are the friendship is not one worth saving!
@PrincessKitten (790)
• United States
2 Dec 08
Hi ladym33,
My car has been scratched a couple of times due to my encounteres with my friends and no, I don't even mention it to them, I just get some touch-up paint and, well, touch-it-up if it's that bad.
For what this person is paying in lawyer fees and court costs, she could have probably had the car repainted!
Happy MyLotting!