C-section and problems
@pimpsterque999 (227)
United States
December 1, 2008 7:28pm CST
If you read my previous article you know i had my second child by c-section. I dont know if the dr was careless or if im just having a really unlucky time but last sunday november 24th i had bent over to put my new born daughter in the bassinet when something felt like it was running down my leg. As i am walking to the chair to grab a blanket to cover the baby my sister says jen whats on the bassinet? I said i dont know i think my bladder broke ( i thought i had a UTI or urinary bladder infection) she said it looks like blood. i said i dont know so i went to the bathroom. Needless to say i had on black pants so you couldnt tell what was going on. I sat down and went to the bathroom but i felt like i couldnt stop peeing. so after a few moments i yelled at my mom "somethings wrong i cant stop peeing" she said oh my god..i said what my sister walks in oh jen im still confused im like WHAT?? i stood up and beneth me is a pool of blood. My mom is throwing clothes on my sister is on her knees and shes trying to mop up the blood. My mom hands me a towel and i put it on my incision and i throw my nightgown on and we head to the er (emergency room). i call the obgyn on the way and let her know what is going on we get to er they are unsure what to do with me so they wait for the dr to arrive. the dr has me go thru a cat scan to make sure my uterus and facia have healed over and thankfully they had. But where is the fluid coming from why am i leaking so bad. i was admitted to the hospital and had to stay over night for observation. Well its been a week since all the ruckus. Im healing fine apparently they only push the uterus a couple times to get the fluid out needless to say they didnt get all the fluid out of me. Im still draining and probably will for some time but i feel better and im doing better the incision has to heal from the inside out. I got weighted today i had 21 lbs of fluid in my stomach area between my uterus and my skin in the fatty layer. Hopefully this all goes well and heals well. the fluid makes your skin feel like rubber its almost a waxy feeling but its finally going away. i go back to the dr in a week, there is no smell to it now but the original smell was of labor and the fluid was actually blood and amniotic fluid so i wasnt bleeding to death. i was very lucky to have caught it when we did so i didnt get a massive infection, not that im in the clear but things are looking very well. hopefully my luck will change and things will continue to get better.
2 responses
@lumenmom (1986)
• United States
2 Dec 08
I am definitely not an expert on this but I can say that when I had my c-section the doctors put in a tube down near my groin for me to drain. So I am thinking that maybe drainage itself can be normal but it should have been channeled in a way so that it would come out differently than it did.
@bellamommy (192)
• United States
2 Dec 08
Ouch, that sounds so painful. I am not sure of whether that is normal or not, but I know I had problems as well. My staples got twisted up somehow, and I think I have some nerve damage.
@doulaworks (1079)
• United States
2 Dec 08
I am sorry to hear that this happened to you. It must have been very scary for you. it is unfourtanly one of those things that can happend after a major surgery. it isnt any thing that the Dr did wrong, it is just how your body didnt adgjust to the healing. It sounds like the fluid mixed with the blood built up and had to go some where and the incisions being the outlet that was not yet completly healed and the damn just broke so to speak.
some women develop hemotoma's after c sections, (or other surgery like tummy tuck or tubal) and it can take months to resolve. the key is keep it as clean and dry as possible, and keep your Dr aprised to any changes, such and excessive leakage, bright red blood flowing or seeping, fever, or such. in the mean time try not to pick up anything including your baby. (have some one hand the baby to you to feed or hold) REST, EAT WELL, DRINK FLUIDS, and REST. yout body is recovering from not only birth, but major surgery, and now a complication that could heal with no issues or take a while (only time will tell). Continue your prenatal vitamins and did I mention REST. (new mommies need to be made reminded to rest) the fluid may build up again and need to be drained, (that is unsually done out patient and is not really that painful) Please Take good care of your self, let others help as much as possible and hug that new baby lots!!
and p.s. rest.... :-) Be Well,