Muslim women
By Banksey
@Banksey (12)
United States
December 2, 2008 4:32pm CST
Hello and thanks for reading,
I wanted to discuss the issues of women in Islam. Many people falsely believe that men are greater than women in Islam. Many also falsely believe that muslim women are treated like slaves or mistreated compared with muslim men.
Quran 3:195- "I never fail to reward any worker among you for any work you do, be you male or female - YOU ARE EQUAL TO ONE ANOTHER."
Muslim females in politics:
Four out of five of the most populous muslim-majority countries have had or have female leaders. Indonesia has a female president. Pakistan had a female prime minister - Benazir Bhutto. Bangladesh and Turkey also have female prime ministers.
Society has the right to set it's own rules regarding dress codes based on the values of its citizens. Some Islamic societies have mandatory hijab (body and hair covering) laws such as Iran and Saudi Arabia, but many other Islamic societies do not have these laws. Even America has laws like this for example it's illegal to walk around topless in public.
What do you think about Muslim women in today's world?
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15 responses
@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
2 Dec 08
Whatever the Qu'ran says and what happens in the real world are two different things. Cultural norms and mores have a lot to do how women in Islamic countries are treated. I do not believe they are equal no matter what anyone says. For instance in inheritance they are only worth half of the male offspring. It is a falacious argument to compare going topless with the code of having to cover up from head to toe in hot climates and being whipped or imprisoned if failing to do so. No one in America forces anyone to go topless, while women in Iran and Saudi Arabia are forced to suffer in the heat under their black coverings. There is also the matter of female circumcision. I read on one Islamic site that it is not mandatory but "an honour". How many little girls would want the honour of being cut by an old woman with a filthy razor blade.
The Qu'ran also permits women to be beaten by their husbands "when they deserve it" Who decides they deserve it. The cowardly instructions also specify the thickness of the rod and where the strikes can be administered. Ha, ha, do real men do this? They can only hit her where it does not show. Real men!
One story I read recently shook me to the core. I wish there was a way we could help these poor girls. This was the story of a little girl in Yemen who was married off to a 30 year old man when she was nine years old even though her father had promised her she could go to school and grow up normally. Aparently there girls can be married off at any age but it is the decision of the husband when the marriage will be consumated. Well, when she was 10 her husband raped her night after night after he chased her through the compound where they lived in his extended family. What was his mother doing to block out the screams of the poor little waif? eating chips and watching TV?
Eventually one of her father's wives whom she called auntie told her that women could get a divorce in Yemen.
She stole some money from her husband and under great danger got on a bus to go downtown to the court house. She was risking arrest and beatings because she travelled alone. She sat in the court house all day until a compassionate judge agreed to see her. He wanted to grant her a rest of two or three years from her husband. She told him no, so this judge matched her up with a female lawyer who took on her case free of charge. She is now divorced and back in school. I saw her picture and it broke my heart. This has bothered me ever since. How many girls like that are there?
Supposedly the prophet Mohammed married his last wife when she was 7 years old and according to her own diaries he consumated the marriage when she was 9 years old.
Well, I guess by now you know what I think.
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@Banksey (12)
• United States
3 Dec 08
Hello, thanks for your response.
Female circumcision is not an Islamic practice. It's not found in the Quran or authentic hadiths. I haven't heard of any sheikhs that recommend this. One modern sheikh says it should be totally banned in Islam because of the compelling evidence of extensive damage it causes to women's bodies and minds.
Beating women is not an Islamic practice either. The prophet has repeatedly stated that we should not beat women. He says, "Do not beat the female servants of God." Also he said, "Some (women) visited my family complaining about their husbands beating them. These husbands are not the best of you."
@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
5 Dec 08
Hi there,
I was not making this up. I read the passage myself about the thickness of the rod that can be used to beat the wife. Check it out it is there. I do not want to imply that Muslim men beat their wives more often than non Muslims but if they do they commit no sin. Now, I suppose the Qu'ran is much like the bible, it is full of contradictions. Some scholars will emphasize this passage or that passage. About female circumcision, the passage I quoted was from an Islamic website that I visited on a number of occasions. I agree with you, it is detrimental to a woman's health and causes many problems in life, nevertheless it is practiced in some Islamic countries. I know it is forbidden in North America.

@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
3 Dec 08
I dont know what you are trying to say to be honest. How is not been able to make any decision equal? Wen can easily divorce a women but women have to go to hell and back to divorce a men. How is "children belong to the father" been equal? How is not even been registered that you were ever born equal or not geting education. How is been married without consent and very young been equal? I dont care if that is what Islam is about or if its tradition or colture but this thing are normal in Islamic Countries.
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
2 Dec 08
I think a lot of what the muslim men say in the media are the ones that give the impression that women are of lesser value...there are many things that have been revealed in the media by muslim women here in Australia that also give the impression they are supressed in life...I guess there are different behavours in differnt areas of Muslim people and some are living in a lifstyle that many women of today just would not...
@bhag570 (109)
• India
3 Dec 08
If muslim women are equal and you are following the same, then why Mulim women wear BURKA or coverup completely.
By Nature, women wants to show the world, how beautiful she is and to dress up, where jewelery and adorn herself beutiful. This is the art she is perfect and this is her nature. If so, then why Muslim women clad themselves with BURKA and go against their nature? Even If they can not defend their natural expression, then how come they are equal to Men?

@tabdikarim (7)
• United States
8 Jan 09
I am a Muslim woman who wears the Burka (veil) and I was a Christian before who used to "naturally" show the world everything I had. No one forced me to wear the veil, my husband even disagrees with it. I have every right to dress up, but I save it for when I go to parties with women. You can say I have the best of both worlds.
Men do have a dress code. In fact the men are told first how to behave in the Quran before the women in surah An-Nur verses 30-31. "Tell the believing men to LOWER THEIR GAZE..." and then "Tell the believing women to LOWER THEIR GAZE..."
Men are to be covered from the navel to below the knees (minimum) they must not have their shoulders bare while praying, their clothes must be loose, they must not look like female clothes, and not transparent. Men also are encouraged to wear a beard and wear a cap (kufi) however, most men do not observe this in western countries. Perhaps, the muslim woman in many circumstances is the stronger believer? Allah knows best.
Last but not least, EQUAL does not mean the SAME.
MEN cannot have babies. They also have more testosterone and less estrogen. Mentally (Emotionally) men are different but one is not better that the other the sexes are complementary.
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
3 Dec 08
Although Islam in principle does value women as much as it does men, it doesn't give women the same amount of rights that it does men. For instance, men can marry outside of Islam and women can not (because men are the head of the household and decide their child's religion), men can marry more than one wife but women cannot marry more than one husband... that being said, the Koran also gives women certain rights that men don't have, for instance, women have the right to a dowry at their marriage, and women do not have to fast during Ramadan on their period (not exactly sure if this is a right but it sure is convenient).
Men have often abused the Koran for the poor treatment of women. In fact it was only recently that women were even allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia. I do believe that there is great need for reform regarding gender in some Muslim countries. And I don't believe that it is right to enforce hijab dress codes, nor do I think it is right to forbid women from wearing hijabs, not only are hijabs not 100% decided upon as necessary in Islam but the fact that you are relating showing your hair and neck to showing your genitals is ridiculous, I have many friends who are Muslim women who choose not to wear a hijab and they should have that right.
My husband is Muslim (I am a Christian) and grew up in a Muslim country and I have learned a lot from him about how women are treated in Morocco. The women in your family should be loved and respected and defended. However there is still this sense of women as the homemaker, the one to cook dinner every night and serve their husbands and guests, the one to accept the mans decisions as the final decision. I think that this is because women in Morocco actually DO these things without complaints because that is just how life is! They enjoy serving their families and their guests. They even accept their husband's decisions regardless of who is making the money in the family.
But physical abuse should definitely not be tolerated and often isn't in Muslim countries.
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• India
2 Dec 08
I would like to have a clarification why is it said that to bear witness even if it were for sighting the Eid Moon ONE man or TWO Women are required?
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
3 Dec 08
you may be right. however, it is subjective.
the fact is, laws within islamic countries still favour the man over the woman.
in Iran, for example, 2 woman witness' are equal to one man.
in afghanistan, stoning for not bleeding on the night of your wedding still happens.
no verse in the quran can justify what is happening...
@tabdikarim (7)
• United States
8 Jan 09
The situation where two women equal one man is on financial contracts only. However, governments extended this to other matters. As a woman before having children I know now that my mind is too preoccuppied with other matters juggling many things in the air at once to remember silly matters such as who owes who what. I am perfectly fine with this rule. The Quran also states that two women are equal to one man so one can remind the other, nothing else.
@salam1 (1474)
• Malaysia
19 Jan 09
I am not talking about Islam rule, because Islam is too beautiful and still beyond my grasp..
But, there are logic about the difference between man and woman:
1. You should give woman flowers but not man
2. Woman look great when bellydancing but not man
3. Man can climb tree with no issue but maybe not for woman
4. woman can cry whenever she wants to but man would hesitate to do it
5. Woman looks great with lipstick and eyeshadow but man looks like clown with them
6. Woman has chance to pregnant but man never will
7. Man drives car with confident but woman drive car with dent
8. woman deliver boys and girls but more boys among noble prize winner
9. Man cook, woman cook but one never forget food prepared by mum
10. Woman looks good on miniskirt but man take a good look only
11. Man can be a butcher woman rather be a teacher
So, man and woman are different, and in Islam they are treated differently.
The sentence banksey quoted above is about the equal reward given to each 'worker' whether it is man or women.
If one knows the whole package that Islam provides for woman (e.g., family's/husband's protection, love, and guidance) one would find that woman gets a fair share!
@hbailla (32)
• Morocco
21 Dec 08
peace be upon you
first of all , islam doesn't claim that a men is better than a woman , but none can neglect that there is many differences between men and women , and because God who created these differences had sent a message that glob all this and give a high value to the woman .
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
3 Dec 08
I personally feel that the misconception comes because of the male dominated Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other Persian gulf countries, where women did not have the right to go alone, or drive or even vote, and the men were allowed to have 4 wives.Naturally the world thinks that the Muslim women have very little rights and are not treated as equals...but i am sure that now with more Muslim women getting educated and taking up high posts, things are bound to change
@faizi1 (157)
• Pakistan
3 Dec 08
my dear
you are absoulatly right that every man and women is equal in islam GOD says that you did'nt appricate black man as a white and as a white on black GOD saya that every man and women is equal for me and its my right that how i make our people
well the hijab is necessary for all the muslim womens because the hijab's order is come from ALLAH and we have to right that we obey the ALLAH order which is most merciful thnak you
@oppofwar (46)
• India
3 Dec 08
I dont agree that women under islam are not mistreated , as the islamic society is ruled mostly by imams who are male ,they make the rules,exteremist makes every woman to wear burqas and they are mistreated if they dont wear it.Imams want to dominate the society has a whole they keep on issuing fatwas making mockery of constitution and law.
I have some straight questions regarding islam...
if man are allowed to marry more then 1 woman ,why not the reverse???
Why woman(especially unmarried) are forced to wear veil(burqas)???
also i have seen with my own eyes ,my friend she is a muslim and is not allowed to wear jeans. In the the present world of globalization it looks weird???
@tabdikarim (7)
• United States
8 Jan 09
As a Muslim woman.. I can shed some light on this issue. First, people who have questions on this subject should ask a Muslim woman if you see her, I am sure she would be happy to comment. Sure women are oppressed in the world mostly the third world, this is not only an Islamic issue. Secondly, I am against forcing anyone to wear anything they don't believe in; however, I do believe the dress should respect the customs of the land. Such as, no topless women in the US and no barelegged women in India. I believe one of the problems with Muslims today is that the women and men have things forced upon them and they do not have the chance to understand why they should do it. Then when they are away or among friends they act in a wrong manner even to the extent of following crazy Al-Qaeda.
The issue with a man marrying up to 4 wives... The Quran is the only religious book where it states that you should marry only one and gives a limit to four. Historically men have been the ones to fight on the battle fields and are the bread winners. Should a women become a widow, she looses her support and as time has shown, puts her into a dangerous situation such as prositution and vulnerability in general. It is better to be a wife than a mistress because you have rights. In America a man may have one wife, but how many girl friends he has.. the sky is the limit. By the way, all the prophet Muhammad's wives, with the exception of Aisha, were widows.
There are also conditions for having more than one wife. You must treat them all equally. You can not ignore the others. Secondly, when a marriage is taking place the first wife has the right to ask in the marriage contract that she be the only wife. A woman has the full right to oppose any marriage, there is no compulsion. To become a second wife sometimes has its economic benefits. A woman in Senagal said she decided to become a fourth wife because it allowed her to have children and further her career in the government.
As a married woman... I can definately say I am happy with one husband. I would not like any more thank you. I cannot think of any woman that would. Besides men are terriorial in general... I can picture it now.. men brawling over who's night it is to have the wife. Again, a woman can only be pregnant once at a time. And clearly there is a shortage of men to women.
Burqas: I proudly wear one.. In a western country. And no one forced me. Yes, I wear jeans under them as well. Weird is in the eye of the beholder, my friend. Perhaps if we all got to know one another it wouldn't be so. I have convereted to Islam after careful self-study. (Most converts to Islam are women by the way) I picked my husband after I converted. I chose to wear the face veil after marriage. Black is not a mandate. I wear pink, green, white, brown, blue, red, purple, magenta. One day I will find a flower one God willing;). Honestly, I feel liberated because no one is judging me except by my behavior and intellect. Sure, people are looking at me as a Muslim, but I am not ashamed, nor should any Muslim. I currently attend college in the US and am working toward my Medical degree all the while covered head to toe (4.0 GPA).. The veil doesn't prevent me from prospering. What prevents others from prospering is lack of education and this is a widespread problem in all 3rd world countries today. When we all stop belittling others because of their faiths, races, or by what they wear and start uplifting others through education the world would be a safer and happier place.
I pray for all of us to realize our fellow humanity.
@oppofwar (46)
• India
8 Dec 08
Dont you think Hijab is made by mullah and not allah. Terrorist do bad things and also say the same "its the will of allah" ,If you will follow the hijab every non muslim is a kafir and he should be eliminated ,time is for globalization and not becoming and following radical rules or religion.
@lorraine27 (271)
13 Feb 09
as a woman married to a muslim man i feel vey happy and loved. my husband works very hard and lond hours sometimes. so i feel happy taking care of him. as he would do for me when i get home late from work.his family are great with me. however when his mum came to say with us for two mouths i found it very hard. as she was very controlling, she would go around my house and move or change things she did not like when i was out. this really upset me greatly as i have a lovly home. i moved the items back, but she would still move little things. she would even hide things, like pictues of people she did not get on with. not my life is happy with my husband and the rest his family. but i feel worryed now about the furture between myself and his mum. and what would happen if we had children. do you have anything to tell me that may help, as i am new to islam but belive in God greatly, thanks
@piya84 (2580)
• India
3 Dec 08
all religion are equal and carry good messagge only..but ground situation is different...and i dont think s its something related to faith..i think its related to economic conditions...when u r financaily independent ..naturaally women get confidence to protech their right/interest.
U are giving exaple of pakistan and idea of indo but in pakistan in cities women have gr8er freedom but intribal area conditiosn are simply horrible...many girlz get married around 14-15 of age..dat to arrange marriages..n nt there choice but its tradition wich has to follow.